LYLA Board Meeting

Londonderry High School


In attendance: Bob McGrath, Karen Wasserman, Frances Kenison, Debbie Lewis, Elaine Weidner, Jerome Mackesy, Chris Hastings, Abigail McCune, Kim Jacobs, Janet Hennessey and Kevin Derhak

Motion made by Kevin to open the meeting at 7:50, seconded by Bob all in favor.

Bob- Vice President info

-Girls t-shirts have a different logo than the boys. Vote made to change the logo to one of the new ones that Bob made up. Motion passed.

- The boys have Lond. Youth Lax on the front and a design on the back.

- $1153 for the boys. Still working out the price of the girls. Colored t’s are more expensive

Debbie- Financials

- Lots of ref checks- almost $4500

- $900 check outstanding for North/South

- $1400 check outstanding for the festival

- $1000 check outstanding for the 2-$500 scholarship winners

- Debbie will do the photo with the winners to get a picture and the LYLA name into the paper

Kevin- President info

- End of year banquet to discuss

- slide show on a continuous cycle during the banquet. Need pictures.

***Need to ask people to take pictures this weekend or if they already have some, send them in to the website. Need these sent in by Tuesday, June 8th.

- Signs at each table with which team will occupy that table. Need coaches and/or asst coach to sit at each table to help keep the noise down

***Kim is all set with the pizzas, soda, water and forks. Still needs to get plates.

***Elaine will bring napkins from Hannaford

-  Start setting up between 5 and 5:30

-  Food from 6:15- 7 PM (approx.)

-  Speaker at 7 PM (approx)

-  Team presentations begin after speaker finishes

- Joe McCune is the boys speaker and Bob Slater is the girls speaker

Abigail- Membership/Special projects

- Trophies are in

- Have 3 volunteers so far.

- We need to man LMS field from 8 AM- 7 PM on Sat. and Sun.

- Abigail will let Kevin know by Thurs or Fri at the latest if we don’t have at least 60% of the volunteer slots filled

End of Year Festival:

***Chris will get a list of expectations for the field marshalls and a list of rules for boys and girls to have available for the field marshall’s to reference

***Frances will bring 4 chairs for the LMS field

***Kevin will bring a cooler for the LMS field

***Elaine will contact Kevin Foley to see if he can loan us the gator or golf cart for the weekend

***Janet will send out a link to the field maps

***Bob offered to help on Friday and bring a pop up tent for LMS

Jerome and Kevin will line a U9 field later this week or early next week.

Kim- Fundraising

-  Kim explained the memorabilia fundraiser to have at the tournament

-  Discussion ensued , pros/cons, liabilities?

***Janet will send an email blast to all about the fundraiser after she receives the info we want to share.

***Kim will send Janet the info to send out

***Jerome will bring a 3 sided/ zip up tent to use for the fundraiser

***Kim will have a list of who will be manning the tent

***Sean, can we get any jerseys signed or not from the Boston Cannons to use in the fundraiser?


-  Banners should be ready for the tournament (2)

-  - one 3x3 banner is for announcing sign ups

***If everyone can go through the emails or papers at home and see if they have the most up to date by-laws and if so, send to Kevin please. Should be dated 10/08.

Next meeting will be a wrap up meeting on July 6th. Place and time to be determined.

Motion made by Kevin to close the meeting, seconded by Elaine. All in favor. Meeting adjourned at 9:22 PM

Respectfully submitted by Elaine Weidner, Secretary.