Expose Yourself


Do you need your voice to be heard? Got something interesting to say about ‘self’?

We’re listening.

We are looking for unique new writers to perform original, thought-provoking 10 minute pieces exploring the themes of race, gender, identity, health, stereotypes and culture at the Lyric Hammersmith.This can include the discussion of topics such as mental health, self-image and purpose.The piece can stand on its own as a 10 minute script or be an extract of a longer play.

This showcase of fresh new talent will be part of the Lyric Hammersmith’s festival: Evolution 2018. A four day celebration of the groundbreaking, exciting and amazing work which is being produced in our capital.

What Are The Benefits

  • Rehearsal Space
  • Technical Support
  • A night in the Lyric Studio
  • Press & Publicity

How To Apply?

To apply for this exciting opportunity, you will need to create a video no longer than 5 minutes which covers a range of questions. This video can be created in many styles, e.g. vlog, short film, pitch etc. This video should give us an insight into your performance, themes and cast so be creative and different. To start your video think about the following questions and how you could infuse these answers into your video!

  1. What is your show about?
  2. What made you write the piece?
  3. Have you performed the piece before?
  4. Why you should perform at the Lyric, and why your show is relevant today?

5. How will this opportunity help you/your theatre company?

If you’re interested, act fast. Send the application form, script/plan and your videoto . If your application is shortlisted, you’ll meet with members of the Young Lyric team on Wednesday 10 January or Thursday 11 January.

ApplybyWednesday 5 January.

For the next generation of creatives.
A festival made by young artists for young artists.

Evolution 2018 – Application Form


  • You mustattach the script or plan of your show to the application form
  • You (and your theatre company)must be between the ages of 18 and 25
  • You (and your theatre company) must live in one of the 32 London Boroughs
  • You (and your theatre company) must be able to commit to an interview on10 or 11 January

ABOUT YOU (Lead Artist)

Name: / Date of birth: / Gender: Male/Female
(please delete as appropriate)
Telephone number: / Email address:
What is your ethnicity? (please tick one box below)
White / Mixed
English/Welsh/Scottish/Northern Irish / White and Black Caribbean
Irish / White and Black African
Gypsy or Irish Traveller / White and Asian
Any Other White background / Any Other Mixed
Asian / Asian British / Black or Black British
Indian / African
Pakistani / Caribbean
Bangladeshi / Any other Black background
Chinese / Prefer not to say
Any other Asian background
Any other ethnic group
Any other ethnic group
Are you registered as disabled?
If yes, please provide any details that you wish to give:
Do have any medical conditions or are you taking medicine we should be aware of?
If yes, please provide any details that you wish to give:

The information contained in this form will only ever be used for purposes of equal opportunities monitoring and will be stored securely at the Lyric Hammersmith.

We will only pass your information on to other agencies when we believe it is lawful in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998 and when it is appropriate to do so.

The deadline for applications is Friday 5January 2018.All applicants that are shortlisted will need be available for an interview on 10 or 11 January 2018. Applications should be sent to .