Standard Geometry Course Syllabus

Mrs. Burch

1. Required Supplies:

·  3 Ring Binder (1 ½ inch)

·  Binders will be setup as follows:

·  Separate each section of your binder with 5 dividers labeled:

1) Homework, 2) Warm-Ups/Closures, 3) Notes, 4) Test Reviews, and 5) Returned Papers

·  Notebook Paper and Graph Paper

·  Pencils, Highlighters, Expo Dry Erase Markers, Fine point markers of various colors

·  Small Plastic Ruler

·  TI -83 Plus or TI -84 Graphing Calculator (you must have your own and an extra set of AAA batteries)

·  A ream of paper, four AAA batteries, tissues, and whiteboard EXPO markers to donate for classroom use would be greatly appreciated, as well!!!

·  I will be checking to see if your binder is set up correctly on Friday, August 31st. I also will check to see that you have paper, pencils, highlighters, Expo markers and fine point markers, and a graphing calculator. This gives you four evenings to purchase these supplies, so no late excuses!!!

2.  Grading Policy:

Assignments (Homework and Class work) 30%

Quizzes 20%

Tests (including projects) 50%

a.  Homework will be assigned regularly. You are responsible for knowing the daily homework assignments before you leave class each day. They are posted on the agenda and website each day and older assignments are posted for those who were absent.

·  Homework will be graded at the beginning of class the day that it is due. You must have the homework out on your desk by the time I come around to you in order to receive credit.

·  I will be checking to see that you worked hard to understand the homework.

·  No credit will be given for homework that is copied.

·  Late homework will only be accepted the following day for half credit. The assignment must be complete for credit to be awarded.

·  If you are absent, it is up to you to submit this assignment in the designated classroom tray. I will not be asking you for it.

b.  You will be given a warm-up assignment at the beginning of every class period. During this time, there is to be NO talking unless instructed, and if there is, points will be deducted from your warm-up grade.

c.  Tests will be given throughout each quarter. A midterm and final exam will be given as well. I will announce all tests and exams several days in advance. If you were absent from school on a test day, see me on the first day you return. You have 1 week after you return to make up a test, otherwise, you will receive a “0”.

3. Extra Help

If you need extra help, I will be available on Tuesday afternoons from 2:30-3:00 in room C201. If you have any questions that are not cleared up in class, this is an excellent time to see me. I will also choose specific students to attend my Knight Time sessions based on their individual needs. In addition, feel free to email me with any questions.

4. Classroom Policy:

1.  Be Respectful: Please raise your hand instead of shouting out. Respect towards me and your classmates is a must.

I will not acknowledge you unless you raise your hand!

2.  Be Punctual: You must be in your seat and ready to start your warm-up when the bell rings.

3.  Be Prepared: You must come to class with your notebook, a pencil, paper, your calculator, your textbook, and homework.

4.  Be Responsible: Listen and follow instructions. When class work or homework is given, I expect you to be working on it quietly.

5.  Be Courteous: Absolutely NO FOOD OR DRINKS in class (water is allowed), if you come in with them, I will take them away immediately!! No electronic or audio devices (CD, DVD players, I-Pods, etc.). Cell phones must be away and out of site. These items will be taken and locked up by security or administrators. A parent (or guardian) must come and pick up the item.

5. Website: -- Please check nightly as this is updated frequently.

ROnline Textbook Registration/Enrollment Instructions
First time users:
To register in SuccessNet:
1.  Go to
2.  Click Register
3.  On the first screen, type the class access code listed below in the access code field.
4.  Follow the instructions to register. Please DO NOT use your full name as your user name.
Write your user name on the blank line below exactly as you typed it.
5.  At the end of registration process, the SuccessNet login page appears.
6.  Log in by typing your user name and password.
Existing users:
To enroll in this class:
1.  Go to
2.  Log in by typing your existing user name and password.
3.  From your Home Page, click My Account.
4.  Click Add Class/Group
5.  Follow the instructions, and use the class access code above to enroll in this class or group.

1st Block Class Access Code: 8EB8B9D01275C84434F0

4th Block Class Access Code: 09C9F0A6589C241B2A20



Please email me () using the email address you want me to use this year. Please list your child’s name and class period as the subject of your email. I will use this e-mail to provide updates about your child’s grades (either good or bad) and to relay any issues I may be experiencing. Please feel free to email me as well.

I appreciate your help and I am looking forward to a great year!

Ashley Burch

I read the syllabus from my math teacher, Mrs. Burch, concerning classroom expectations for behavior and for participation in all classroom activities. I understand it is my responsibility to complete assignments and to make up work when I am absent. I realize that I should ask for help from Mrs. Burch when I do not understand something or when I have been absent. Help is always available. Please ask! Remember, Mrs. Burch’s tutoring session will be on Tuesday afternoons from 2:30-3:00. Be on time and always bring work that you need help with to tutoring.

Please sign and return this sheet by Wednesday, August 29th. (Put the syllabus in a page protector and keep it in the front of your math notebook for reference.)

Student (Print) ______Period______

Student Signature ______

Parent Signature______

Family Information:

Mother’s Name______Home Phone ______-______

Address______Zip Code______

Work Phone ______-______Occupation______

Email address______(Please write clearly and make a clear distinction between the number 1, capital and lower case letters such as l and i.)

Father’s Name______Home Phone______-______

Address______Zip Code______

Work Phone______-______Occupation______

Email address______(Please write clearly and make a clear distinction between the number 1, capital and lower case letters such as l and i.)


Student Textbook Online Info: (for teacher records)
User Name:

Parent Contact Log:

Date Via Reason Comments


Please Print


Last First M.I. Name you go by

Grade: 9 10 11 12 (Circle) Birthday______

Address______Zip Code______

Home Phone) _____- ______-______Student ID Nmber______

Last year’s Math Course and Teacher______

Final Letter Grade in Last Year’s Math Course ______

School Attended Last Year ______


Please answer the following questions honestly!!

1 What activities are you involved in at Ardrey Kell High School?

2. What other hobbies or interests do you have?

3. Do you have a computer at home? Circle: Yes No

4. Do you have a graphing calculator at home? Circle: Yes No

5. Who has been your favorite teacher and why?

6. Who has been your least favorite teacher and why?

7. What else do I need to know about you to ensure your success in this class?


Current Schedule Teacher Room # Subject


1st period______

2nd period______

3rd period______

4th period______