from Richard Wilson
15 Bracebridge Road
Newton Centre
MA 02459 USA
Tel Office 1 617 495 3387
Home 617 3324823
To:: Barclays Bank
United Kingdom
May 20rd 2014
My account 30949620 sort code: 20-65-18
Firstly I wish to thank you for sending to me the pin as requested. I now can use the debit card successfully – even for a dinner at a local restaurant. The first time in 3 years!
Also I note that you did in fact send $11,000 to my local bank here as requested. It arrived April 16th 2014 Thank you.
I note that the card also worked with PINSENTRY so that I could see what was actually in the account.
I had been mistaken in the amount and now realize that there is nearly 10,500 pounds sterling.
I therefore asked on May 3rd that you send 10,000 pounds sterling to my bank in the USA by the same ‘route” as before. This was sent May 12th but never arrived. I was appalled to learn yesterday that JP Morgan had returned it - although the routing was the same as before! If JP Morgan chartged for the return I hope you will object.
Fortunately it is now possible to send DIRECTLY to Brookline Bank and avoid JP Morgan. Therefore please send 10,000 pounds sterling to Brookline Bank
Bank Name: Brookline Bank
Bank Address : 131 Clarendon Street, Boston, MA 02117
For Beneficiary: Richard Wilson and Andree Wilson
15 Bracebridge Road , Newton Centre, MA USA
Telephone contact 001 617 332 4823
My Reference : from Barclays, Oxford
I tried to arrange this by your online banking but failed. There was a form for international banking but you objected to my entries. Can you inform me how to do so for future use?
Yours sincerely
Richard Wilson