SIOP Lesson Plan – ESL 026 - 02/23

Content Objectives: recognize and use vocabulary associated with hurricanes

vocabulary: evacuate, hurricane, category, coast, to fill up, to grow, to issue, plywood, wind, to not take a chance, to buy water, to put plywood up, to get a generator, to store canned food, to withdraw money

Language Objectives: (From 335 document)

·  Students will develop use of the present continuous tense

·  Students will recognize verb tenses: present continuous tense

·  Students will differentiate use between present tense and present continuous tense

Building Background (Comprehensible Input):

·  Watch 2 videos – “Stormchaser caught off guard in Katrina” and “ Before the hurricane hits” – – weather news – hurricane – video

·  Now Hear This CH 2 pp. 11-14 – building vocab and background info

o  Use whole group & pairs throughout (see notes in book)

Lesson Delivery (supports language and content objectives) – less teacher time – Are students engaged 90-100% of the time? – Appropriate pace?

·  Now Hear This – pg 15 C – NOTICING present Continuous Tense

·  Stop to teach formation of Present Continuous Tense – Tell them to take notes! When do we use it – answers the question what is happening NOW? at this moment in time…..

o  Write down how we make the tense – match verb to be to the subject and add ing to root.


·  Practice forming the Present Continuous Tense (pct)

o  Scaffolding – Model it

§  1) Ask - “What am I doing?” They say - You are walking… write it on the board

o  Scaffolding – Guided Practice

§  2) Now ask a man to walk – ask “What is he doing?... “ “ “ “

§  3) Now ask a woman – What is she doing? ditto

§  4) Now ask 2 people – What are they doing? ditto

§  Say it in choirs – questions answers – right side, left side, men, women

o  Scaffolding – Individual Practice

§  1) Handout with pics of woman cooking, men running, man talking on the phone and 2 additional questions – What are you doing? What are we doing? Provide word bank with root forms of verbs and samples of pct formation

·  Dictation (with support)

o  Now Hear This – 17A – with Handout scaffold – focus on formation of pct.

·  Sentence completion – in pairs – Now Hear This 17B

Authentic and meaningful activity (assessment) : Handout - imagine you are preparing for a hurricane to come… using a prepared to-do list – 5 things (present tense) – Call your neighbor and tell them what you are doing to prepare (present continuous tense)


·  Activity above (authentic and meaningful) - Handout

·  Listen and give thumbs up/down/closed fist for correct/incorrect/I don’t know – Is the sentence, using present continuous tense correct or incorrect – why? – In response to questions….

o  Hey what are you doing? I am walking to the store. C

o  What’s your brother doing? He going to the bank. Incorrect

o  What are those 2 girls doing over there? They talk to each other. Incorrect

o  What is that dog doing? It is chewing on a bone. C

o  What is the weather doing outside? It snowing. Incorrect

·  Question Cubes – root verbs on cube: buy, eat, cook, look, walk, talk – They roll the dice and take turns answering the questions.. What are you doing? What is she/he/it… What are they…. etc….

Is there enough oral rehearsal time?

I could do a better job of using vocab from the lesson and incorporating them into the made-up activities/handouts….