VPRD, Rumelifeneri Yolu, Sarıyer, İstanbul
Phone: +90 (212) 338 10 66
E-mail: / 1
Notification form for the previously approved, ongoing research with human subjects.
1.1. Project Title:
1.2. Principal Investigator (PI):
NameCollege/Division :
Department/Unit :
Home Phone:
Work Phone:
E-mail Address:
Status: / Post doctoral fellow*
Other (Specify):
*Faculty member supervising the project:
E-mail address:
1.3. Co-PIs and members of the Research team:
Name / College/Division : / Center/Country: / E-mail:(Add rows if necessary.)
1.4. Funding information
Is this research being funded by an External Funding Agency?
Yes (Specify)
Name of funding agency:
Grant no and amount:
2.1. Type of project/study:
Please select ALL of the categories of work that apply to this proposed project.
Active collection of data (not human biological materials or biomedical data**)
Active collection of human biological materials or biomedical data)
Use of existing data (not human biological materials)
Use of existing human biological materials
**includes biological, clinical, medical data or anthropomorphic data
2.2. Please provide a lay summary of the study, including the purpose and the research questions and hypothesis to be evaluated in non-technical language. Provide supporting background information from prior studies that will support this study.
2.3. Please describe briefly of how this study will contribute to existing knowledge in the field.
Please attach a copy of the consent form, surveys, questionnaire etc. that you are currently using for your project.
3.1. Is this research being approved by an IRB?
Name of IRB:
Approval date/number:
Please attach a copy of the IRB approval letter.
3.2.Project Start Date or Estimated Project Start Date:
Scheduled Finish Date:
Estimated Project Duration:
The data collection is finished.
This page is to be signed by the investigator(s). If the investigator is an undergraduate, graduate student, or doctoral student, the faculty supervisor must also sign in the lower box.
I certify that the information I provide in this application is correct and complete. I also pledge that
I will not change any of the procedures, forms, or protocols used in this study without first seeking review and approval from the Institutional Review Board.
Signature of Investigator Date
Faculty Supervisor
“I have examined this completed form and I am satisfied with the adequacy of the proposed research design and the measures proposed for the protection of the research participants. I will take responsibility for providing supervision of the student; for informing him/her of the need for the safekeeping of all raw data (e.g., surveys, questionnaires, interview notes, video/audio recordings, test protocols, etc.), as well as signed consent forms, in a University office or computer file; and for overseeing all compliance with the IRB’s policies and procedures.”
Signature of Faculty SupervisorDate
Contact Information of Faculty Supervisor: ______
Your application MUST be accompanied by the supporting documents (including CV of each investigator) at the time of SUBMISSION or the application may be returned to you as “not reviewable” Each CV needs to be signed and dated.
Submit one electronic copy of all the required documents to
All documents and application form must be submitted to the VPRD -CHR Office.
For Official Use Only
Date:Protocol no:
MUST be reviewed by
IRB3 / Type of ReviewRecommended
Full IRB Review
Utilizing expedited review procedures, I have reviewed the Human Subjects Protocol Application attached and all appended documentation and have determined that this research protocol is exempt from full CHR Review.
IRB Chair