Persuasive Speech and Debate

Directions: You will research a topic that interests you. With your research, you will construct a 1-2 page speech supporting your side of the argument that argues against the opposing view. Make sure you use a variety of appropriate persuasive techniques in order to support your argument. After writing your speech, you and your opponent will give your speeches one after the other, and the class will determine which argument is more convincing. Memorize as much of your speech as possible, only using note cards to guide your presentation.


·  Completion (10 points): You wrote a 1-2 page speech that supported your side of the argument.

·  Support (10 points): You provided solid, accurate support for your argument using a variety of persuasive techniques.

·  Debate (10 points): You convincingly presented and argued your case.

·  Six-traits of writing (36 points): You effectively used all six-traits of writing.

Speech Ideas

·  Do magazines marketed for teenagers send the wrong message?

·  Is television a bad influence?

·  Should the U.S. destroy their nuclear weapons?

·  Should violent video games be banned?

·  Are zoos a form of animal cruelty?

·  Is it freedom of the press or harassment? Argue whether the paparazzi help or hinder the purpose of the free press.

·  Are grades important? Discuss whether or not grades are necessary in order to keep students on track with learning.

·  Is homework necessary?

·  Should the U.S. start using year-round school?

·  Should plastic surgery be illegal for people under 18 years of age?

·  It has been said that America's biggest export is pop culture. Is Hollywood a good representative for America?

·  Should public schools provide more classes and internship programs for students who choose not to go to college?

·  Would a voucher system that allowed for more school choice be a positive change for the American education system?

·  Would single-sex public schools be more effective than co-ed?

·  Should euthanasia be legal?

·  Should drivers be required to take a new driver’s test every three years?

·  Should students be required to learn a foreign language?

·  Is solar power a viable alternate energy source?

·  Should the work week be shortened to four days a week, instead of five?

·  Should guns be legal?

·  Should the death penalty be used as a form of punishment?

·  Should the death penalty be used as a form of punishment for juveniles?

·  Should the U.S. provide aid to countries run by dictators?

·  Should smoking be banned in public places?

·  Should immigration to the U.S. be restricted?

·  Should churches be required to pay taxes?

·  Should the federal government help fund educational programs that promote the arts?

·  Should college athletes be required to meet the academic expectations of universities?

·  Should every student be required to pass a competency exam before they are permitted to graduate high school?

·  Should the president be limited to two four-year terms?

·  Should billboards be outlawed on interstate highways?

·  Are IQ tests a valid measure of human intelligence?

·  Regardless of income, should all Americans be guaranteed basic medical care under a national health insurance program?

·  Is heredity a more powerful influence on personality development than environment?

·  Should scientific experimentation on animals be outlawed?

·  Do beauty pageants degrade women?

·  Should schools ban junk food in their cafeterias?

·  Should cell phones be allowed in schools?

·  Should all students be required to take physical education in school?

·  Should all students be required to take an art or music class in school?

·  Should foreign born citizens be allowed to serve as president of the U.S.?

·  Should fast food restaurants be banned?

·  Is it wrong to eat meat?

·  Should riders of bicycles and motorcycles be required to wear helmets?

·  Should Spammers-people who bombard Internet users with unsolicited e-mail—be allowed to send their “junk” mail?

·  In a time of war, should women be drafted along with men?

·  Should there be a cap on sports salaries?

·  Should presidents be elected by the popular vote?