The Preacher Feature: The Rev. Canon Ted J. Monica
Highlighting the lives and ministries of local clergy and congregations/organizations
By Reverend Dr. Betsy Goehrig
The Reverend Canon Ted J. Monica is the priest at Holy Comforter Episcopal Church, at 2015 Fleischmann Rd., in Tallahassee. The congregation meets for worship Sundays, 8:00 & 10:30 AM, Wednesdays 5:30 PM, and hosts a Taize service on the first Monday of each month at 7:00 PM. Ted has been at Holy Comforter for four years. The church, which began in 1953, includes such ministries as a youth group, Holy Comforter Episcopal School, Supper Club, Adult Bible Study, Stephen Ministry, and Sunday school. The church actively serves in the community and beyond through a Food Pantry on Saturday mornings. They support Grace Mission and participate in Habitat for Humanity and outreach to parishes in Cuba. They also have a team that assists the local Cold Night Shelter. For more information about the church, phone 850-877-2712 or go to their website
Rev. Monica has previously served as a priest in Upstate New York, serving parishes in Johnstown, Elizabethtown, Plattsburgh, Ogdensburg, Watertown and Lowville. He also serves as the Regional Canon to the Appalachee Region of the Diocese of Florida. He has previously served as the Regional Dean of the Western Mohawk district of the Diocese of Albany, New York and has served on Liturgical Committees in three dioceses.
Rev. Monica’s educational preparation for ministry includes a B.A. in Philosophy from Wadhams Hall Seminary College, Odgensburg, New York, and an M. Div. from Christ the King Theological Seminary, E. Aurora, New York.
In describing his calling into ministry, he said, “I used to play priest when I was in third grade. I have always felt a strong call to serve God in this ministry.” Those who have been an inspiration for his life and ministry include Rev. Thomas Moody and Rev. Floyd Brown. The priest of his home parish, Rev. Benoit Dostie was also a strong influence in his formative years. “My strongest influence has been the Holy Spirit.”
When asked to describe a challenging time in his life or ministry in which faith made a difference, Rev. Monica shared that as a teenager it was necessary for him to become an emancipated minor at the age of 16. He said, “It was my faith in God and the support of my Church family that helped me to stay in school while working two jobs to make ends meet. Though I lived on my own, I was never alone.”
On a personal note, Rev. Monica’s wife is also an Episcopal priest, The Reverend Teri Monica. He feels it is a blessing to be able to share ministry with her. They have two daughters Tara & Therese Whichello. Though he was born in Upstate New York, he always wanted to live in the south and sees moving to Tallahassee as a great blessing.
When asked to share a scripture that has been especially meaningful for his life and ministry, he shared Romans 8:38-39: “For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor rulers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, 39nor height, nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.”
By Rev. Dr. Betsy Goehrig, Pastor/New Church Planter, Blessings Disciples of Christ Church