Living Water John 7:37-52
A week ago S and I rtrnd fm vctn at Old Forge – western part of Adirond Park
H2O cntrl prt of our vctn – rain, lakes, canoe west branch Moose River
hike arnd Moss Lake, driv up to Stillwtr Reservoir & of cours H2O Safari
When we think of H2O we all know it is essential to life it alone satisfies thirst
In J7:37-39 JS offers a drink of ‘living water’ that satisfies the thirst of the soul
J7 JS goes to Jerusalem in the middle of the Feast of Tabernacles
FOT – purp rmmbr God’s prvsn 4Israel for 40 yrs wldrnss Lv23:33-43;Dt16:13ff
For 1 week lived in ‘tabernacles’, during the wilderness H2O important
Ex 17, Nb 20 Nb 21:6
As part of FOT th last day of th feast, rmmbr God’s provsn of H2O for their thirst, recite Is12:3, Ps113-118 Hallel Psalms
But lik evry rlgs holiday – U can go thru actions, words but miss God’s mssg
It is then than JS speaks – the last day, the great day of the feast
I. Jesus Invitation For Living Water
7:37b If anyone thirsts let him come to Me and drink
If – condition, offer, invitation
Anyone – open to anyone to accept JS offer or invitiatino
Thirsts – in line with the FOT remembering, but JS is sincere real thirst
Thirst of the soul
Let him come to Me and drink – come to JS and He will satisfy the thirst
This is similar to JS offer to the Samaritan woman in J4:10, 13-14
7:38 He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water
JS explains belief in Him – belief that He is the Christ, that He is God
Belief in God as the Scriptur sys producs life i.e. rivers of liv H2O
Pv11:25; Ezk 47:1-9; Ps63:1-5; Ezk 36; Zc 13:1
Out of His heart will flow rivers of living water
Heart – KJ has belly, Greek is kolia which means belly/intestine
Innermost part of your being, central part of you, core of U
Will flow – promise
Rivers of liv H2O –vs 39 tells us that JS talking of the min of HS
River of love – Ga 5:22,23
River of joy
River of Peace
River of Patience
River of Kindness
River of Goodness
River of Gentleness
River of Faithfulness
River of Self Control
River of Freedom and life – Ro 8:2; Co3:6, 17
APP4U If U accepted JS invitation these rivers flow out of your heart
IF U dn’t see rvrs of liv H2O flo out of ur hrt – ur blf rtl rlgs not fm hrt
II. Response To Jesus Invitation
40 some convinced
41 some skeptical [but]
43 some divided or confused
46 some never heard anyone speak like JS
47 some think everybody but themselves is wrong
50 some have an open mind
52 some refuse
APP4U – What is your response to JS?