Deo Preparatory School of Georgia


Course Title:


Grade 5 History


Version: 2.0





05/27/00 1:33 PM

1.  Course Goals

·  The course will be successful if the students explain the importance of a specific date or event to the history of early America.

·  Locate on a map of the world the key places where events studied occurred.

·  Describe the basic life-styles of people during the major periods of the early American history, including dress, technology, vocations, religious practices, education, housing, and entertainment.

·  Sequence Flash Cards (beginning with second grade) in chronological order and describe orally and in writing each historical event represented.

2.  Course Objectives

Instructional Materials
Approx. time (Periods)
a.  Prince Henry the Navigator / E-1815, r01 / 2
b.  Columbus Sails to the New World / E-1815, r02 / 2
c.  Magellan Circumnavigates the Earth / E-1815, r03 / 2
d.  The Spanish Explorers / E-1815, r04 / 2
e.  Explorers of the Northeast / E-1815, r05 / 2
f.  Raleigh Settles Roanoke / E-1815, r06 / 2
g.  Jamestown is founded / E-1815, r07 / 2
h.  The Mayflower / E-1815, r08 / 2
i.  Pilgrims build Plymouth / E-1815, r09 / 2
j.  Massachusetts Bay Colony / E-1815, r10 / 2
k.  Roger Williams / E-1815, r11 / 2
l.  Salem Witch Trials / E-1815, r12 / 2
m.  Thirteen Colonies Formed / E-1815, r13 / 2
n.  The First Great Awakening / E-1815, r14 / 2
o.  Colonial Trading with England / E-1815, r15 / 2
p.  The French and Indian Wars / E-1815, r16 / 2
q.  Parliament Acts Unjustly / E-1815, r17 / 2
r.  Seeking Peace with Britain / E-1815, r18 / 2
s.  War of Independence / E-1815, r19 / 2
t.  Bunker Hill / E-1815, r20 / 2
u.  America Declares Independence / E-1815, r21 / 2
v.  Washington commands the Continental Army / E-1815, r22 / 2
w.  Winter at Valley Forge / E-1815, r23 / 2
x.  Yorktown and the Treaty of Paris / E-1815, r24 / 2
y.  The Constitutional Convention / E-1815, r25 / 2
z.  America’s Founding Fathers / E-1815, r26 / 2
aa.  The First President / E-1815, r27 / 2
bb. The Louisiana purchase from France / E-1815, r28 / 2
cc.  The Lewis and Clark Expedition / E-1815, r29 / 2
dd. The Second Great Awakening / E-1815, r30 / 2
ee.  The War of 1812 / E-1815, r31 / 2
ff.  The Missouri Compromise / E-1815, r32 / 2

3.  Student Materials

a.  Kingfisher Illustrated History of the World

b.  A Child's Story of America

c.  The Light and the Glory

d.  Veritas Press Flash Cards

4.  Teacher Resource Materials

a.  Explorers to 1815, Veritas Press – Teacher’s Manual

b.  History of Art for Young People

c.  Meet Abraham Lincoln

d.  The Landing of the Pilgrims

e.  Abe Lincoln

f.  Paul Revere

g.  Mr. Revere and I

h.  George Washington

i.  Abraham Lincoln

j.  Ben and Me

k.  Benjamin Franklin

l.  Christopher Columbus

m.  Colonial America

n.  Columbus

o.  Explorers

p.  The Light and the Glory

q.  From Sea to Shining Sea

r.  Christianity and the Constitution

s.  Peter the Great

t.  Misc American time lines (Federal America, Washington to Jackson, and America Divided)

u.  Civil War

v.  Founding Fathers

w.  Map & Atlas

5.  Teaching Methodology

a.  Use of pictures, graphs, time-lines, maps, slides, films and learning kits.

b.  Research work by small groups and individuals on specific projects.

c.  Integrate with art and music.

d.  Build models, make drawings, write stories, play games and make collections and displays.

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Version 2.0 06/08/00 4:24 PM