HOME REMEDIES: - for kidney stones.
Using home remedies for dissolving kidney stones are also very affective in comparison to surgery. In fact, it is a preferable way by many people. Let us get over some of proven methods using home treatment;
· Take two figs and boil them in a cap just for a few seconds no more than that. Drink this water every morning regularly before meal. Squeeze fresh grape fruit or use grape fruit juice in a cup with no sugar and drink it daily.
· Taking a glass of lemon juice every day or so will also prevent kidney stones formation.
· While removing kidney stones, stay away from dairy and calcium supplements products.
· It is also recommended to reduce intake of coffee, chocolates, spinach, or such a product that is very high in oxalate. Even though coffee can be very tempting, it is highly advisable to avoid it as it has contributes to kidney stones formation.
· Pomegranate Juice can also use and it is very effective in preventing kidney stones.
· Radish leaves are also effective, make juice out of it and take two teaspoons regularly its very well contributes to dissolving kidney stones. Cranberry and apple juice are also help. Tomato juice with black pepper and salt before your meal will help to remove kidney stones.
1 REMEDY: LEMON JUICE AND OLIVE OIL (experience of a patient)
01/07/2006: Cyndi from Durham, NC writes, "I have suffered intermittently from kidney stones for nearly 9 years. One was so bad I had to have surgery to remove it. Later, my grandmother was hospitalized with a kidney stone and told me about a home remedy given to her by a nurse and believe me, this really works! Mix 2 oz of olive oil and 2 oz of lemon juice, drink it straight down and follow with a large glass of water at the first sign of stone pain. The stone(s) will pass within 24 hours. I have eliminated at least 8 stones with this remedy and have not gone back to the urologist since I started taking this."
Kidney Stone Home Remedies
Dissolve Kidney Stone Home Remedies
80 % of kidney stones can be cured without surgery and if they are below 2mm in size, they are passed through urine without any effort and if they are more 2mm and more than that, they are to be treated. Home remedies are capable of dissolving biggest kidney stones.
Bonding of dietary minerals in the kidney into small stone like particles is called kidney stones. It is referred to as ureterolithiasis in medical terminology. Pain in the ribs, lower abdomen and groin, pain on urination, pink, red or brown urine, nausea and vomiting, persistent urge to urinate and fever and chills, if an infection is present are the symptoms of kidney stones.
Causes to avoid: - Kidney stones are caused by eating a diet that has high protein, high sodium, and high sugar, heredity, being an adult, a man and obese, dehydration, digestive diseases and surgery, and other medical conditions.
Get rid of Kidney Stones naturally with Home remedies
I had dissolved and passed my kidney stones in last January using home remedies. I have 7mm kidney stone in my right kidney .My doctor had advised me to undergo surgery to take the stone out.
Natural removal of kidney stones with home remedies
You can remove Kidney stones within 48 hours – without surgery, without medication, without pain or without even visiting a doctor – the method is naturally treating your kidney stones in your home .Use home remedies and your stone in kidney will start dissolving, within few hours. All your pain will be gone and kidney stone will convert into sledges. It will pass easily through urine.
Do you have kidney stone and suffering? A lot with its pain and other symptoms? Do you think the stone is too big to pass through urine? Surgery seems to be the only hope. However, worried about hospitalization, taking leave from job and huge expenses? Here is good news for you! You can pass your big kidney stone through urine with the help of home remedies. No surgery, no medications.
How does Natural removal of Kidney Stones Work?
80 % of all the kidney stones of varying sizes can pass without surgery. Bigger stones, which were stuck up in the urethra, will dissolve into sludge with appropriate home remedies. Flush them out by drinking distilled water followed by fibrous drink.
How long it will take this home remedies to remove my kidney stone?
If your kidney stone is 7mm or smaller, it will pass out within just 24 hours. If it is bigger, you have to repeat the home remedies for two or three days. Your big kidney stone will dissolve completely into sludge.
Irrespective of the size of the kidney stones, these home remedies will immediately dissolve the edges of kidney stone and your pain will be vanished within couple of hours. That is what I experienced? When I tried to remove my kidney stones naturally, I collected the sludge in a bottle. In addition, I showed to my doctor. He confirmed the complete removal of my 9mm kidney stone without surgery. Thus, I was relieved from pain as well as worries.
Which are those Home remedies used for Natural removal of Kidney stones?
The home remedies found successful in Kidney stone removal are available in your kitchen or rack or in your near by supermarket .The list of kidney stone dissolving home remedies is given below
1) Coke, 2) Asparagus, 3) Lemon juice, 4) Apple, 5) Cherry, 6) Celery seed
7) Water melon, Lemon Juice, 9) Olive oil
1. Celery:- People who are vulnerable to having stones in the kidney are advised to take celery. The customary consumption of this food will help prevent the potential development of stones.
2. Grapes:- Grapes are considered an excellent home remedy for kidney stones. It contains an incomparable diuretic significance in relation to their high water substances and potassium salt. Due to its small sodium chloride and albumin content, this fruit has an important value in kidney problems.
How to Remove Gall Bladder Stone without Operation
Home Treatment for Gall Bladder Stone
Gall bladder stones today can be easily removed by operation and the so-called laparoscopy, a process-using laser to remove the gall bladder stone. However, there are still ways you can take than undergo these expensive treatments and medicines to help you cure of gallstones.
If you have gall bladder stone, there is a pain under your right shoulder blade and a tender spot between the navel and rib is a sign that you have gall bladder stone. Oftentimes the pain is very intense around the navel and right rib. The gall bladder will discharge stones at times, causing much distress.
Follow these simple steps to treat your gall bladder stone:
You need to take one-half cup of pure olive oil, and with a very hot cloth absorb some and place over the gall bladder and the stomach. The heat coming from the cloth will soften and expand the tissues. The oil will permeate them and will penetrate the walls of the gall bladder and dissolve the stones; not at instance of course or not even once. You will have to continue your treatment until there are no gall stones, or until they are so small that they will discharge themselves easily. Live on natural foods and avoid saturated fats and cholesterol and you will get into a condition where gall stones will naturally disappear.
Olive oil dissolves gall stones and lubricates the tube that leads from the gall bladder to the duodenum, and once the larger stones have been eliminated to the duodenum, it will now become easy to pass on and out through the rectum.
I recommend eating cherries, radishes especially horseradish to help you cope faster from your gall bladder stone treatment. In addition, drinking of apple juice can also make your treatment complete.
If you have an infected gall bladder, it is best to do the following:
· Put as hot applications as you can endure over the organ.
· Then apply a half cup of pure olive oil with very hot cloth.
· Heat will attract the blood, as well as the oil to that region.
After half an hour, do some gentle exercises; swing hands up and down, overhead, sideway-anything that will stimulate the liver. The exercise will work the oil and blood through the tissues, and the infection will come out. Do this every night.
My sister had recently been found to have gall bladder stone. She choosed to use the olive oil intake method than absorbing it thru the stomach. The result? She has reduced the size of it. She continue the treatment up to 3rd session, the stone passed thru the stool and finally get rid of the gall bladder stone.
If your stone is not yet that big, it can easily remove and washed out with the urine or stool. Take the treatment above of treating your stone or try the cleansing process first before drinking the one half cup of olive oil in the fifth day.
Cleansing process: Take apple juice for five days, on the fifth day, do not eat solid foods, and continue taking the juices. At noon about 6pm, take one half cup olive oil mixed with one half cup apple juice.
There is a feeling of discomfort but do not worry, it is due to the olive oil taking its way to the stomach. If you find your stool likely greenish and oily, the presence of stone is evidenced. Go to your doctor to check by ultrasound if it has reduced or passed already. Repeat if it has not all removed.