Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life.


I COR. 10:31



Weekly memory verse - Proverbs 4:23

Read - Proverbs 4:1-6


1. What should the children hear?


3. Define ATTEND -

4. To what should they attend?

5. We are to apply whose instruction?

6. What is the result?

7. Why should we hear the instruction of a father?

8. What is doctrine?

9. Who was Solomon's father? (I Chronicles 29:1)

10. Who was his mother?

11. So who is speaking in verses 4-6?

12. What is the result of keeping his father's commandments?

13. What is promised in Ephesians 6:2-3?

14. What are we not to do with wisdom and understanding?

15. Define PRESERVE –

16. What are we not to forsake but love?


David, Solomon’s dad, had experienced a lot of tough things. He had experience and knowledge. He had been where Solomon was now. So have your parents. Don’t throw away their knowledge and experience. How can you better keep your parents commandments and how will this benefit you?




Weekly memory Verse - Proverbs 4:23

Read- Proverbs 4:7-9

Examine -

1. What is the principal thing?

2. Define PRINCIPAL (Choose the one that best fits) -

3. What two things should we “get”?

4. If we ______wisdom, she shall ______us. (vs. 8)

5. When will she bring us honor?

6. In verse 9, what two things will she bring?

Apply -

List below the benefits of wisdom:

Which of these would you not like to have?

Most people are clamoring for them. Wisdom gives them. Are you “getting” wisdom?




Weekly memory verse - Proverbs 4:23

Read - Proverbs 4:10-13

Examine -

1. What does he ask his son to do again?

2. Define RECEIVE -

3. What is the result of hearing and receiving his saying?

4. How had his father taught him?

5. Which way had he led him?

6. Define STRAIT –

7. Take this definition and tell what the first part of verse 12 means?

8. If we have wisdom what will not happen when we run?

9. What does “take fast hold” mean?

10. Of what are we to take fast hold?

11. What is our life?

12. If this is true what will happen when we stop learning?

Apply -

It sounds to me like we can avoid a lot of pain and trouble by listening to others. Are you heeding what others tell you? Can you think of an example of how you have heeded something that someone wiser has told you? If yes, what?

How are you pursuing wisdom and understanding?




Weekly memory verse - Proverbs 4:23

Read - Proverbs 4:14-19

Examine -

1. In what are we not to enter?

2. What way are we not to go?

3. What four things should we do to the evil path?

4. The wicked don’t sleep unless they do what two things?

5. What do they eat and drink?

6. List the main differences in the two paths in verses 18-19.

7. What is the perfect day?

BONUS – Can you give me one verse that shows Jesus as light and one verse that shows that sin is darkness?

Apply -

What are some wrong paths you can avoid today?

What are some right ones you can take?




Memory Verse - Proverbs 4:23

Read- Proverbs 4:20-22

Examine -

1. To what are we to attend?

2. For what is the ear used?

Is it used for anything else?

3. Define INCLINE –

4. To what are we to incline?

5. Considering the last two answers, give your opinion as to what verse 20 is saying.

6. List the 3 physical parts mentioned in today's passage.

7. What is not to depart from our eyes?

8. Look up the definition of heart.

Is one of the definitions "the seat of emotions "?

Applying that definition, where are we to keep our fathers instruction?

9. According to vs. 22 what two things do we have as a result?

10. The last word in vs. 22 tells us that some of the benefits will be earthly. TRUE or FALSE


We are to keep his words before our eyes (reading God’s Word); we are to attend and incline our ears to it (preaching and teaching); and we are to keep them in the midst {in the fore front} of our heart (meditate, memorize).

Do you do all these things?

What area do you need the most improvement?




Memory Verse - Proverbs 4:23

Read- Proverbs 4:23-27

Examine -

1. Define DILIGENCE -

2. What are we to keep with all diligence?

3. Why are we to keep it?

4. What are the “issues of life”?

5. Again list 3 physical parts God uses in this passage?

6. What are we to do with froward mouths and perverse lips?

7. Where are our eyes to look?

8. What do you think this means?

9. What is the instruction to the foot? (vs. 27)




10. Define PONDER –

Apply -

How can you keep your mouth, eyes and feet pleasing the Lord today?

What are some guards you can build for your heart?




Memory Verse - Proverbs 4:23

Read – Re-read the entire chapter

Examine -Review all questions for the week and write a summary of the chapter here. You should have lots of wisdom journal entries.

Apply - Review all the decisions you have made this week. Do you have these changes put into your life?

**** Review your memory verse for tonight! See you at church. ****

Don’t forget to make your wisdom journal entries!

