Grade 1: Chapter 4 –Subtraction Strategies

Chapter Essential Question:How do you solve subtraction problems?

(Kindergarten) / Chapter Four Standards
Grade One / After
(Grade Two)
Understand addition as putting together and adding to, and understand subtraction as taking apart and taking from.
(K.OA.1, K.OA.2, K.OA.5) / Operations and Algebraic Thinking 1: Use addition and subtraction within 20 to solve word problems involving situations of adding to, taking from, putting together, taking apart, and comparing, with unknowns in all positions, e.g. by using objects, drawing and equations with a symbol for the unknown number to represent the problem.
  • I can solve subtraction problem situations using the strategy act it out.
/ Represent and solve problems involving addition and subtraction. (2.OA.1)
Use place value understanding and properties of operations to add and subtract. (2.NBT.5, 2.NBT.7, 2.NBT.9)
Operations and Algebraic Thinking 4: Understand subtraction as an unknown-addend problem.
  • I can recall addition facts to subtract numbers within 20.
  • I can use addition as a strategy to subtract numbers within 20.

Operation and Algebraic Thinking 5: Relate counting to addition and subtraction (e.g. by counting on 2 to 20)
  • I can use count back 1, 2, or 3 as a strategy to subtract.

Operations and Algebraic Thinking 6: Add and subtract within20, demonstrating fluency for addition and subtraction within 10. Use strategies such as counting on; making ten (e.g. 8+6 = 8+2+4 = 10+4=14); decomposing a number leading to a ten (e.g. 13 – 4= 13 – 3- 1 = 10 – 1 = 9) using the relationship between addition and subtraction (e.g. knowing that 8 + 4 = 12, one knows 12 – 8 = 40); and creating equivalent but easier or known sums (e.g. adding 6 + 7 by creating the known equivalent 6 + 6 + 1 = 12 + 1 = 12).
  • I can use make a 10 as a strategy to subtract.
  • I can subtract by breaking apart to make a ten.

Each day the math block will begin with 15 minutes of Daily Math Review and Mental Math. The focus of DMR should be either prerequisite standard skills or previous chapter concepts that were not mastered. The focus of mental math should be based on the current Chapter’s skills and concepts. Adjust the amount of questions in DMR and MM to fit into the 15 minute time block.

Suggested Chapter Pacing

All lessons are paced for one day, unless otherwise indicated. Teachers may adjust to meet students’ needs.

Launching the Chapter / Pre-Assessment / Review Prerequisite Skills
Create Subtraction Sentences: TE 207G / Show What You Know Assessment
Identify Tier 2 and Tier 3 Groups for Small Group Instruction.
Day Before 4.1 / Vocabulary Activity
Define and describe Chapter Four vocabulary words. TE 207F, 209, / Vocabulary Builder
Identify students who will need further vocabulary support for Chapter Four. / Preview Chapter Centers
Introduce chapter games, activities, and literature students will be using during center time. / School – Home Letter
Read together and send home.
I Can Statement / Essential Question / Implementation Notes
Lesson 4.1
Operations and Algebraic Thinking 5 / I can use count back 1, 2, or 3 as a strategy to subtract. / How can you count back 1, 2, or 3? /
  • Two-color counters
  • Introduce Activity: Apples Away
  • Introduce Literature: Math Club
  • Introduce Games: Under the Sea

Lesson 4.2
Operations and Algebraic Thinking 4 / I can recall addition facts to subtract numbers within 20. / How can you sue an addition fact to find the answer to a subtraction fact? /
  • Green & orange connecting cubes
  • First time difference is shown before subtrahend and minuend
  • Introduce Activity: Plus and Minus
  • Introduce Literature: Miss Bumble’s Garden

Lesson 4.3
Operations and Algebraic Thinking 4 / I can use addition as a strategy to subtract numbers within 20. / How can you use addition to help you find the answer to a subtraction fact? /
  • Green and Blue connecting cubes
  • Mid-Chapter checkpoint is optional

Lesson 4.4
Operations and Algebraic Thinking 6 / I can use make a 10 as a strategy to subtract. / How can you make a ten to help you subtract? /
  • Two-color counters
  • Ten frames (see eTeacher Resources)
  • Introduce Activity: Runaway Squares
  • Introduce Literature: The Class Party

Lesson 4.5
Operations and Algebraic Thinking 6 / I can subtract by breaking apart to make a ten. / How do you break apart a number to subtract? /
  • Two-color counters
  • Ten frames (see eTeacher Resources)
  • Introduce Activity: Picture This

Lesson 4.6
Operations and Algebraic Thinking 1 / I can solve subtraction problem situations using the strategy act it out. / How can acting out a problem help you solve the problem? /
  • Two-color counters
  • Ten frames (see eTeacher Resources)

Resources and Centers for Chapter 4
Technology / Hands-On Resources / Centers
Digital Lesson: Engage / Connecting Cubes / Activity: Apples Away
Interactive White Board Lesson / Crayons / Activity: Plus and Minus
Interactive Student Edition / Math Journal / Activity: Runaway Squares
iTools: Connecting Cubes / MathBoard / Activity: Picture This
iTools: Two-Color Counters / Ten Frames (see eTeacher Resources) / Literature: Math Club
Math on the Spot Videos / Two-Color Counters / Literature: Miss Bumble’s Garden
Mega Math / Other Hands-On Resources may be needed for Small Group Instruction Activities. / Literature: The Class Party
Personal Math Trainer / Game: Under the Sea
Additional Resources for Chapter 4
Operations in Algebraic Thinking 1 / Operations in Algebraic Thinking 4 / Operations in Algebraic Thinking 5 / Operations in Algebraic Thinking 6
KR: 1:3-10, Grow and Compare, page 158 / Teachers will use Go Math materials to teach this standard. If more practice is needed teams of teachers may find or create more experiences with this concept. / KR: 2:2-12, Snap It, page 56-57
KR: 2:2-27, Building and Rebuilding, p. 98
KR: 2:2-12, Counting Boards: Number Combinations, p. 73
KR: 2:2-22,24,25,26, Number Train Arrangements, page 92-97
KR: 2:2-15, Number Arrangements Using Color Tiles, page 80
KR: 2:3-15, Build-A-Floor Race, p. 133-135
Adding and Subtracting on the Number Line
Unifex Trains / KR: 2:2-12, Snap It, page 56-57
KR: 1:3-13, Stack, Tell, Spin & Win, page 161 -162 / KR: 2:2-27, Building and Rebuilding, p. 98
KR: 1:3-18, Comparing Handfuls, page 168-169 / KR: 2:2-12, Counting Boards: Number Combinations, p. 73
KR: 2:2-22,24,25,26, Number Train Arrangements, page 92-97
KR: 2:2-15, Number Arrangements Using Color Tiles, page 80
KR: 2:3-15, Build-A-Floor Race, p. 133-135

*KR = Kathy Richardson

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Grade 1 – Chapter 4