Half Term Plan – The foundation Stage Term/Date Jan 2017 Spring Term 1 Topic –Once upon a time

Week / Personal, Social & Emotional Development / Communication & Language
Literacy / Mathematics / Understanding the World / Expressive arts & design / Physical Development.
3 days only / Recap on golden rules/SMART targets
As part of circle time children to talk about Christmas and all the different things they have done and presents they had. / Teacher/TA focus
Guided writing in blue books focusing on non-negotiables such as capital letters full stops, correct sentences. Word mat to support spelling. I went to…./I had…. / Maths moments-related to calendar
Individual assessments / / Music-Sing a variety of familiar songs.
Art-continuous provision / Patio activities-
Circle games
2 / SEAL: Going for Goals
Pass a tambourine around the circle as silently as possible. Explain that our goal is to do it as quietly as possible.
Discuss improvements eg can we do it quieter next time?
Can we set ourselves a goal for next time? / Big book-Three Little Pigs
Teacher/TA focus -Acting out/Sequencing story. Begin story maps as appropriate.
Introducing 1 armed robot letters r b n h m k p / Daily Maths Moment
Focus-Position and time /

Focus- Materials

Sort a variety of objects made from Plastic/wood and metal for The Three Pigs-Talk about similarities and differences.

TASC problem-What kind of house could you build so the wolf would not be able to destroy it

/ Music-Sing a variety of familiar songs add instruments as is appropriate.

Art Paintings of Three Little Pigs

Squiggle While you Wiggle
flipper flappers & dough disco as part of lesson.
DT -Problem solving-make different houses for pigs / PE-Focus different ways of moving.
1-Warm up-small,wide steps
2-Alter direction
3-Move on different body parts
3 / Discuss things that we can try and do better in reception and make a list of goals to reflect on at a later date. / Oral retelling-Three Little Pigs
Teacher/TA focus -
Creating story maps for The Three Little Pigs
Labelling as appropriate for individuals. / Daily Maths Moment
Focus-Numbers within 15 /

Focus- Textures

Talk about different textures and descriptive words e.g. fluffy, spiky, rough, smooth, soft, bumpy etc. relate to story of 3 little Pigs
Pass a feely bag around a circle encourage children to describe what they feel and try to guess what the object could be.
Sort a variety of objects into sets according to their texture.
A set of soft things.
A set of rough things etc.
Talk about similarities and differences.

TASC problem-What kind of house could you build so the wolf would not be able to destroy it

/ Music-Sing a variety of familiar songs add instruments as is appropriate.
Sort instruments into sets according to their material eg wood/metal/plastic
Art- Begin to make feely pictures on squares of paper.
Provide a range of textural materials. Children to choose the materials they will use to create own square. Encourage children to feel materials & describe.
Dance-Squiggle While you Wiggle
flipper flappers & dough disco as part of lesson. / PE-Focus different ways of moving.
1-Warm up-Traffic lights
2-High movements
3-Alter directions
3-Transfer onto apparatus.
Introduce Be MY Bear teddy / Discuss Goldilocks’ behaviour.
Should she have gone into a strange house?
Should she have eaten the porridge?
Why not? / Big Book- Goldilocks & The Three Bears
Teacher focus-Independent writing character description Guess Who?
I am big/I like porridge/I am a Daddy.
TA focus- Guided writing related to character description
Practising r b n h m k p / Daily Maths Moment
Focus-Numbers within 15 /

Making Porridge

Talk about porridge. Look at dry ingredients and talk about changes. How does it look/smell/feel etc
In groups make porridge throughout week.

Free play with porridge oats in tuff spot

TASC problem-What kind of house could you build so the wolf would not be able to destroy it

/ Music- Introduce a variety of instruments to the children -Name instruments, talk about how to hold them correctly & how to play them. Play guess the sound. Children have to identify which instrument they think is making the sound.

Art- Paintings of Goldilocks And Three Bears

Dance- Squiggle While you Wiggle
flipper flappers & dough disco as part of lesson. /

PE- Focus different ways of moving.

1-Warm up-Chilli beans
2-Move at different speeds
3-Move at low levels
4-Transfer onto apparatus
5 / SEAL theme: Going for Goals
Go round the circle and ask children in turn to talk about things they do:
I am good at…..
I like…..
Ask the children to bring in a photo of something they are good at or like to do to share with the class. Understand how we are good at different things.
Ask children to talk about their bear as part of circle time and why it is special. / Oral retelling- Goldilocks & The Three Bears
Teacher focus- Independent writing character description Guess Who?
I am big/I like porridge/I am a Daddy. / Daily Maths Moment
Focus-Numbers within 20 /

Focus- Bears

Children to bring in a bear. Discuss our bears; how are they the same/different? What material are they made of? Why are they special? Sort bears into sets

Teddy Bears Picnic at end of week

TASC problem-What kind of house could you build so the wolf would not be able to destroy it

/ Music-. Focus on metal instruments. As a class sing some simple songs and use the metal instruments to accompany the singing.
Create a different sequence with the instruments and repeat.

Art- Observational drawings of teddy bears/Painting/pastels etc

Dance- Squiggle While you Wiggle
flipper flappers & dough disco as part of lesson.
DT -Problem solving-make different size furniture for 3 bears. / PE- Explore different ways of moving
1-Warm up-Rolling & sliding
2-Alter speed & direction and levels
3-Transfer onto apparatus.
6 / SEAL: Going for Goals
Discuss ‘Things we would like to be able to do.’ Tell the children that these wishes are sometimes called ‘goals’. Tell the children that Douglas/Sherlock’ goal is to read all numbers to 20 and we are going to help him this week.
Who in our class has also achieved this goal this week? / Big Book- The Gingerbread Man
Teacher focus-Independent writing speech bubble for Gingerbread Man
TA focus- Guided writing related to Gingerbread Man / Daily Maths Moment
Focus-Numbers within 20 /


Experiment with a gingerbread man in water. Observe how it changes. Children create ways of helping him to cross the river.
DT -Problem solving-make different size furniture for 3 bears.

TASC problem-What kind of house could you build so the wolf would not be able to destroy it

/ Music-. Focus on wooden instruments. As a class sing some simple songs and use the metal instruments to accompany the singing.
Create a different sequence with the instruments and repeat.
Dance- Squiggle While you Wiggle
flipper flappers & dough disco as part of lesson. / Games-
Practise stepping/ jumping/hopping in and out of hoop
Practise running, jumping and landing in hoops.
Gingerbread Man workshop.
Half a day per class-All day Wednesday and Thursday morning / As part of circle time children to say something they like about the person sitting next to them.
EG I like ……. because he is kind to me. / Oral retelling- The Gingerbread Man
Teacher focus- independent writing speech bubble for Gingerbread Man
TA focus- assessments / Daily Maths Moment
Focus-Shape & pattern /

Focus- Mixing & bashing

Part 1

Experiment mixing & bashing a variety of materials
2-Cornflour & water
5-Shaving foam
Uses senses to discuss and observe changes / Music-. Focus on plastic instruments. As a class sing some simple songs and use the metal instruments to accompany the singing.
Create a different sequence with the instruments and repeat.
Dance- Squiggle While you Wiggle
flipper flappers & dough disco as part of lesson. / Games-
Individually working with a hoop. Jumping, jogging inside, walking around it etc.
·  Practise rolling & stopping it.

·  Practise rolling to a partner and stopping it.