Statistics 2.2 EXCEL Homework/Project

You may work alone or in a group of up to 3 people!!

Day 1: Do the following problems on page 64 #23, 26, 28, 30, 32 using EXCEL. As you finish these, show them to me so that I can make sure you are on the right track. Be sure to include a title for your graph and label x- or y-axis, if needed. Try to add pictures or backgrounds that go with your graph. This will earn you extra credit on the actual project, which is described below.

Day 2-3:

EXCEL Project (20 points Summative)

For this project, you are going to create 5 graphs in EXCEL. Each graph is worth 4 points. You may work in a group of 3 people (max). Creating interesting graphs can earn you extra credit J Be sure to include a title for your graph and label x- or y-axis, if needed.

Create a survey about a topic in which you can collect qualitative data and ask the students in class. You may also ask other people, but get at least 30 data values. You are using these data values to do 2 separate graphs!

Graph 1: Create a pie chart displaying your data


Graph 2: Create a bar graph displaying your data.

Get creative....and get extra credit!! Add some pictures or a cool background.

Graph 3: Find data on the internet about the temperature of a particular city for a 7-day period. It can be past, present or future temperatures. Create a time series chart that shows the temperature of that city over that 7-day period. You can do a local city or a fun one elsewhere J Be sure to include the dates that you used and label it on the x-axis.

Get creative....and get extra credit!! Add some pictures or a cool background.

Graph 4) Research the top 5 of something (top movies, best-selling books, most expensive cars, etc) and create a Pareto chart that displays this data.

Get creative....and get extra credit!! Add some pictures or a cool background.

Graph 5) Create a scatter plot of the data below. On your graph, answer the following question: Does there appear to be a relationship between shoe size and height? How do you know?

Get creative....and get extra credit!! Add some pictures or a cool background.

How to send me your project:

I would prefer that you put your project in my drop-off folder or e-mail me your project…do NOT print them out and give them to me.

To get to my drop folder, open “student drive”, “EFHS” folder, “O’Rourke” folder, then “drop folder” and drag your assignment into the folder. Make sure ALL of your names are on the first page of your project!!!!!

If you want to e-mail your project: