jobactive guidelineAlinta Structural Adjustment Programme Guideline

Alinta Structural Adjustment Programme Guideline

The Alinta Structural Adjustment Programme (ALISAP) assists retrenched workers from Alinta Energypower stations in Port Augusta, South Australia and the Alintaenergy mine site in Leigh Creek, SouthAustralia (and their partners) to find a new job. ALISAPprovides immediate access to Stream B employment services and gives additional Employment Fund credits. These guidelines detail the core elements and requirements for Employment Services Providers (Providers) in managingALISAP eligible job seekers. ALISAPwill close fornew registrations, close of business, 30 June 2017. Existing participants may continue to access Employment Fund credits.

Effective from: 01 July2017version 2.0Page 1 of 6

jobactive guidelineAlinta Structural Adjustment Programme Guideline


Published on:09Jun 2017

Effective from:01July2017

Effective from: 01 July2017version 2.0Page 1 of 6

jobactive guidelineAlinta Structural Adjustment Programme Guideline

Changes from the previous version (Version 1.1)

Policy changes:

Closure of ALISAP to new registrations

Wording changes:

Re-written for new template

A full document history is available at Provider Portal.

Related documents and references

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jobactive guidelineAlinta Structural Adjustment Programme Guideline

Structural Adjustment Programme Guideline

Direct Registration Guideline

Documentary Evidence Guideline

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jobactive guidelineAlinta Structural Adjustment Programme Guideline


1.Registering job seekers in the Alinta Structural Adjustment Programmes

Eligibility must be assessed

Leigh Creek partner support

Information technology requirements

2.Managing structural adjustment credits

3.Duration of programme

4.Further information

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jobactive guidelineAlinta Structural Adjustment Programme Guideline

1.Registering job seekers in the Alinta Structural Adjustment Programmes

Eligibility must be assessed

To be eligible for supportunder ALISAP,a job seekermust:

  • havebeenmaderedundantasa resultoftheclosureof Alinta Energy in Port Augusta or Leigh Creek in South Australia.
  • haveevidenceof redundancyfromAlinta Energy thatspecifiesanexit date.
  • registerwith aProvider nolater thansixmonthsaftertheir redundancyexit date prior to 30 June 2017; and
  • residewithin an Employment Region.

Evidence of redundancy can include a retrenchment letter, certificate of separation or other documentation endorsed by their employer.

Job seekers do not need to have left work before receiving assistance, but they need to have been provided with evidence of redundancy from Alinta Energy that includes their exit date.

Job seekers who access the programme and find but then lose employment can regain access to the programme within six months of their original redundancy fromAlinta Energy.

If there were extenuating circumstances preventing the job seeker from registering within six months, Providers should contact their local Contract Managerto confirm their eligibility.

To be eligible for support under ALISAP, a job seeker must reside within an Employment Region. The workers made redundant from Alinta Energy in Leigh Creek, and their partners (if applicable), must show evidence of having a current residential address in an Employment Region.


  • There are no additional eligible companiesincluded in the ALISAP. A full list of eligible companies can be found on the Provider Portal.
  • In some cases an individual may be eligible even though they were not directly employed by Alinta Energy. For example, a contractor who worked for a labour hire company contracted to Alinta Energy. If a Provider would like an individual’s eligibility assessed, theyshould contact their local Contract Manager or email the Industry Adjustment mailbox () to confirm eligibility.

Leigh Creek partner support

Partners ofALISAPworkers made redundant from Alinta Energy in Leigh Creek may be eligible for support if the following conditions are met:

  • they are currently the partner of a worker who has been made redundant from Alinta Energy in Leigh Creek
  • have been living with their partner who has been made redundant from Alinta Energy in Leigh Creek
  • have been a permanent resident in Leigh Creek at the time of retrenchment; and
  • register with a Provider no earlier than three months before their partner’s redundancy exit date and no later than six months after their partner’s redundancy exit date prior to 30 June 2017.

A partner and worker will be considered to be in a relationship if they are legally married; in a registered relationship (whether of the same sex or a different sex); or in a de facto relationship (whether of the same sex or a different sex). Definitions of partnership status are from the Guide to Social Security Law (Version 1.217—Released 9 November 2015). Any exemptions or disputes will be considered by the Department of Employment with reference to the Social Security Act 1991

Evidence of partnership and/or cohabitation can include at least one of the following:

  • current evidence of living together (example: lease agreements, joint local authority registration under the same address, mortgage documents, council rate notices, utility bills)
  • marriage certificate or evidence that the relationship has been declared to any relevant government bodies (example: Centrelink or the Australian Taxation Office)
  • evidence of joint financial obligations (example: insurance policies, joint bank account statements).

Information technology requirements

System step: The ‘AlintaStructural AssistanceProgramme’Special Placement Indicator in the Special Client Type field that was used to record newjob seeker registrations underALISAP will no longer be active from 30 June 2017.

2.Managing structural adjustment credits

Eligible job seekers have immediate access to Stream B unless an Employment Services Assessment indicates a Stream C level of service.

Under ALISAP,theEmployment Fund will becreditedwith a total of$2000 consisting of:

  • theusual Stream B creditwill bemadetotheGeneral Account upon the Participant’sinitialCommencementin StreamB:$850
  • Additional Structural AdjustmentProgramme(SAP) EmploymentFund credits will also bemadeasaone-off credittotheGeneral Accountintoaseparate SAPfund:$1,150.


  • Additional SAPcreditsareonlypermittedto beusedfor job seekerswhoare identified asbeingeligiblefor additional support under anySAP
  • TheDepartment’sITSystemswill displaythebalanceof theadditionalSAP creditsseparatelyundertheheading,‘SAPBalanceRemaining’forProviders toview. Providersareexpected tomanagetheir SAPbalance
  • If theEmployment ServicesAssessment result indicatesa StreamClevelof servicethen the StreamCcreditof $1,200 will applywith theadditional SAPEmployment Fund credit of$1,150,if not alreadycredited inrespectof thatParticipant.

3.Duration of programme

ALISAP will close to new registrations on 30 June 2017.

4.Further information

Providerswhohaveany questionsaboutthe programshouldcontacttheir localContract Manager or email

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jobactive guidelineAlinta Structural Adjustment Programme Guideline

All capitalised terms in this guideline have the same meaning as in the jobactive Deed 2015–2020 (the Deed).

This Guideline is not a stand-alone document and does not contain the entirety of Employment Services Providers’ obligations. It must be read in conjunction with the Deed and any relevant Guidelines or reference material issued by Department of Employment under or in connection with the Deed.

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