Essential Question Inquiry Based Lesson Plan Template

Title / Permutations And Combinations Webquest
Grade Level/Subject / 9th Grade Algebra I
Overview of Lesson / This activity is for students to discover the difference in permutations and combinations in the probability chapter. The students will be using a webquest and following instructions on a worksheet to answer questions and create a quiz for another student. The lesson and activity should take 2 – 42 minute classes to complete.
Web Address for Activity Information
(Where can students find guidance for inquiry activity? This would be Blog, Google docs, WIKI , WebQuest, web address) /
Essential Question
(What is the essential/main question that students will be answering in this activity?) /
  • What is a permutation?
  • What is the formula for a permutation?
  • What is a combination?
  • What is the formula for a combination?
  • What is the difference between permutation and combination?

Suggested Foundation/Subsidiary Questions
(What are some guided questions that should be answered to help with answering essential question) /
  • What is a factorial?
  • What does 5! mean?
  • What does the “n” represent?
  • What does the “r” or “k” represent?

Content Standards Addressed / 10th Grade
Number Sense
  • 10.1.I.3 Use factorial notation and computations to represent and solve problem situations involving arrangements.
Data Analysis
  • 10.5.H Use counting techniques, such as permutations and combinations, to determine the total number of options and possible outcomes.

Procedures of activities
Include a full explanation of how technology be utilized. / The students will be using a search engine on the internet to find the definition and formula of a permutation and a combination. After completing the webquest and answering the questions the students will create a quiz for another student on Microsoft Word that will have one permutation question and one combination question.
Possible Resources /
The Final Product
What will students produce that represents their answer to the essential question? / The summative assessment of the completed Webquest worksheet, created quiz, accompany answer key, and their answers for another student’s quiz.
Assessment -
Attach Rubric
Teacher Commentary Reflection / What problems do you anticipate with this lesson?
How will this lesson fit into your overall curriculum planning?
Most students will go to the very first site they find on google or Wikipedia and the book definition of a permutation or combination will be at a higher reading level. The teacher should guide the students by having them add “easy” or “help” with their web search. The students might also just copy a problem they find on the internet. The teacher should be looking for repeating questions.
This lesson should be used to finish the chapter on Probability.


Permutation and Combination Webquest

GOAL: You will be using the internet to discover the difference between two important mathematical operation; Permutation and Combinations. You will also create a pop-quiz for another student that has one permutation story problem and one combination story problem.

STEP 1: First open up the internet using Internet Explorer and go to Use google’s search engine to answer these questions. Make sure you understand the question you are answer! Try to search for “easy” definitions.

1)What is a permutation?

2)What is the formula for a permutation?

3)What is a combination?

4)What is the formula for a combination?

5)What, in you own words, is the difference between a permutation and a combination?

Step 2: Go to and watch the video that shows you an easy way to solve permutations and combination on your calculator.

Step 3: Answer these questions

6)How many ways can the top 3 finish in an 8 person race?

7)How many different 3 topping pizzas can be made with 12 different toppings?

Step 4: Create a quiz containing one ORGINAL permutation story problem and one ORGINAL combination story problem.

  • Remember to create a line for the student’s name and line for the students score.
  • Bold and Underline key words that determine if the problem is a permutation or a combination

Step 5: Print out two copies of your quiz

  • Leave one blank
  • Mark the other quiz “Key” and answer the problems WITH WORK!

Teacher Rubric

Webquest Worksheet / The student answered all questions correctly
1) The number of outcomes where order or placement matters
3) The number of outcome where order does not matter.
5) The order of the sequence does not matter in a combination
6) 336
7) 220 / 7 points
Student Created Quiz / Student created a line for name and score. (1 point)
Original permutation question (2 Points)
Original combination question (2 Points)
Key words are bold and underlined (1 point) / 6 Points
Student Created Answer Key / Student printed out two copies (1 point)
Student answered each question WITH work (2 points each) / 5 points
Student Pop Quiz / Student answered each question correctly with work (2 points each) / 4 points
Total / 22 points