Cincinnati Tri-State Chapter of Oncology Nursing Society



A.   To facilitate open communication between the Board of Directors, committees, and membership

B.   To reflect the policies and procedures of CTC-ONS and of ONS National Board of Directors and of the membership in all correspondence

C.   To provide for the continuity of chapter proceedings through record keeping of all official activities of the chapter (i.e. at all Board and Committee Chairperson meetings; at general membership meetings{if vote occurs).


A.   Two (2) years


A.   One year membership in CTC-ONS

B.   Knowledge of and access to IBM-compatible computer and software

C.   Typing and/or word processing skills are recommended.


A.   Ensures that minutes from the previous meeting are emailed to all board members and committee chairs 2 weeks prior to each board meeting; (after President emails notice of upcoming board/committee chair meeting.)

B.   Ensures that minutes from of all board member and committee chairperson meetings are emailed to board members & committee chairpersons for additions/corrections, within 2 weeks of each meeting.

C.   Maintain a copy of all chapter membership meetings, newsletters, and program flyers in Secretary book, (the CTC-ONS Program Committee notifies members via group email of flyer to members sent by the President or designee and posted on chapter website:

D.   Maintains a list of all locations of all official CTC-ONS records, which are kept by the Board of Directors and Committee Chairpersons, including

1) Chapter Charter (kept by Archives Chair)

2)   Standing rules (kept by President and posted to chapter website)

3)   Financial reports (sent to National ONS and maintained by Treasurer)

4)   Minutes of all Board meetings, Board and Committee Chairperson meetings, membership meetings and committee meetings (kept in Secretary book and posted to chapter website after board approval)

5)   Annual report to national ONS (prepared, mailed and maintained by President)

6)   Each board/committee chair to maintain correspondence records, forward to Secretary for book or Archives chair as appropriate

E.   Provides the CTC-ONS Board of Directors, committee chairpersons and chapter members with minutes of meetings, as appropriate and when requested (may direct to website if minutes approved/posted)

F.   Ensures that a current committee and membership roster is maintained, in conjunction with the Committee Chairpersons and with the Membership Committee. Distributes copies of these rosters to all members of CTC-ONS Board of Directors, as necessary

G.   Facilitates an open communication network by:

Placing approved minutes from previous board meetings in Secretary binder & email minutes to Jenny Shinsky for posting on chapter website (); Member At Large and other authorized board members may also post to the website. Maintain other documents in Secretary book-program flyers, newsletters, written monthly announcements, and bring book to board meetings for reference.

H.   Assists CTC-ONS committees with correspondence pertaining to their activities, as necessary

I.   Is a Board Liaison to selected committee chairs. Obtain reports from those chairs at board meetings that are for board only.


A.   January

1)   Meet with previous (or incoming) Secretary to obtain outline format for minutes and share Secretary role transition information

2)   Attend Annual Awards Banquet/Products Fair & (all monthly chapter membership meetings), send designee if unable to attend.

3)   Distribute minutes of last meeting to Board and Committee chairpersons within two weeks prior to Strategic Planning Board Retreat, (Board & Committee Chair meets 4 x/year, one of those meetings, usually Feb, is the planning retreat held on a Saturday from approx 9 am to 2 pm.)

4)   Communicate with President to assist with development of board and committee chairperson meeting, agenda development for Strategic Planning Retreat, board and committee chairperson contact list, etc. as needed, President will email all documents for appropriate records

5)   Review ONS guidelines for taking meeting minutes.

6)   Coordinate records maintained with Archives (Secretary may save some items in Secretary book to be passed on to chapter Archives, develop file scheme that makes sense)

7)   Obtain information from liaison committee chair unless they will attend board meeting themselves, pass along info from that committee if chair is unable to attend board meeting

B.   February

1.   Attend Strategic Planning Retreat. Take minutes and distribute to board and committee chairperson within two weeks of meeting

2.   Assist in preparation and revisions of Strategic Plan, per ONS chapter policy manual the plan will be reviewed 3 times/year

3.   Have correction to minutes sent by email for review prior to next board/committee chair and approval at the meetings

4.   Attend chapter and board meetings, send designee who can take minutes if unable to attend; membership meetings only require minutes if there is a vote; maintain a copy of the written monthly announcements (prepared by President) in the Secretary book, for future Archives and website posting

C.   March

1.   (same as above)

D.   April

1.   (same as above)

E.   May

1.   (same as above)

2.   Since May is the last meeting of the program year, may pass on Secretary book to Archives with copy of all program flyers, newsletters, and minutes. Newsletters and minutes will be maintained on the chapter website but a hard copy will be placed in Secretary book then Archives in case of computer glitches; may want to start new binder each September when CTC-ONS program year begins

F.   June

1.   No chapter meeting but board meeting usually occurs in late May or June, assist with board meeting functions per above

G.   July

1.   Attend Mentorship W/E in Pittsburgh, (if designated at board retreat), to learn about ONS and chapter leadership

H. August

1.   No chapter meeting but board usually meets in August or Sept, assist with board meeting functions per above

J.   September

1.   First chapter meeting of the program year, attend with responsibilities per above; chapter business meetings are usually Sept., Nov., Feb., and April

K.   October

1. (same as above)

L.   November

1.  (same as above)

M. December

1.   No chapter meeting due to holidays

Draft 10/12/05 N. Whitehill

Updated 8/1/08 B. Henry