RDU Supervisor Training Program 2003
Time: 1st Wednesday of each month, 10 to 11am,
Where: Room 22, Level 13, Building 108
Date / Topic / Papers (Copies of papers available on request from RDU)April 2 / Changes to processes, policies and proformas - the Candidature review conference / No paper
May 7 / Ethics – What should you be advising your students? / Holian, R & Brooks, R. Ethical issues and ‘Insider’ research in organisations, NHMRC, AHEC Conference, ‘Ethics in Human Research’, National Convention Centre, Canberra, 2-4 April 2003.
June 4 / Supervising by distance / Pearson, M. Flexible postgraduate research supervision in an open system, Quality in Postgraduate Research: Making ends meet, (eds) Kiley, M & Mullins, G., The Advisory Centre for University Education, The University of Adelaide, Adelaide, Australia, pp.103-118.
Mahony, M.J. Research Supervision at a distance, Paper presented to the 1997 Australian Association for Research in Education: Researching Education in New Times, 30/11/1997, Brisbane, Queensland.
Godfrey, N & Redford Mavundla, T, Taking the distance away from distance education through flexible learning: Lessons from a South African experience, 2000.
July 2 / Supervising international students / Aspland, T. & O’Donoghue, T. Quality in supervising overseas students?, Chapter 6 in Zuber-Skerritt, O & Ryan, Y (eds), Quality in Postgraduate Education, Kogan Page Ltd, 1994, pp.59-76.
Thomas, R. “We enjoy her picture puzzling and appreciate her not too many words”. Diagrammatic representation: how it can help international students to overcome language barriers., Quality in Postgraduate Education Integrating Perspectives Conference, Adelaide, 2002.
Wisker, G. Cross-cultural research supervision and research at a distance: Issues for postgraduate students and supervisors, Quality in Postgraduate Research: Making ends meet, (eds) Kiley, M & Mullins, G., The Advisory Centre for University Education, The University of Adelaide, Adelaide, Australia, pp.42-49.
August 6 / Examination – How do you brief the examiner? How do you examine a thesis? / Papaefthimiou, Helen, 2002-10-30, Guidelines to Examiners of Professional Doctorate Theses - February 2002 [Online, Text], Student Affairs, Melbourne, Vic, Available from:
Four papers from the SORTI members (Holbrook, Lovat, and Bourke) on their project the PhD Examination project presented at the follwing symposium:
AERA Symposium Examining the Quality of Doctoral Research, Centre for the Study of Research Training and Impact (SORTI), Faculty of Education and Arts, The University of Newcastle, NSW, Australia, 2002.
September 3 / Factors influencing completions / Latona, K & Browne, M, Factors associated with completion of research higher degrees, Higher Education Series Report No. 37, Department of Education, Training and Youth Affairs, Higher Education Division. May 2001.
Ferrer de Valero, Y. Departmental factors affecting time-to-degree and completion rates of doctoral students at one land-grant research institution, The Journal of Higher Education, v.72, no.3, 2001.
Smith, L. Quality postgraduate research programs and student experience, Australian Electronic Journal of Nursing Education, v.8, no.1, April, 2002.
October 1 / Handling students with difficulties / Phillips, E. Avoiding communication breakdown, Chapter 11, Zuber-Skerritt, O & Ryan, Y (eds), Quality in Postgraduate Education, Kogan Page Ltd, 1994, pp.134-142.
November 5 / Experienced supervisors presenting on how they supervise / No Paper
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