Wadi Al-Nussor Junior High School

Um Al-Fahem 30010

Monthly test for 7th graders

October 2011

Name: ______


1) Translate the following words into Arabic!

adventure ______sail ______race ______

collect ______need______team ______

country ______feeling______special ______

immediately______highest ______terrible ______

career ______vacation ______save ______

have fun ______sweater ______hobby ______

make friends ______make a mistake ______


2) Use the following words in meaningful sentences!

map ______

alone ______

website ______

agree ______

look after ______


3) Look at the words given in the box then write as you are asked to!

dancer, find out, famous, energy, need, stupid, journal, decide

Two nouns ______, ______

Two verbs ______, ______

Two adjectives ______, ______


4) Choose the correct answer!

a. You mustn’t throw away / celebrate old batteries.

b. Sham is terrible / in trouble because she didn’t do her homework.

c. My dad collects / trains old CDs. He has lots of them.

d. Polar bears swim far away / hard time to find food.

e. Our summer angel / vacation is too long.



1. Write the correct pronouns for the words in bold

a. The story was interesting. ______

b. Susan gave Rami and Sami a gift. ______

c. Are you and Helen going to the cinema? ______

d. I called my brother to help me. ______

e. Don’t touch this ipad. It’s Rama’s. ______

f. Rula and I are friends. ______

g. The polar bears live in the Arctic. ______

h. David is Jessica’s father. ______

i. Dan is a clever boy. ______

j. This cat belongs to us. ______


Good Luck!

Nadwa Massarwa (Ashqar)


Wadi Al-Nussor Junior High School

Um Al-Fahem 30010

Monthly test for 7th graders

October 2011

Name: ______


1) Translate the following words into Arabic!

way to go ______idea______cover______

train ______problem______adopt______

decide ______feel______triplet ______

environment______youngest ______yell ______

famous ______vacation ______technology ______

phone ______energy______I’m sure______

make noise ______make money ______


2) Use the following words in meaningful sentences!

smart ______

disagree ______

jacket ______

have fun ______

look for ______


3) Look at the words given in the box then write as you are asked to!

famous, feel, country, sail, collect, smart, diary, jeans

Two nouns ______, ______

Two verbs ______, ______

Two adjectives ______, ______


4) Choose the correct answer!

a. They decided / trained to go out for dinner.

b. There are 15 people on a basketball team / adventure.

c. They are helping to save / need the polar bears.

d. At school we learn English, history yell / plus geography.

e. Don’t have fun / throw away that old picture. I want it for my room.



1. Write the correct pronouns for the words in bold

a. The dogs are making noise at night. ______

b. Susan gave Rami a gift. ______

c. Tamer and I are going to the cinema. ______

d. I called you and Dan to help me. ______

e. Don’t touch this ipod. It’s Fadi’s. ______

f. Marah collects stamps. ______

g. The penguin lives in cold places. ______

h. David is my friend. ______

i. Sham and Rama are good friends. ______

j. This cat belongs to them. ______


Good Luck!

Nadwa Massarwa (Ashqar)