
Chapter One

What is it to be branded an abuser? Who am I except innocent of a sick individuals mind who thought mom had no rights except to fund her life since her husband's all divorced her.

When I was young there was a Western on TV it was called “Branded”. The show was about an Army officer in the Civil War, men destroyed the truth about this officer with lies that allowed those that created filthy fowl lies to appear the gospel.

I know exactly how he felt my half sister took delight soiling her half gay sister's good name so she could get what she wanted.

Diana Lee Heike Spreadeagle wanted more then air to force our arthrotic mom to Texas so mom's funds would keep her home safe . Diana married five times figured if mom was forced to Texas without option to leave Diana. A trapped mom keep Diana from being lonely.

No one will care Mom was bullied and beat literally by her dad and lived a depressed life with my alcoholic dad. Dad used words to humiliate spirits he struck his eldest me. Diana figured like her lovers that fled at first chance and her husbands by way of divorce mom would die a captive!

That how narcissists are they need people to see them as heroes. Mom and I always prayed someone would stop dad people are cowards. I was literally branded found guilty of Abusing my mom without a trace of evidence. Why because it served Diana’s purpose.! Mike fellow that Providence allowed to buy mom’s house as a steal at 12,000 dollars 13000 dollars less the value of the property in December 2014.

He knows the truth of how moms home at 405 2nd Street NE, in Waukon,IA. The same house Diana worked fast so she could move mom from Iowa and no one would be the wiser and mother like a person toppling off a hill mom would find herself raped stolen away from her family. Mom at 87 in Texas told over and over she has no recourse no one wants her no one cares !

That’s a lie! I am fighting I will continue the good fight to free mom so she can return to Iowa and her family. I wish it were possible to send her a way to a federal prison and she can live without knowing if mom breaths daily in fear of the pain my sweet mom is enduring in her hands.

I never dated in highschool I was always at home caring for the yard doing for my mom . When your dad is alcoholic words hurt as much as a bruise and you stop being a kid at nine. That wasn’t the case for my older half sister she had a string of boy friends “Diana Lee was the girl that put out,pregnant and married at 18.” Ellen my kid sister never understood how being bullied felt so she never stopped Diana or Dad.

I was the kid that always allowed dad to go home early from family event. See it was easy make Val cry bullying her easy pissie. ( Everyone should watch “How to Frame a Frigg it's an old Don Knotts movie it shows how easy it is to lie and frame the innocent.”

After high school I had a year of college mom paid for I wasn’t going to hear for the rest of my life how I was the only daughter that went to school .

In 1977 I enlisted in delayed enlistment into the US ARMY my job or MOS was going to be computer programmer in Germany for six years. (Computers had just gone into schools in 1976.)

I went to bootcamp in April 1978 I was at Fort Jackson South Carolina for my boot. In July after being the second group of women to ever train with men my company D(Delta) graduated into the United Stated Army. It was beyond wonderful till I got to my MOS training.

The training was at Fort Benjamin Harrison it was there that I found that the recruiter was awesome at filling uniform with jobs that did not exist. What Diana and her son did to my life and who I am a Honorably discharged from the US ARMY there no words only severe mind numbing pain where my heart once was.

They sewed the seeds of their lies,to my family and strangers alike with no thought of the pain it would cause me in order to force a woman that is not an invalid,or mentally incapable, from her home . This vibrant lady my mom deserves to be heard , and intelligent my mom Marian Heike tended the books ,ran the house and did the bills for over sixty years now she isn’t even allowed to be the first one to read her own mail.

Diana Lee Dudley rang mom on the phone (which I paid for seventy times a week “No,I don't want to live with you in Texas! Harassing mom.)

Again when Human Services descended upon our home on 2012/ and 2014(twice)’No I am not being abused in any way by Val nor am I not being feed!’ They. The Iowa Human Services Choose to hear nothing! But when my narcissistic half sister lied and told a branch of a federal government that her Gay half sister me was so controlling that I do not even have to be in the same room for our mom to lie.That makes me want to puke!’

My mom like me we don’t lie,steal,mom doesn't swear mom will say ‘He double toothpicks! I write to clear my name of. Her filthy lies and to return mo to Iowa. She has one grandson that knows the meaning of honor.

(Written in first person,allowing the thought process of Diana Heike to be seen through what she to her Gay half sister.)

Chapter ? (to be figured out)

Val Littlewolf Heike is not and has never a liar,bully,thief or begger,was a soldier,woman's advocate,caretaker. Is a poet,historian pushered author. ( Second chapter title)

Chapter One



Diana Lee Heike

Born May 5th 1948,to a wife beater and a gentle Iowan girl from Spencer,Iowa. Marian Bittenger daughter of Clarence Ward Bittenger whose wife of sixty years was Lottie Henrietta Starkey second youngest of Luis Starkey.

Diana born in 1948, had raven hair and brown eyes and the ability to bend people to her will like Adolph Hitler a true narcissists . Lots of friends they are expendable,lots of men to control then boot then to the curb. A manuver’r since eight . About 5-8 in height with horrible migrain head aches, Diana convinced a head doctor that she had Fibermyology.

Diana had two children. Now her children are 49 and 47.(Mom’s grand children are still young starting families . I always planned on adopting after I finished college and mom and I had more money coming in Diana’s lies raped me of that dream . Diana sold my good name as surily as she keeps mom from where she wants to live .

Ellen Heike Vals kid sister. Ellen was born in Spencer,Iowa 1961. About 5 eight. Ellen graduated in 1979. I used to be her biggest fan until Ellen had breast cancer and a friend of hers thought I was put of place for asking friends to pray for her to get well. Instead of Ellen telling her friend Val’s my sister she has the right to care about my health Ellen yells at me for carring and sharing what she was going through.

●  See bullies never change victims have to die to stand for their rights and the family they love. No educator will ever stop bulling not when families practice it,enjoy it and use it against other family members.

Ellen a mother of two boys Daniel and Craig they are two years apart and a year apart in school. Diana told Human Service Ellen was afraid of me so they never bothered to Question her about what was or was not the trueth about mom.Typical is this how they deal with ever slander?

Beside myself Ellen was the only other person that knew first hand how well I cared for mom. Mom never could keep the trueth from anyone if she was being treated I'll everyone would have heard of it. This lie has had its 15 minutes now's the time for the truth am I the only one that gives a damn for my mom?

Marian D. Heike has since 1955 been madly in love with Don Bender. In 1955, Mom met Don an airman vacationing with his best friend another airman at a seaside hotel in Bloxi Mississippi. Three days after mom and her best friend returned tp their work in Des Moines Iowa at Dekalb a large ag company in Iowa.Don drowned after breaking his neck while diving off the pier.

My mom born 1927, from the supposed greatest generation lived through the depression the nation and hers.

Mom was of a family of three,an older sister Clarian and a younger brother Winton. Marian's Norweign,German and Welsh(actually Pennsyvaniana Deutsch.) Mom doesn’t lie or sware (Diana is every bit her fathers daughter and her grandma her fathers mom) Albertines was a control freak just like her granddaughter Diana. When mom screamed at Dennis Headinton (a little knobby crooked nosed bitch who snorted when she spook(that's a lie all I recall of her appearance is that the woman named Dawn who came to our house day after Thanksgiving 2014 was better looking then Dennis ,I found her to be as good of a liar as Diana in July of 2015 of Human Services of Iowa “This is Not Soviet Russia!” Mom yelled at Dennis Headinton, “ you have No Business in my home! No one is Abusing me or with holding food from me! Now Get Out! “

Clarian Bittenger Lovitt

Born 1924 mom’s oldest sister. Clarian knew I was mothers caretaker in the 1990’s while I worked at Mt. Rushmore Clarian wrote to me and told me mom was suppose to get 22 hours a day bed rest. Clarian didn't write to Ellen mom was still carrying for her boys on the weekends. Clarian didn't write to Diana. Clarian cared for Nana my grandma. No one dirtied her name because Nana didn't wish to move full time to Arizona.

And as she was waving her business card around yelling at mom and me that she had every right being in moms house (she reminded me of some people on Face book they love themselves pictures of themselves everywhere that's narcistic behavior maybe that's why Dennis lied out right for Diana Lee.)

Except for just a few years I Val K Heike assisted my mom and fifteen other women for years since I was nine my mom other woman I worked with since 19 in my own business as a Social Entrepreneur.

I was 17 when my small family mom,dad and little sister cat Kotten and Patches our dog. (Diana my half natcisstic sister while I was a way at school one day she manuvered a new home in the country for my dog Casey grandson of our Penny dog.)

We never saw Casey again story Diana told was that friends of hers were going to Mexico to be missionaries. Diana didn't want the dog it's hard for you to be a big deal if you don't rescue or appear to rescue something.

Ladies I cared for in Waukon Iowa 1979 -1994 ,seasonal with mom 1994,1995 till November 1998,1999 November to April 2000 . Worked two contracts at Mt. Rushmore before going full time for Amfact the then concessioneer at Mt Rushmore. A season for seasonal’s ran just before Easter to October 15.

Mt Rushmore was open year round but mostly people travel when children are out of school. Older people travel in spring or usually fall. Many tourist are German I was told once that has to do with the fact it's least expensive to travel state side then in Germany.

I started working for older woman who I treasure as a historian they are our treasures. I charged nothing for assisting and ate a meal or two with them a week. These ladies were as lonly for companionship as I was hungry to hear their stories. (Harriet Duggan,Mary Florence Jean Ryan Fitzgerald,Beatrice Regan,Beatrice Magner Fahey,Leona Howle Baxter,Colleen Mathis Hart,Mary Elsie Collins, Beatrice Zahl,Beuahla Brainard Bower,Irene and Alice Brainard,Vonnie White, Laretta Ryan,Elsie Ferring Haas, Julia Ryan , Mildred Hansen Marsden and Margrette Strauti and Mary Miller,and Annie Yoder.) Their was Mrs Colleen Hart her husband was my folks attorney I worked in her yard. Colleen had been a Mathis before she Wed.

Collin had liver cancer her five children had started treating her without concern Colleen said that was because it was taking so long for her to die. Very sweet lady thought of still with love in front of Saint Patrick's Catholic Church in Waukon,IA stands a brick wall with in memory of Collin Hart. I will never forget the year it took me two days doing her yard and putting on her storm or screen Windows.

My god just recalling this woman who was a true lady. I miss my mom trapped with the narciss on Granbury Texas. I haven't heard her sweet voice for two months the thought of being deprived her for a year because Diana needed mom’s money more then she Diana Lee cared that mom wanted to remain in Iowa in my care.

Diana told Human Service you can’t believe mom she says what Val wants her to say even when Vals not near her.(Today at the food bank I was talking to a woman in her seventies she sounds like she's from my family. Her younger sisters live in fear of their older sister. Prisoners from the truth!)

Mary Elsie Collins , Mary and her brother started IMPRO in Waukon,IA I cared for her yard. Mary gave me several roseries blessed by the Pope I also babysat with her great niece and nephew Dave Martin and Laurie's children. Little Val’s famous for her cowsshe paints.

Mary Collins was one of the people who sent bibles to Russia and Mary was so strong and had such a blessed heart and spirit she worked so hard and got the church in Waukon(Saint Pats Catholic Church ) to move babies buried outside blessed church cemetary.

There's a statue in cemetary Mary's with me daily always another unmarried woman trying to do her best for her family.

IMPRO was the first original family owned business in Waukon,IA to link with a Japanese company. Made Waukon History. I love history.

Elsie Haas was grandpa Ferrings sister. Elsie was a wonderful Iowan German she was diabetic and each Christmas she canned meat and made sugar cookies for her grandchildren. They were both wonderful the cookies and canned meat.

I am telling you all this because as a historian I know that we are who we are from those surround us there is nothing as great as being with and having older companions due to Diana Lee Heike's out right criminal lies with malice . I thought I wasn’t allowed to be with the elderly but that's illogical I have never been accused and there isn't any evidence proving Val ever harmed anyone. However you see I was placed on Elder Abuse without any evidence just to force our mom into being a prisoner of Diana Lee Dudley was her last name of of a husband she loved.