Extension County Council Member Exit Survey updated 1-27-2017

You are receiving this questionnaire because your two-year term as an Extension County Council member is either coming to a close, or has recently ended. We would like to thank you for your time and service. We hope your experience has been a positive one, and that you are considering the other ways you can still engage with MU Extension.

In talking with many previous council members, we know that in the past two years you have been exposed to many aspects of University of Missouri Extension, and you have gained tremendous knowledge and experience. We are very interested that you, and the knowledge and experience you have gained, are not lost to Extension. One council member recently stated, “My term will be up come first of March…I've just now come to the point that I really feel I could be of real value.”

In an effort to find ways to continue to use the experience and skills you have gained, as well as determine your level of interest and availability to continue your participation with University of Missouri Extension, we would ask you to fill out the following survey. Since part of the purpose for gathering this information is to share with yourcounty staff and council the level of your continued interest, we would like for you to include your name and the best way to contact you. By providing your name and contact information, we will assume that you are fine with this information being sharedwith the current County Council leadership.


Totalnumber of years you have served on ______County Council:______

Contact Information:

Street Address:______

City:______Zip Code:______

Extension Region:______County:______

Phone #:______Email Address:______

Continued Involvement at the CountyLevel:

1. Please check any of the following that apply to you:

Yes ()
I would be willing to continue to participate in county council meetings when my participation or expertise is needed.
I would like to continue to receive information about countyExtension events and programs.
I would be willing to attend or participate in select Extension events or programs.
I would like to stay connected with Extension staff.
I would be interested in seeking an additional two-year term when I am eligible to do so.
I would be willing to mentor new council members.
I would like to receive the external Newsletter The Network by e-mail
I would be willing to serve on an advisory council/committee of the county council.

2. I would be willing to continue to share the following expertise and skills:


3. I would be willing to do outreach and networking for Extension in the following ways:

Yes ()
Recruit potential council members
Serve as a representative of Extension at community meetings or on community committees
Be an ambassador for Extension at community or University events
Promote Extension programs in the community
Assist with fund raising

4. I would be willing to serve as a member of the following ExtensionCounty Council committees/task forces or program committees


Continued Involvement Beyond the CountyLevel

5. Please check any of the following that apply to you

Yes ()
If nominated, I would be interested in serving on the Regional Extension Council.
I would be willing to serve on a Regional Extension Council work or advisory group.
I would like to receive information about regionalExtension events and programs.
I would like to receive information about legislative and policy issues affecting Extension statewide.
If nominated, I would be interested in serving on the State Extension Council.
I would consider serving on a State Extension Council work or advisory group.
I would consider being on regional or statewide special work or advisory groups sponsored by University of Missouri Extension.

6. Please share any other ideas or suggestions that you might have regarding how county

council members might continue to be engaged after their term on the Council has expired.

You can go to the following website and complete the survey on line, if that is a preference:

Please mail completed forms to:

Constituent Relations Office

MU Extension
109C Whitten Hall

Columbia, MO 65211

Either way you choose to complete the survey,

We thank you for your feedback!