During the month of February, the sixth grade class watched a film for Valentine’s Day. It was based on the legend of Saint Valentine and the blind girl Theodora. Valentine showed the young girl that even though she wasn’t like the rest, and was going through tough times, God loved her. The sixth grade reflected on the movie and wrote Valentine’s Day letters to either Saint Valentine or Theodora. We are highlighting four letters in this issue. In addition, three eighth graders have submitted writing samples.
We are proud of all who contributed to this edition of The Writers’ Corner.
-Felicia Napoli, Simona Bruno, Edina Cira
Dear Saint Valentine,
The movie “The First Valentine” is a wonderful movie. Your character in the movie was brave, interesting, and had strength and courage in God. You were so amazing with the Bible verses. I loved how you stuck up and loved Theodora when no one else did. I was so shocked that you sacrificed your life for the prisoners. My favorite part was when you let Theodora see the love of the Lord and performed a miracle. I also loved when you gave Theodora a heart with the sign of the cross in the middle. I loved your movie. It was the best.
Mekejla Bushati
Dear Saint Valentine,
I just want to say that I thought it was very brave of you to sacrifice your life for the prisoners. You also taught Theodora about God and you let her know that you and God love her. I admire that even though you were highly honored by the Romans, you disobeyed their rules and followed the rules of the Lord. It was amazing when Theodora spilled red ink on the paper and you turned it into hearts for Theodora to send to the prisoners, thereby sending them a message to give them hope. You are truly amazing.
Your valentine,
Amanda Girgis
Dear Theodora,
Hi Theodora! My name is Fiona. The name Theodora means “gift from God” just as you are a gift from God. What was it like to see again? If you think nobody loves you, you are wrong, because Jesus loves you very much. I understand how you were treated, and you can overcome it by following the Lord; God will get you past anything difficult. You are a loving person who helped a couple see each other when the Romans forbid them to marry. You are a brave person with a warm heart. Don’t ever think the Lord doesn’t love you, “He knows every hair on your head.” The Lord’s love is eternal and will never die.
Fiona Cira
Dear Theodora,
Happy Valentine’s Day! I’ve heard that you were blind and also were friends with St. Valentine. I also heard that you helped a person out of jail to meet her true love again. It took lots of courage to do that and God helped you through it all. I have a few questions to ask. First, did you ever wonder what the world looked like? What was it like being blind? How did you feel after being cured of blindness? You and St. Valentine showed me how to love people, myself, and God even more. Theodora, you are my top hero for Valentine’s Day.
Francis Rivera
Global Warming
Over the past several decades, scientists have been arguing publically about a phenomenon known as global warming. They have brought forth large amounts of evidence showing that humanity’s actions, dating back to the Industrial Revolution, have been severely harming the ecosystem of the Earth, and coupled with natural climate change, is forcing the Earth to warm to temperatures much higher than it should be at this stage of its lifespan.
Since the beginning of the Earth’s existence, it has experienced many periods of intense climate change. One of these phenomena is global warming, where the Earth’s average temperature rises significantly, the glaciers near the poles retreat and become much smaller, average sea levels rise, and extreme weather such as droughts, flooding, and heat waves become increasingly common as the general balance of the Earth’s environment decreases. Research has shown fossil fuels to be a leading cause.
Humanity’s huge reliance on fossil fuels has been a major contributing factor to global warming. These fossilized remains contain large amounts of carbon, (which when burned), bond with oxygen and fill the atmosphere with carbon dioxide; this gas keeps too much sunlight inside the atmosphere and heats the Earth excessively. A logical step is to limit this, or to reduce or even end fossil fuel consumption. Many fossil fuel companies refuse to believe the evidence because they and their corporate backers will lose billions of dollars if their industry ends.
We must do something about global warming now. If we don’t, the planet will be irreparably damaged and the ecosystem forever changed. Fossil fuel companies must be shown the error of their ways and informed that investing in renewable fuel can be more profitable in the long run.
James Venditto
A Healthy Lifestyle
Many measures have been taken by the new generation in an attempt to stay fit and healthy. Some of these measures have worked and have greatly improved the way we stay healthy. One of these measures is beginning a routine of exercising. Another measure taken is going on a healthy diet. Another is the participation in sports.
Many people have taken to exercising as their way of staying fit. There are many different types of exercise and a variety of ways to do it. Some push themselves to take a jog either every day or about three days a week. Others may stick to staying at home and use other remedies to keep their body healthy. When it comes to children or teenagers, it is important that they at least stay physically active for an hour every day. Moderate or vigorous aerobic activities are greatly recommended, and it’s encouraged that bone-strengthening and muscle-strengthening activities be done. This way, they can help the body develop in a strong and healthy way.
Another method that people use to stay healthy is the classic diet. The trick is to slowly let go of all the high-fat and high-sugar foods. For example, it may be easier to let go of one different high-fat/high-sugar food each week than all of them at once. Eventually, your body will become accustomed to no longer having that specific food, and it won’t “crave” it. Also, begin introducing your body to healthier foods, such as fruits, vegetables, and foods high in iron and protein. That way, your body can get used to these healthier options instead.
Lastly, participation in sports can push some to take up a healthier lifestyle. Unlike the other two ways mentioned, sports are a much more fun way to stay fit. Although, I don’t do it much, it has been provento be an effective way to keep healthy. Popular sports that are often played by children/teenagers include basketball, football, track, baseball, dance, swimming, gymnastics, karate, and soccer. For children and teenagers, sports can be a fun activity with the added benefit of staying fit.
In conclusion, although the options that I mentioned are popular choices that people take to be healthy, there are other options to choose from. Not surprisingly, our generation continues to come up with new ways to stay fit.
Samantha Centeno
This essay was submitted to TheEducational Achievement Award Contest.
Super Storm Sandy
A year ago, right after Christmas, I moved back into my home. It had been all but destroyed by Super Storm Sandy. Eleven feet of water filled the lower-level and part of the upstairs. A twenty-foot section of the nearby boardwalk impaled the garage. Most of my mother’s furniture, appliances, clothing, and possessions were water-soaked and consumed by mud, and a great many of my precious books were lost to the water as well.
This devastation first came as an immense, almost mind-numbing shock to my mom and me, as we had sensibly evacuated the day before the unprecedented storm occurred, and never expected the ocean to be in our living room. We came home to a virtually destroyed house and surrounding neighborhood. As soon as the water level receded, my mother immediately sprung into motion, assessed the damage, and with the help of numerous ‘Angels from God’, began the gutting, cleaning, and drying out of what was left of our home. We were and still are intensely grateful to our amazing friends, New York police and firefighters, many wonderful volunteers from various organizations, and a boatload of caring individuals. God bless them all.
Those first few weeks after the storm, as my mother worked to get our home back in order, I joined my Girl Scout troop on numerous occasions to provide water, supplies and assistance to my neighbors in need. I felt it was important to bring hope to the people of Ocean Breeze, many who are elderly and without means. We then delivered Christmas gifts, planted flowers last spring, and delivered canned food this past Thanksgiving. The girls of my troop and I earned our Silver Award for service to my community, an area that is still hurting a year later.
Although my mom and I were out of our home for two months and were sick over the loss of some of our irreplaceable possessions, we were deeply moved that our friends took us in and shared their lives with us. We were also deeply appreciative of the assistance we received from the administration, students, and alumni of St. John Villa Academy. Villa, both financially and spiritually, provided a support that will never be forgotten. The effect of Super Storm Sandy has deepened our gratitude for life and put into perspective what matters most.
Victoria August