Guidance Notes for Schools

Data to be submitted by Wednesday, 10 June

Enquiries to: Data Collections Team

Telephone: 0333 013 9856


Submission of results to the LA

Schools are asked to send their KS2 Teacher Assessment (TA) results to us, rather than direct to the Standards and Testing Agency (STA). This will allow the LA to quality assure the data before we submit results to the STA on behalf of schools.

Please send us your results by Wednesday, 10June.However, if your final results are still subject to moderationthen wait until the outcome is known before submitting your data in case any changes are required.

TA results must be returned for every pupilregistered to either sit a national curriculum test orwho are working below the level of the tests. Results are required at both attainment target and subject levels, as follows:

English (Subject level)
Speaking and listening (En1)
Reading (En2)
Writing (En3)
Mathematics (Subject level)
Using & applying mathematics(Ma1)
Number & algebra (Ma2)
Shape, space & measures (Ma3)
Handling data (Ma4)
Science (Subject level)
Scientific enquiry (Sc1)
Life processes & living things (Sc2)
Materials & their properties (Sc3)
Physical processes (Sc4)

The range of possible outcomes for each assessment is: W, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, A, D.

W working towards level 1

A not assessed due to absence or because pupil has recently arrived in school and not enough information is available to calculate a teacher assessment level

Dteacher assessment has been disapplied.

Reporting TA results for pupils who move school in the summer term

The school where the pupilwas registered during the KS2 test week must submit TA data.
If a pupil moves before test week, the receiving school must submit TA data.
If a pupil moves during test week, the school where they sat each test should submit the data. For example, if the pupil sat English reading at one school and mathematics at another, each school must submit data for the relevant test(s).

(The above guidance is from the 2015 KS2 Assessment & Reporting Arrangements.)

Reporting P-scales results

The use of P scales is statutory for pupils with special educational needs whose TA level is‘W’.They should not, however, be applied to recently arrived pupils or those new to English unless they have additional special educational needs.The valid P-scale levels for each assessment are as follows:

P Scale subject / Reportable levels
English / P1i, P1ii, P2i, P2ii, P3i, P3ii
Reading / P4, P5, P6, P7, P8
Writing / P4, P5, P6, P7, P8
Speaking / P4, P5, P6, P7, P8
Listening / P4, P5, P6, P7, P8
Mathematics / P1i, P1ii, P2i, P2ii, P3i, P3ii
Number / P4, P5, P6, P7, P8
Using and Applying / P4, P5, P6, P7, P8
Shape, Space and Measures / P4, P5, P6, P7, P8
Science / P1i, P1ii, P2i, P2ii, P3i, P3ii, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8
  • If a pupil is assessed between P4–P8 for English or mathematics, P scales should be reported for each individual attainment target only, and a subject level should not be reported.If a pupil is working below P4,only the subject level P scale should be reported and the individual attainment targets should remain blank.
  • For science, only one level is reported,between P1i–P8.
  • If a pupil is working below level 1 and they do not have a special educational need, then the code ‘NOTSEN’ should be reportedat subject and attainment target level. This includes pupils who are ‘W’ solely because they have English as an additional language.

Creating your return

  • Schools should record their KS2 TA results (and P-scales where applicable) for each pupil on their assessmentsoftware(e.g. Target Tracker, SIMS Assessment Manager, etc). The software will allow you to create an export file to send to the LA, using the s2s website (see page 3). We will then upload your results to the NCA Tools website. Please note we cannot accept results as paper returns.
  • For any school that does not use their assessment software to record KS2 TA results, an Excel results template can be downloaded from the teacher assessment section of theNCA tools website from 1 June. Once you have added your data to the template please contact us on 0333 013 9856 as you will need to re-name your file and submit it using the generic fileoption on s2s.

Return of KS2Teacher Assessment data to the LA

Schools should use the school to school (s2s) data transfer website to send their KS2TA data to the LA.s2s is accessed through the ‘Secure Access’ web portal.

Log on to

You will now see the Secure Access login page.

Screen 1

Screen 2

Screen 3

Screen 4

Use the Browse function to find the KS2 XML file stored on your computer in your chosen location. The file name will be in one of the following formats:


881SSSS_CTF_881LLLL_NUM.XML where:
SSSS is the school DfE number.
NUM is a file extension number (such as 001, 002, etc), which increases each time a file is created.

To check that you have located the most recent version, hover over the file name with your cursor to see ‘date modified’.

(If you need to submit a revised return at any stage, please email to let us know.)

  • Once the file has been located, double click on the file name.The box Select Folder & File Name will be populated with the file. Screen 5 will now appear.

Screen 5

  • Once the upload is complete a message similar to the one in Screen 6 will appear to say that the file has been transferred to the web site. It is important that you wait for this message, because if you exit the screen before it appears no data will be transferred.

Screen 6

  • When the file has been successfully transferred to the website, use the Back button on your toolbar to return to the previous page and choose logoff from the s2s menu on the left and then click the ‘Sign Out’ button to exit Secure Access.

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