A regular meeting of the Mayor and Town Council of Central Valley Town was held on Wednesday, the 16th of September, 2015 at the Central Valley Community Center, 50 West Center, Central Valley, Utah at the hour of 7:30 p.m. after due and timely notice had been provided pursuant to Section 52-4-6, UCA, 1953, as amended.
Council Members: Mayor Kim Peterson, Charles Evans, David Nielson, Becky Bastian and Bryan Brown.
Absent/excused: None
Town Clerk: Allen Henningson
Town Treasurer: Shelley Brown
Wilma Ames, Robyn Ames, Scott Thomsen and Bruce Riddle.
1. Pledge of Allegiance. Opening Remarks given by Bryan Brown. Meeting called to order and roll call. Mayor Peterson welcomed those in attendance at the meeting.
2. Approval of minutes of previous meeting. The minutes of the August 19th Town Council meeting were presented for approval. All members had reviewed the minutes. Mayor Peterson asked for a discussion of the minutes. The minutes were approved upon the motion of Bryan Brown and seconded by Charles Evans. Mayor Kim Peterson voted yes, Charles Evans voted yes, Bryan Brown voted yes, David Nielson voted yes and Becky Bastian voted yes. The voting was unanimous in the affirmative.
3. Comments from Residents. None
4. Street Planning and Improvement Project. Final Plan and final invoice request for approval.
Mayor Peterson reported that Jones and DeMille Engineering provided him with several copies of the final plan of the study for our street improvement project. David Nielson was provided a copy. There will be one at the office and one at the maintenance building. Other council members were asked if they desired a copy. We have the invoice from Jones and DeMille Engineering for the final payment on the study. David Nielson made a motion to pay the $2,600.00 payment to Jones and DeMille Engineering. Bryan Brown seconded the motion. Mayor Kim Peterson voted yes, Charles Evans voted yes, Bryan Brown voted yes, David Nielson voted yes and Becky Bastian voted yes. The voting was unanimous in the affirmative. The total cost of the study was $26,000.00. We received a grant from the CIB for fifty percent of the project. The CIB will be meeting on October 1st to fund projects. The CIB should have enough funds to finance our road improvement project. David stated that the real value of the study will be when we use it as backup to apply for funding for future phases of our road projects. David stated that Jones and DeMille Engineering have provided us with a good product. Mayor Peterson reaffirmed that the study includes all of the major roads in town. We will need to make sure our future projects are listed on the Capital Improvement List.
5. Americans With Disabilities Act Discussion. Review and approve plan.
Mayor Peterson stated that we have been working on the Americans with Disabilities Plan for the town. Becky Bastian provided copies of the Compliance Evaluation and Schedule that she has prepared for the park related facilities. She stated that she had talked with the administrators of ADA. They are sending her a check list that we can use. They told Becky that where there are less than fifty employees the ADA requirements are not rigid. We are not required to have a formal plan. Mayor Peterson stated that the ADA requirements are important and wanted to proceed with the plan and work on our known deficiencies. He suggested that we determine the costs for the deficiencies to see if they are feasible for the town to pursue. In 2015 the plan shows that we will paint the ADA parking spot at the community center, provide an ADA ramp into the play area and provide an ADA parking spot at the Snack Shack. Scott and Bruce have painted the ADA parking spot for the community center. The sign needs to be raised. We need to evaluate the parking spot for the Snack Shack since the area is not paved. In 2016 we plan to provide an access route to the splash pad and an ADA ramp to the east side of the community center if the restrooms are opened for public use. In 2017 we plan to add an unisex restroom near the splash pad that is ADA compliant and an ADA access route and dry zone to the restroom. In 2018 we plan to provide an ADA access route from the Snack Shack to the restroom. In 2019 we plan to provide an ADA access route from the playground to the splash pad and restrooms.
Mayor Peterson asked for comments or concerns with the rough plan. Scott Thomsen said he has contacts with Salt Lake County that can help with the ADA requirements. Wilma Ames provided the council with an inspection she had completed for North Main Street regarding path of travel, sidewalks, curbs, ramps and crosswalk compliance. She expressed concerns with crosswalks near the church. Mayor Peterson stated that the church owned their sidewalks and flower areas and they were recently installed. They are ADA compliant. David Nielson stated that North Main would be reconstructed starting in the spring and we would not be considering any crosswalks until after the road is finished.
6. Park update. Splash Pad. Splash Zone Invoice approval. Concrete ring for splash pad. Splash pad/Park budget. Splash Pad Insurance.
Becky Bastian reported that the splash pad is now working properly. The bucket issues have been resolved. We need to construct a dry zone around the splash pad. Becky has scheduled the inmate crew for October 6th,7th and 8th to remove the sod and prepare the area around the splash pad for the concrete ring. Scott and Bruce will reconstruct the sprinkling system. Charlie Ogden has provided a bid for the concrete work in the amount of $3,900.00. It includes areas for benches. Bruce asked about using the town's gravel for the base for the concrete. Becky will check with Charlie Ogden on the need for gravel. Rebar is needed to make sure the ring is connected to the splash pad. We have about $15,000.00 remaining in the park budget for the rest of the budget year that ends on June 30th. We need to maintain enough funds in the park budget to keep the park operating including salary and electric costs. Bryan Brown said that we need to properly drain the splash pad tank when it is closed for the season. David Nielson made a motion to proceed with the construction of the concrete dry ring and bench area around the splash pad up to the $3,900.00 cost. Charles Evans seconded the motion. Mayor Kim Peterson voted yes, Charles Evans voted yes, Bryan Brown voted yes, David Nielson voted yes and Becky Bastian voted yes. The voting was unanimous in the affirmative. Becky asked if the splash pad had caused any traffic issues for the town. None were noted. Bruce stated that the restrooms need to be cleaned a lot more often and that the kids like to put rocks on the cement areas. There was a discussion regarding providing property insurance for the splash pad. It was decided that we should add the splash pad to our property insurance policy. Becky stated that we should contact Splash Zone when we are ready to close and winterize the splash pad. The restrooms will stay open through October since the baseball fields are still being used. Becky Bastian made a motion to pay Splash Zone the final payment of $8,660.00. Bryan Brown seconded the motion. Mayor Kim Peterson voted yes, Charles Evans voted yes, Bryan Brown voted yes, David Nielson voted yes and Becky Bastian voted yes. The voting was unanimous in the affirmative.
7. Potential acquisition of Dr. Zeluff Property, the Water Source Protection property on Landslide Road.
Mayor Peterson stated that a letter has been prepared to send to Dr. Zeluff regarding the purchase of his property that contains the water source protection area on Landslide Road. The letter will set the value of the property at $15,000.00 per acre for about 10.5 acres. The letter offers to purchase the property for $15,000.00 per acre. The town does not currently have the funding. Dr. Zeluff has stated that he may be interested in donating the property to the town. The town would need to pay for the survey and move the access road to our tanks and springs. The county assessor has said that sub-dividable land may be worth up to $28,000.00 per acre. The council reviewed the letter and determined that it was ready to send to Dr. Zeluff.
8. Discuss and Adopt Amended Culinary Water System Ordinance. Delinquent account issues.
Mayor Peterson stated that all council members have a copy of the new culinary water system ordinance for their books. He said that he has reviewed the water accounts with Shelley Brown. We are having about 26 water accounts that have a penalty each month. The current ordinance requires a shut off notice for accounts not paid after the second month. Mayor Peterson asked if that was an excessive number. We currently have about five shut off notices each month. Mayor Peterson suggested that the council consider changing the shut off notice to one month instead of two. With the addition of the garbage fees and the summer water overages the bills are excessive. The council discussed changing the ordinance to reflect the change. The council decided to keep the current ordinance in place which allows two months before a shut off notice is sent.
9. Meacham Spring/Well, Pump and Electrical issues. Discuss and approve bids for electrical work.
Mayor Peterson stated that we have three bids for the work that is needed at Meacham Spring and Well to upgrade the power connection. Kevin Moore $18,401.00, Larry Blake $14,000.00 and Tim Wallace 8,800.00. Kevin Moore is easy to work with. He has evaluated and suggested solutions to the electrical problems at the area. He provided a detailed bid of the work that he would do. Larry Blake's bid was initially an oral bid and was not accurate. He added $5,000.00 later and finally gave us a written corrected bid. We have had issues getting Larry to come to do work in the past. He has come back to correct deficiencies in his work. Tim Wallace's bid does not include the cut off switch that we need. We have asked for a corrected bid. He has not provided it. The council discussed the three bids. We need someone who is dependable. Charles Evans suggested going with Kevin Moore for the work. He said that Kevin would be the best option for the town. Rocky Mountain Power wants to get started on their portion of the work. Kevin has a good reputation for his work and is available when needed. Kevin has already completed some preliminary evaluation for the project. Bryan Brown made a motion to accept Kevin Moore's $18,401.00 bid and have him complete the needed electrical work. Charles Evans seconded the motion. Mayor Kim Peterson voted yes, Charles Evans voted yes, Bryan Brown voted yes, David Nielson voted yes and Becky Bastian voted yes. The voting was unanimous in the affirmative.
10. Request to adjust Eric Gibbons water account due to water leak. This item was previously resolved.
11. Update on Public Nuisance complaints near park (Terry Foot Property).
Bryan Brown requested that the item be on the agenda. He feels that Terry has not made enough effort on the cleanup on his property. Terry has also parked a travel trailer on the road right of way property in front of his home. Mayor Peterson stated that he saw the trailer parked there on September 9, 2015. The trailer is connected to electricity and has lights on at night. Our ordinance does not allow travel trailers for more than 14 days. Bryan stated that big trucks are still being parked on the edge of the road travel way. He suggested that the town send a reminder letter to Terry regarding the need to continue cleaning his property along with the travel trailer and truck parking issues. Becky Bastian stated that there was also an issue at the home where the Keele's are living. She suggested that they be sent a letter as well. Mayor Peterson stated that by our ordinance we need written complaints regarding the issue. Annalyn Abraham is the property owner and Stew Shaver is managing the rental. Copies of a letter were sent to all three in the past. David Nielson said that the letter should be specific regarding cleanup items. Becky asked that a letter be sent regarding the Abraham property out of concern for the people that are neighbors. Mayor Peterson and Shelley will work on the two letters.
12. Cancellation of Election. Adopt Resolution #2015-004 canceling the Central Valley Town November 3, 2015 Municipal Election.
Mayor Peterson stated that State Code 20A-1-206 allows the town to cancel the November 3, 2015 Municipal Election if certain criteria are met. Since we have only David S. Nielson and Kayde Roberts that have submitted a declaration of candidacy for the two open council seats and there are no municipal ballot propositions, we are eligible to cancel the election by resolution. The resolution needs to be adopted 20 days prior the scheduled election. David Nielson disclosed that he had submitted a declaration of candidacy for one of the positions. Becky Bastian made a motion to adopt Resolution #2015-004 that cancels the Central Valley Town November 3, 2015 Election and certifies that the number of candidates does not exceed the number of open at-large municipal offices. Bryan Brown seconded the motion. Mayor Kim Peterson voted yes, Charles Evans voted yes, Bryan Brown voted yes, David Nielson voted yes and Becky Bastian voted yes. The voting was unanimous in the affirmative. Allen will complete the required posting notices. David and Kayde will start their 4 year terms on the council in January.
13. Approval of monthly expenditures. Mayor Peterson asked for a review of the August expenditures. Bryan asked about the speed sign battery purchase. David explained that we were aware that the batteries that came with the sign had a limited life. The replacement batteries should last longer. Two batteries were purchased as well as a charger. A solar powered speed sign would be harder to move around since they are much heavier. They are also more expensive. Becky Bastian made a motion to approve the August expenditures as described. Bryan Brown seconded it. Mayor Kim Peterson voted yes, Charles Evans voted yes, Bryan Brown voted yes, David Nielson voted yes and Becky Bastian voted yes. The voting was unanimous in the affirmative.