ON SUNDAY 15th April 2017 at Hatchford Brook Youth Centre, Solihull B92 8JE
Dear Lifter
You are invited to compete in the Divisional Championships above. Equipped and Unequipped lifters are welcome to participate. The Equipped and Unequipped championships will be run simultaneously but the Equipped competition and will be one ‘open category’ only (no B/W Classes) with the top three places awarded by Wilks formula.
There is an entry fee of £25.00 payable to the WMPA, to be forwarded with your acceptance slip.
You will be required to show your British Powerlifting membership card, and also complete the Drug Testing Acceptance form prior to the weigh in.
Provisional Timetable for Sunday 15th April
All lifters, one weigh-in 08.30 am – 10.00 am. Lifting starts at 10.30 am
Please return your acceptance slip to :- Luke Rogers, MSC Performance, Birmingham, B1 2SW
Cheques to be made payable to :- West Midlands Powerlifters Association.
Alternatively you can e-mail the form back and pay with online banking transfer
Bank Details: West Midlands Powerlifting45983560 30-96-12
Please Note
.This competition is for Sub Junior & Junior Men & Women, and all Male and Female Masters Categories. Senior Men & Women can lift to qualify for future National events. There will be Trophies for the top 3 Masters, juniors and Sub-Juniors. The competition is capped at 50 lifters with priority going to the West Midlands division.
.Everyone wishing to compete (including guests if applicable) must be a fully paid up members of British Powerlifting. New members can secure a place by making payment without a membership number, as long as I receive your 2018 number by the Monday 8th April.
.All equipment and apparel worn must conform to the technical rules. This does not mean that it has to be on the approved list, but it has to be within the technical specifications as per IPF rules.
.As per UK anti-doping regulations, no one is to leave the venue without the permission of the organiser. As there may be drug testing at this event, leaving without permission may result in a suspension.
.Be prepared for a long day of lifting, you will weigh in early and finish early-late evening depending on your group. If you are not prepared for a long day, maybe this is not the event for you?
.No British Records can be broken at this event, only divisional records for all age groups.
.Final weigh-in and start times will be announced after the closing date, information will be sent to all entrants. Please make sure you fully complete the form below in capital letters, and please double check date of births, e-mail addresses and phone numbers.
.If you have any queries regarding this event/these notes, then please do not hesitate to contact me.
CLOSING DATE FOR ENTRIES: 2nd April 2018 (Capped at 50 lifters)
I accept the invitation to compete in the Powerlifting Championships above, I have read and accept all the conditions shown above!!
Please find my £25.00 entry fee enclosed. ( bank transfer available, details on request )
Name ...... Membership No......
B/W cat’ ...... Date of Birth...... UnEq/Eq......
Age Group...... Division……………... Telephone......