Present: Andrea Hynes-Whalley, Colin Hay, Elizabeth McKenzie, David Cooper, Helen Doig,

Mac McCaskill, Dr Sahu and Diana Hamilton.

Apologies: Chris Cunningham.


On-Line Registration – IT staff is in the process of loading registration software

on the PC at the front of reception desk in Dalgety Bay to allow registration details

to be processed at the time of receipt if time allows.

Colin reported that there were no registration slips available at the front desk. Diana to action

Alcohol calculation wheel – Anna on holiday - matter pending.

Artwork – Andrea circulated copies of artwork for perusal.

Fundraising coffee morning – The total raised was £141.75. The cash was handed

over to the PPG Treasurer for banking.

Future fundraising – Helen advised that the Rotary Charity Walk is scheduled for

Saturday 19th September, Ballast Bank to Aberdour. Half of the sponsorship monies

raised will be for a charity nominated by the Rotary, the remainder can be kept by

the participant for their organisation. Helen will arrange to get sponsor forms.

PLT Feedback – Mac commented on the work done prior to the PLT day.

Whilst some of the information seemed quite technical, it was very helpful to see what

happens on “the other side of the fence”.

Diana advised that some of the suggestions on the board are being taken forward,

e.g. special requests for prescriptions. Notices are put out to let patients know that

requests for special prescription may take longer to process, and may not be available

at the same time as their repeat prescriptions.

Dr Sahu acknowledged that Andrea’s role in presenting at the PLT session was very


Practice Website – Dr Sahu demonstrated the work done to date.

Next steps – proof reading of information by Colin and Diana.


Dr Pirie is leaving the practice to take up a partnership in another practice.

A third UCP has been employed to address ACCESS. Start date 17th August 2015.

This appointment will enable the practice to have UCP ACCESS Monday to Friday,

9 – 6pm.

Appointment waiting time is 3 weeks.

DNA – 320 appointments from 1st June – 17th July.

On-line cancellations – 54 in May and 44 in June.

This is a slight improvement from previous months.

UCP contacts – May 938, June 887,

On-line registration to dated 5734, this represents 30% of patient population.

PPG Group Recruitment – discussed. Two patients have expressed an interest

to join. Andrea to contact them.

PPG Bank Account – Mac is finalising the details of the account. The PPG have

agreed to have 4 signatories on the account.

PPG Constitution – Mac will be finalising details of the constitution and feedback

To all members.

Health & Social Care Partnership – Colin fed back some details of the principles

of the partnership. There are 6 areas of activities. However there was no

details of how these principles will be applied.

LAMMAS FAIR BUFFET – 7th August. Helen advised the group that there will

be an invitation for 2 members of the group to attend. The PPG to let Andrea

have names of attenders.

The meeting ended at 7.40 pm.

The next PPG meeting will be on 25th August, 2015 at 6.30 pm at Dalgety Bay.

Dr Mary R Lapraik, Dr John Lee, Dr David Garmany, Dr Susan Sheehan, Dr Lorna Donaldson, Dr David Somerville,

Dr Sally Roberts. Dr Sunil Sahu, Dr Jennifer Peebles, Dr Lilin Zheng, Dr Gordon Reeks.