Lesson 4 – “cred”: belief, trust & “sub”: under, beneath
accredited / credence / credible / incrediblecredo / incredulous / credential / credibility
discredit / credulously / subdue / submerse
submissive / subscript / subterranean / subtotal
Each night choose one activity as homework, this activity will be due the next day. It is your choice, so please choose activities that you can finish neatly and completely. You may not repeat activities within the same week. There will be a spelling test on Friday, and bonus points will be awarded for defining the roots and affixes as listed above.
- Story, Story - Write a story using at least 10 of the spelling words. Underline the words used in your story.
- ABC Order - Write the spelling words in alphabetical order and then write them in reverse alphabetical order.
- Adding My Words – Each letter has a value. Consonants are worth 10 and vowels are worth 5. Write your spelling words. Then add up the value of each spelling word.
- Example:movable10+5+10+5+10+10+5 = 55
- Code Words – Come up with a code for each letter of the alphabet. Write down your code. Then write your spelling words in code. You must write the actual spelling word next to the “code word.”
- Example: a = , b = , c = cab
- Other Handed - If you are right handed, write your spelling words using your left hand. If you are left handed, write your spelling words using your right hand.
- Pyramid Words – Write your spelling words in a pyramid shape. Start with the first letter. On the next line, write the first two letters, on the third line, write the first three letters. Continue until you have written the entire word.
Lesson 4 – “cred”: belief, trust & “sub”: under, beneath
accredited / credence / credible / incrediblecredo / incredulous / credential / credibility
discredit / credulously / subdue / submerse
submissive / subscript / subterranean / subtotal
Each night choose one activity as homework, this activity will be due the next day. It is your choice, so please choose activities that you can finish neatly and completely. You may not repeat activities within the same week. There will be a spelling test on Friday, and bonus points will be awarded for defining the roots and affixes as listed above.
- Story, Story - Write a story using at least 10 of the spelling words. Underline the words used in your story.
- ABC Order - Write the spelling words in alphabetical order and then write them in reverse alphabetical order.
- Adding My Words – Each letter has a value. Consonants are worth 10 and vowels are worth 5. Write your spelling words. Then add up the value of each spelling word.
- Example:movable10+5+10+5+10+10+5 = 55
- Code Words – Come up with a code for each letter of the alphabet. Write down your code. Then write your spelling words in code. You must write the actual spelling word next to the “code word.”
- Example: a = , b = , c = cab
- Other Handed - If you are right handed, write your spelling words using your left hand. If you are left handed, write your spelling words using your right hand.
- Pyramid Words – Write your spelling words in a pyramid shape. Start with the first letter. On the next line, write the first two letters, on the third line, write the first three letters. Continue until you have written the entire word.