Reflective Student Learning Portfolio Checklist

Last Updated- July 2015



____Program Admission Application Materials (minus letters of recommendation)

____Academic Transcript


____Pre-Assessment Evaluation

____Pre-Assessment Refection Paper

____Academic Plan

Course Artifacts and Reflections[1]

Core Courses

____ARP 610: Educational Leadership Artifact

____ARP 610: Educational Leadership Reflection

____ARP 760: Internship in Postsecondary Education Artifact

____ARP 760: Internship in Postsecondary Education Reflection

____ED 690: Methods of Inquiry Artifact

____ED 690: Methods of Inquiry Reflection

____ED 795A: Research Seminar Artifact

____ED 795A: Research Seminar Reflection

____ED 795B: Research Seminar Artifact

____ED 795B: Research Seminar Reflection

Student Affairs Courses

____ARP 620: History of Student Affairs Artifact

____ARP 620: History of Student Affairs Reflection

____ARP 621: Theoretical Foundations Artifact

____ARP 621: Theoretical Foundations Reflection

____ARP 622: Communication and Group Process Artifact

____ARP 622: Communication and Group Process Reflection

____ARP 623: Critical Leadership Issues in Student Affairs Artifact

____ARP 623: Critical Leadership Issues in Student Affairs Reflection

____ARP 747: Educational Leadership in a Diverse Society Artifact

____ARP 747: Educational Leadership in a Diverse Society Reflection
PSE Courses

____ARP 611: Program Evaluation Artifact

____ARP 611: Program Evaluation Reflection

____ARP 631: Teaching in Postsecondary Education Artifact

____ARP 631: Teaching in Postsecondary Education Reflection

____ARP 730: Adult Learning Artifact

____ARP 730: Adult Learning Reflection


____Course: ______Artifact

____Course: ______Reflection

____Course: ______Artifact

____Course: ______Reflection

Summary of First Year Learning

____Summary of First Year Learning Reflection

____Fall Out-of-Class Artifact

____Fall Out-of-Class Reflection

____Spring Out-of-Class Artifact

____Spring Out-of-Class Reflection

____Summer Out-of-Class Artifact (if applicable)

____Summer Out-of-Class Reflection (if applicable)

____Revised Academic Plan (if applicable)

____Revised Personal and/or Professional Goals (if applicable)

____Updated Resume

Summary of Second Year Learning

____Summary of Second Year Learning Reflection (if applicable)[2]

____Fall Out-of-Class Artifact

____Fall Out-of-Class Reflection

____Spring Out-of-Class Artifact

____Spring Out-of-Class Reflection

____Summer Out-of-Class Artifact (if applicable)

____Summer Out-of-Class Reflection (if applicable)

____Revised Academic Plan (if applicable)

____Revised Personal and/or Professional Goals (if applicable)

____Updated Resume

Summary of Third Year learning (if applicable)

____Fall Out-of-Class Artifact

____Fall Out-of-Class Reflection

____Spring Out-of-Class Artifact

____Spring Out-of-Class Reflection

____Summer Out-of-Class Artifact (if applicable)

____Summer Out-of-Class Reflection (if applicable)

____Revised Academic Plan (if applicable)

____Revised Personal and/or Professional Goals (if applicable)

____Updated Resume


____Summary of Learning/Post-Assessment

____Final Academic Transcript

____Final Resume

____Final Academic Plan

____Professional Development Plan



[1] Indicate “N/A” for courses not taken.

[2] Required only for students who are continuing to a third year in the program.