15th July 2013 at 6.30pm

Present: Councillors Cox (Mayor), Astell, Bottomley, Elvidge, Gray, Jack, Pearson, Pinder, Sweet, Thorley and Whitfield.

In Attendance: Helen Watson (Town Clerk), Joanna Render (Administrative Assistant)

957. To receive apologies for absence

Apologies were received from Councillors Aird and McGrath

958. (a) To record declarations of interest by any member of the council in respect of the agenda items listed below. Members declaring interests should identify the agenda item and type of interest being declared.

No declarations were recorded.

(b) To note dispensations given to any member of the council in respect of the agenda items listed below.

No dispensations were noted.

959 To confirm the minutes of the Town Council Meeting on the 17th June 2013 and an Extraordinary Full Council meeting on 9th July 2013 are a true and correct record of that which took place.

Resolved – The minutes of the Town Council meeting on 17th June 2013 and Extraordinary Full Council meeting on 9th July were signed as a true and correct record.

960 To receive and adopt the minutes of the following Committees:

(a)  Planning & Environment – 19th June 2013

(b)  Grants – 25th June 2013

(c)  Policy – 3rd July 2013

(d)  Property & Services – 8th July 2013

Cllr Pinder commented that the Extraordinary minutes of 3rd July approved at the Extraordinary meeting on the 9th July should have been circulated with the July Full Council Agenda.

Resolved – The minutes for the above were signed and received as a correct record.

961 To note the minutes of the following working groups:

(a)  Beverley in Bloom – 19th June 2013

(b)  Christmas Lights – 2nd July 2013

The minutes for the above working groups were noted.

962. Matters arising from the above Minutes including a review of the recorded “actions”.

(i) Extraordinary Full Council Meeting of 9th July 2013 – Apologies from Cllr Sweet need to be added to the minutes.

(ii) Grants Meeting 25th June 2013 – Cllr Gray raised concerns regarding the following:

Minute 85 (ii) and questioned the cost of entry to the Blues Festival concert at £12.50 and stated that income will be generated from this, which could be put to the event. Grant Committee members informed Cllr Gray that generated income would go towards the event costs.

Cllr Gray commented on minute 85 (viii) ‘Sport for Everyone’ grant and questioned if the Beverley Leisure Centre would still be charging an entrance fee to the public using the service. Grant Committee members explained that ‘Sport for Everyone’ operate on a minimal cost practice to be inclusive to all and that it was run by volunteers who were unpaid.

Cllr Gray commented on minute 85 (xi), the Grant to Humberside Police that they have powers to precept for service costs.

(iii) Property & Services Meeting 8th July 2013

Minute 216 –. No, Cllr Pinder asked why this was on Full Council agenda and Policy when it had been agreed it would be referred to Policy when information was forthcoming from Consolidated Charities.

(iv) Beverley in Bloom Meeting 19th June 2013 – Cllr Pinder raised query as to who ‘AN Other’ was. Cllr Whitfield recalled that it was a member of the public.

963. To receive reports of external organisation meetings attended and correspondence received:

(a) Beverley Renaissance Partnership – Town Improvement Group - 13th February 2013

Members asked if more current minutes were available. The Town Clerk advised that the minutes received to date had all been distributed.

(b) Beverley and Rural Area Community Partnership – Beverley Heart Town – 16th May 2013

The minutes were noted.

(c) The Bells of Beverley and Beyond – 20th May 2013

The minutes were noted.

(d) Beverley and Rural Area Community Partnership – 30th May 2013

The minutes were noted.

(e) Celebrations 2014 – George I and the Market Cross

A discussion was held on how the town should commemorate both WW1, George I and The Market Cross. Cllr Astell commented that the Town Council should come together with other organisations and arrange a whole town celebration. Cllr Elvidge advised the committee that Barbara English is organising a Market Cross historic event. Cllr Elvidge also reported that Armed Forces Day would take place on 1st July. He will keep the committee advised of any progress.

Cllr Pinder raised concerns over the poor restoration of the Market Cross which had already been painted twice. Members discussed and made observations on the poor quality of the painting of the Market Cross and of the colour of the paints used for the crests/coats of arms. Cllr Pinder explained that she knew that advice of a restoration expert had been sought but that the Market Cross had not been painted in the correct colours or the cartouche restored. Members requested that the Town Clerk contact ERYC in writing to highlight the Town Council’s concerns on the poor quality of painting and request an explanation as to why the expert advice on the restoration has not been followed. Cllr Pinder will pass on the name of the restoration expert to the Town Clerk.

Resolved – That the Town Clerk contact ERYC in writing to highlight the Town Councils concerns on the poor quality of painting of the Market Cross and the crests/coats of arms along with a requesting an explanation as to why the expert advice on the restoration has not been followed.

(f) Beverley Beck – Beckside World War 1 Roll of Honour

Members discussed the WWI Roll of Honours on Beckside and within in the town. Cllrs suggested that all WWI Rolls of Honours plaques on display in the town should be restored and not just the one on the Beckside area.

Resolved – That the Town Clerk is to advise officers at ERYC (Gordon Scaife, Brad Webster and Austin Lillico) of the other plaques on The War Memorial Hall and Keldgate and request they also be restored.

964 Mayor’s Announcements

The Mayor expressed how beautiful the town is looking and that all the floral displays are spectacular. He particularly likes the branding on the planters detailing ‘Beverley in Bloom with involvement of Beverley Town Council’ as this demonstrates excellent partnership working and publicity for the Town Council. He expressed his thanks to all those involved in ‘Beverley in Bloom’.

965 To receive a presentation by Jayne Clarke Executive Director Socially Active Youth Speaking Out regarding the engaging of young people

The Mayor welcomed Ms Jayne Clarke to the meeting, the executive director of ‘Socially Active Youth Speaking Out’ (‘SaySo’)

Ms Clarke introduced her organisation and gave a presentation on her wide experience of working with young people. Mrs Clarke drew attention to the current a gap in the provision and support services for young people, which is as a result of the merger of Connexions and the Youth Service.

Ms Clarke’s in-depth presentation went on to explain the mission and aim of SAYSO, which is to remove barriers to participation for young people, help build bridges between the generations, and enable young people to be involved in the decisions that are being made. She expressed interest in forming a youth council, to include both primary and secondary school pupils. Her aim is that this group should be fully inclusive and link to the projects that the Town Council is working with joint ventures e.g. Field to Table project, whilst also having more involvement with other community groups e.g. Fire Service and the Community Partnership to encourage young people to take an interest in their work.

Ms Clarke requested information about any grants that may be available. The Mayor explained that she could apply for a grant; however the budget had already been set for 2013/14. Ms Clarke reported that she is looking to commence her project in September. The Mayor advised that there is £500 available within the budget for ‘Youth Council’ funding; however a proposal would need to be presented at Full Council in September. Members raised a query on the status of the organisation; Ms Clarke explained that there were several directors and that the company was non-profit making limited by a guarantee.

The Mayor thanked Ms Clarke for her presentation.

Resolved – That Ms Clarke put together a proposal for September Full Council and that a grant application pack be sent to Ms Clarke.

966 To receive a report on the Brainstorming session on the 9th July 2013 and the extended services meeting 21 June 2013.

i) Brainstorming Session 9th July - The Town Clerk advised that would be circulated at a later date as they had not been typed due to time/staffing issues.

ii) Town walkabout – see circulated notes – Cllr Astell reported on the walkabout which took place on 2nd July 2013. The walkabout identified areas that the ERYC and the Town Council could collaborate in. He explained that the ERYC are willing to provide materials to enable the Town Council Handyman to carry out maintenance and repairs. The Mayor expressed thanks to the officers from ERYC for their positive attitude in working together with the Town Council. Cllr Bottomley expressed his disappointment that other councillors had not been invited to the walkabout. Cllr Astell pointed out that this had been agreed at Full Council. Cllr Cox explained that all councillors were welcome to attend, and that there had never been any intention to ignore anybody. The Town Clerk reported that the next walkabout was arranged for 18th July to check the Yorkshire in Bloom judging route.

Resolved – That the Town Clerk send thanks to all involved in the walkabout; Paul Tripp, Nigel Leighton, Ian Norman, Paul Palmer, Tony Wilson, Maureen Richardson and Steve Colby. That all Town councillors be invited to the next walkabout planned for September, and any future ones.

967 To consider actions from a paper on reforming the committee structure and related changes to the Standing Orders/ Scheme of Delegation

Cllr Gray raised a point of order regarding standing order twelve: A Town Council needs a resolution to revoke standing orders. Discussion took place to which edition of the Standing Orders Cllr Gray was quoting. Cllr Pinder referred to Minute 933 May 20th Full Council meeting, ‘’Annual Town/Full Council meeting 20.05.13 Motion: “That the following provision of section 4 of the Scheme of Delegation Committee shall meet within the timetable approved by the Council at its Annual Meeting, be suspended pending the review of the Council’s Scheme of Delegation and related timetable, and that the interim timetable laid before Council be adopted subject to that review.” (As resolved at Policy Committee 1st May 2013). All agreed.’’

Cllr Gray requested advice and guidance be taken from Alan Barker of ERNLLCA on the proposed committees structure, scheme of delegation and amendments required for Standing Order, this was supported by some other members to ensure all amendments were compliant to legislation. The Town Clerk advised that Standing Orders could be changed at any point in time, however once amended they need to ‘sit on the table’ for a month before they can legally be adopted.

Cllr Pinder requested that pending a review, the proposed committee structure be passed forward to the next full council meeting in September. Cllr Cox advised the committee that the Town Clerk as designated officer has already consulted Alan Barker, who has confirmed that they are able to move forward and discuss the committee structure. Cllr Pearson asked that written instruction be sought from Alan Barker.

The following meeting rotas were suggested:

Personnel Committee to meet four times per year – no objection in principle

Grants Committee to meet every twice a year– no objection in principle

Policy Committee, Full Council and Planning, Property and Services Committee to meet on a 6 weekly

rota, as follows

Week One Full Council

Week Two Planning & Property & Services

Week Four Policy

Cllr Gray had concerns regarding delegated planning and delegated electronic payment systems and stated that an officer and Chairperson could not make the decisions for the council. Cllr Cox clarified that it is the Clerk’s that has the powers delegated to them and not the Councillors; however the Clerks can receive relevant information from Councillors to help them make a delegated decision. Cllr Whitfield suggested a scheme of delegation given, to ensure that work goes on in a timely manner instead of waiting for council meetings. He suggested that the committee may have to look at other councils that are already practising such methods. Discussion took place on various methods of practically implementing a scheme of delegation. Cllr Elvidge suggested setting a monetary amount, allowing the Clerk to work up to this without discussion with the Chairman. The Town Clerk pointed out that a budget was set at the start of the year, so most items/budget headings for spend would already be approved in the budget setting process. Cllr Astell reported that many other Town and Parish Councils already bank and pay invoices electronically. He went on to say that in the near future all Town and Parish council meetings will be required to be recorded electronically. He also reported that the Government is looking at electronic banking for Town and Parish Councils at present and information is expected in the next few months,