Dear Breeder Member:

We hereby wish to make known to you the norms of the Argentine Rural Association Embryo Transplant Regulations that currently apply for the correct registration of your Products as belonging to the Polo Argentino Breed.

1) TRANSPLANT CENTERS: You must apply to the Argentine Rural Association for the registration of the laboratory, together with a photocopy of the legal authorization by the Animal Health Service of the National Administration of Livestock Supervision and Trade of the Argentine State Secretariat of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Food (S.E.A.G.P y A.)

- Inform the Argentine Rural Association in writing who the Veterinary Professional who is responsible for and in charge of the tasks to be undertaken.

- Observe the rules and requirements of the Argentine Rural Association E/T Regulations.

- The owner and the intervening veterinary surgeon will be solely responsible for the management and health of the breeders used.

- The Professionals: The veterinary surgeons that intervene in the management of this technique must observe the rules and requisites of the Argentine Rural Association Regulations and comply with the following requirements:

a) Register at the Argentine Rural Association presenting a photocopy of the legal authorization by the Argentine S.E.A.G.P y A. together with a list of the technicians under their exclusive supervision and for whose actions they are held solely responsible.

b) In the forms handed out by the Argentine Rural Association to that effect, certify the correct identification of each animal taking part in the transplant, indicating the required data of the male animal; female donor and the receptor mares.

c) Together with the breeder, they will be held jointly responsible by the Argentine Rural Association for the intervening equines, identified according to section b, as regards having the corresponding blood type identification, and must countersign the respective test applications.

You will be solely responsible for the certification of:

a) The origin of the embryos from one or more donor mares.

b) Embryo freezing.

c) The division of one or more embryos.

d) The implantation of embryos in one or more receptor mares.

e) Embryo transfers whether frozen or not.


- Received by donor mares; they must be registered in the Book of Services provided by the Argentine Rural Association and declared within the established time spans; and all the services realized during the heat period must be reported. The Center will be held responsible for the reporting of services.

- The veterinary surgeon must carry his/her own records, in which the embryo extractions must be entered, indicating the date on which they were obtained, number of embryos and the registration number of the donor mares as well as the data on the sire that gave rise to those embryos and any other remark required by this procedure.

- The transplants of fresh and/or frozen embryos of donor mares to receptor mares will be certified on forms made out with two copies which the Argentine Rural Association will provide to that effect and prior to the time when the receptor mares have fulfilled half the average gestation period for that breed, presenting the Argentine Rural Association with the original, and the copies to be distributed between the breeder and the Center or Organization respectively.


Male Donors:

- Male breeders must be registered with the AACCP and have–PRIOR TO ITS USE–, BLOOD TYPE CERTIFICATION by the immuno-genetic laboratory of this Argentine Rural Association.

- If the sire is serving mares belonging to another owner, a note signed by the owner/s of that stallion must be presented, stating that he/she/they authorize the granting of services to third parties.

Female donors:

- The horse breeder must request its registration with the AACCP as a polo playing pony and have its blood type before its entry into the center.

- Female breeders must fall within the established norms and requirements, particularly those related to blood type specifications PRIOR to being utilized.

- Receptor wombs:

The receptor mare may or may not be of a specific breed, but it must be identified with hot-iron markings, according to the rules applied at each facility, indicating color, age or dentition and any other particular markings which might better help to identify it (breed, cross breed, etc.).


- They must have blood type identification which will prove that they are descended from the parents that were reported.

- The offspring Registration Applications (red and blue cards) must be made out by the breeder, and must include: the Prefix (Assigned by the Argentine Rural Association and requested by the breeder), Name, Date of Birth, R.P, complete Service data, Father and Mother. These cards must be presented at the AACCP within the eight months following its birth.

- The offspring resulting from embryo transplants must have the following acronyms included in brackets on the registration application form:

(E/T) For those resulting from embryos obtained in the country.

(I/E/T) For those resulting from imported embryos.


Transfers must be reported to the Argentine Rural Association, by signing the corresponding form.

NOTE: In order that all the documentation be processed, it must be presented in COMPLETE FORM by breeders and/or centers at the Argentine Association of Polo Pony Breeders, Florida 460 4th floor - C1005AAJ Capital Federal.

Hoping that I have contributed towards the correct registration of your products, I remain,

Yours sincerely,