7645, rue de la Fraîcheur
QuÉbec (Québec), Canada, g2K 2C7
Tel.: (418) 628-6565
Cell.: (418) 572-3371
Pertinent experience and training•Bilingual French>English and English>French•English Literature and English Second Language Teacher •Editing •Project Management• Copywriting
Fieldsof expertise
Telecommunications• Engineering• Management • Marketing •Business/Commerce • Human Resources • Literature • Certificates/CVs • Tourism/Travel • Psychology • Culinary • Theology •Education / Pedagogy
Specific Knowledgeand Capabilities
ComputersPowerPoint 2003, Excel 2003, Word 2003, Visio, TRADOS2007, Electronic mail and
Internet (high-speed)
Masters Degree in School Administration
Université de Sherbrooke, Longueuil2003-…
Bachelor's Degree in Teaching English as a Second Language,
Option inTranslation
Université du Québec à Chicoutimi1993
* License to teach at the elementary, highschool and college levels
Professional Experience
Translator / Proofreader/ Copywriter
Freelance1998 - …
Most recent projects:
Call for Proposals - Minister of Transportation (Québec)
Annual Financial Reports (Europe)Engineering & IT Audit Reports (Quebec and Europe)
Charter for the use of ICTs (Europe)
Professional Experience (Cont’d)
Most recent projects (cont'd):
Collective Agreement for a major aluminum smelting plant (Québec)
Educational contracts (Québec)
Telecommunications: newspaper articles and radio transcripts for a legal case (Europe)
Quotations for engineering projects (Québec)
Internal magazine for a major banking firm and for a major transportation company (Europe)
Educational project based on differentiation for a school (Québec)
Operating manuals for an aluminum smelting plant and pulp and paper mill (Québec)
Business correspondence (Québec)
Websites for a foundation, print shop and truck company(Québec)
Publicity campaigns (Québec)
Press releases (Québec)
Personal résumés – civil engineers (Québec)
Marketing material for Adidas, Garnier, LG, Galeria, Veritee, EDS, etc. (Europe)
Horticulture: Flower Catalogues, etc. (Europe)
Conflict management manual (Québec)
Virtual team management/Time management/Stress management workshop material (Québec)
Video games: Nintendo, the best of D.S., etc. (Europe)
Project Manager for the Start-up of a Private School
Académie chrétienne Héritage, Longueuil2005- 2006
Vice Principal / Interim Principal
École L’Eau-Vive, Québec2002-2005
École La Source, Chicoutimi1996-1999
English Second Language Teacher / English language Arts Teacher
Commission scolaire de la Capitale, Québec2000
École La Source, Chicoutimi1987-1993 and 1994-1998
Commission scolaire Eastern Québec
SaguenayValleyHigh School, Jonquière1993-1994
Social Aide Technician
École La Source, Chicoutimi1990-1993 and 1996-1998
Design, decorative arts, floral arrangements, sewing, cooking
Poetry, reading, creative writing,
Skiing, workout, and social activities
Available upon request
Joanne Francis
7645, rue de la Fraîcheur (Québec) G2K 2C7 • Tel.: (418) 628-6565•