Criteria / Marginally Meets Expectations / Needs Improvement / Meets ExpectationsConcept
map center box / 0-2 Points
Major omission of patient initials, age, sex, race, admitting diagnosis, or pertinent PMH, Geriatric Content focus / 3-4 Points
Minor omission of patient initials, age, sex, race, admitting diagnosis, or pertinent PMH, Geriatric Content focus / 5 Points
Includes patient initials, age, sex, race, admitting diagnosis, pertinent PMH, Geriatric Content focus
Diagnoses / 0-9 Points
Omission of major supporting subjective and objective data or improperly labeled data and each nursing diagnosis in not in a separate box / 10-14 Points
Omission of minor supporting subjective and objective data or improperly labeled data or each nursing diagnosis is not in a separate box. / 15-20 Points
Each nursing diagnosis is in a separate box and contains supporting data labeled subjective and objective
Prioritization / 0-5 Points
Nursing diagnoses not properly prioritized and not appropriately numbered with #1 being the most important / 6-8 Points
Nursing diagnoses not properly prioritized or not appropriately numbered with #1 being the most important / 9-10 Points
Nursing diagnoses properly prioritized and numbered with #1 being the most important
Relationships / 0-2 Points
Relationships between nursing diagnoses not indicated with lines and arrows / 3-4 Points
Relationships between nursing diagnoses not completely indicated by lines and arrows / 5 Points
Relationships between nursing diagnoses indicated with lines and arrows
Medications completely documented / 0-5 Points Medication Documentation has major omissions and does not include dosage, frequency and route and is not pertinent to client's diagnosis / 6-8 Points
Medication documentation has minor omissions or does not include dosage, frequency or route and has minor omission of pertinent medications for each appropriate diagnosis Does not include geriatric considerations / 9-10 Points
Medication documentation correctly includes dosage, frequency and route including pertinent medications listed according to each diagnosis. Side effects for geriatric patient addressed.
Goals and Outcomes / 0-5 Points
Does not include goal or outcome statements for each nursing diagnosis (abnormal assessment) / 6-8 Points
Goals and outcome statements are not specific and measurable / 9-10 Points
Goals Goals and outcome statements are realistic, specific and measurable
Geriatric Nursing
Interventions / 5-9 Points
Includes nursing interventions listed according to each diagnosis however the interventions are not and are not specific to the client or do not include a geriatric focus. / 10-14 Points
Minor omission of nursing interventions listed according to each diagnosis and include interventions which are specific to the client with a geriatric focus. / 15-20 Points
Nursing interventions are listed according to each diagnosis and are specific to the geriatric patient.
Focused Presentation / 5-9 Points
Client chosen meets criteria as described in syllabus. However presentation does not specifically focus on the geriatric needs and specific nursing care of this client. / 10-14 Points
Client chosen meets criteria as described in syllabus. Presentation includes some geriatric content, however the primary focus is a basic nursing care and general nursing interventions. Nursing care plan is not geriatric focused. / 15-20 Points
Client chosen meets criteria as described in syllabus. Presentation is clear and discusses specific geriatric needs of the client and the nursing care the client should receive in order to meet the specific geriatric needs.
Feedback & Comments / TOTAL: /100