AP European History Short Answer Questions Period 1

Question 1 is based on the map below.

1.  The map above shows the major participants and the major battles of the Thirty Years’ War, 1618-1648. Using the map and your knowledge of European history, answer parts A, B, and C of the question below.

A) Briefly explain ONE way in which the Thirty Years’ War became an international struggle.

B) Use at least ONE historical example to support your explanation.

C) Briefly explain ONE consequence of the Thirty Years’ War.

Key Concept: 1.3.III.C

Thematic Learning Objective: OS-3

Historical Thinking Skill: Historical Causation

Historical Thinking Skill: Appropriate Use of Relevant Historical Evidence

Historical Thinking Skill: Interpretation

Question Type: Short Answer

Stimulus Question: Yes

Points: 3

Question 2 is based on the passage below.

“15. In order to bring peace into the holy Roman Empire of the German Nation between the Roman Imperial Majesty and the Electors, Princes and Estates, let neither his Imperial Majesty nor the Electors, Princes, etc., do any violence or harm to any estate of the empire on the account of the Augsburg Confession, but let them enjoy their religious belief, liturgy and ceremonies as well as their estates and other rights and privileges in peace; and complete religious peace shall be obtained only by Christian means of amity, or under threat of punishment of the imperial ban.

16. Likewise the Estates espousing the Augsburg Confession shall let all the Estates and Princes who cling to the old religion live in absolute peace and in the enjoyment of all their estates, rights and privileges.”

The Peace of Augsburg, 1555

2.  Use the passage above and your knowledge of European history to answer parts A, B, and C.

A) Select ONE of the groups below and briefly explain the significance of the Peace of Augsburg.

·  Lutherans (adherents of the Augsburg Confession)

·  Catholics

·  The Habsburg Emperors

·  German princes

B) Briefly evaluate the extent to which the Peace of Augsburg was a source of continuity for the group you selected in (A) above.

C) Briefly explain why ONE group from that period would have been dissatisfied with the terms of the Peace of Augsburg.

Key Concept: 1.3.II.A

Thematic Learning Objective: SP-3

Thematic Learning Objective: SP-11

Historical Thinking Skill: Historical Causation

Historical Thinking Skill: Patterns of Continuity and Change over Time

Historical Thinking Skill: Interpretation

Question Type: Short Answer

Stimulus Question: Yes

Points: 3

Question 3 is based on the passage below.

“That those of Confession of Augsburg, and particularly the inhabitants of Oppenheim [Lutherans], shall be put in possession again of their Churches, and Ecclesiastical Estates, as they were in the Year 1624, as also that all others of the said Confession of Augsburg, who shall demand it, shall have the free Exercise of their Religion, as well as in publick Churches at the appointed Hours, as in private in their own Houses, or in others chose for this purpose by their Ministers, or by those of their Neighbours, preaching the Word of God.”

Article XXVIII, Treaty of Westphalia

3.  Use the passage above and your knowledge of European history to answer parts A, B, and C.

A) Explain one similarity between the Peace of Augsburg and the Treaty of Westphalia.

B) Explain one difference between the Peace of Augsburg and the Treaty of Westphalia.

C) Briefly explain how the Treaty of Westphalia illustrated a shift in religious policy by political rulers.

Key Concept: 1.2.I.B

Thematic Learning Objective: SP-1

Thematic Learning Objective: SP-2

Thematic Learning Objective: SP-3

Thematic Learning Objective: OS-3

Historical Thinking Skill: Historical Causation

Historical Thinking Skill: Comparison

Historical Thinking Skill: Interpretation

Question Type: Short Answer

Stimulus Question: Yes

Points: 3

Question 4 is based on the passage below.

“Now as to the popes of Rome, who pretend themselves Christ’s vicars, if they would but imitate his exemplary life, in the being employed in an unintermitted course of preaching. In the being attended with poverty, nakedness, hunger, and a contempt of this world; if they did but consider the import of the word pope, which signifies a father; or if they did but practice their surname of most holy, what order or degrees of men would be in a worse condition? . . . Though indeed the church has no enemies more bloody and tyrannical than such impious popes, who give dispensations for the not preaching of Christ; evacuate the main effect and design of our redemption by their pecuniary bribes and sales; adulterate the gospel by their forced interpretations, and undermining traditions; and lastly, by their lusts and wickedness grieve the Holy Spirit, and make their Saviour’s wounds to bleed anew.”

Desiderius Erasmus, The Praise of Folly, 1511

4.  Use the passage above and your knowledge of European history to answer parts A, B, and C.

A) Explain the point of the passage in the context of religious reform.

B) Briefly explain how a supporter of the criticism in the passage could use ONE piece of evidence from the period to support the need for reform.

C) Briefly explain how an opponent of the view expressed in the passage could use ONE piece of evidence from the period to support the need for reform.

Key Concept: 1.3.I.A

Thematic Learning Objective: OS-2

Thematic Learning Objective: OS-11

Historical Thinking Skill: Historical Argumentation

Historical Thinking Skill: Appropriate Use of Relevant Historical Evidence

Question Type: Short Answer

Stimulus Question: Yes

Points: 3

5.  Using your knowledge of European history, answer parts A, B, and C.

A)  Briefly explain ONE feature of Baroque art.

B)  Briefly explain ONE additional feature of Baroque art.

C) Briefly explain how Baroque art reflected religious and political developments in seventeenth-century Europe.

Key Concept: 1.1.III.C

Thematic Learning Objective: OS-5

Thematic Learning Objective: SP-1

Historical Thinking Skill: Contextualization

Historical Thinking Skill: Interpretation

Question Type: Short Answer

Stimulus Question: No

Points: 3

6.  Using your knowledge of European history, answer parts A, B, and C.

A) Briefly explain ONE reason Portugal was successful in establishing a commercial empire in the sixteenth century.

B) Briefly explain ONE reason Spain was successful in establishing a commercial empire in the sixteenth century.

C) Briefly explain ONE similarity in the acquisition of commercial empires by Portugal and Spain.

Key Concept: 1.4.III.A

Thematic Learning Objective: INT-1

Thematic Learning Objective: INT-3

Thematic Learning Objective: INT-6

Thematic Learning Objective: INT-11

Thematic Learning Objective: SP-15

Historical Thinking Skill: Historical Causation

Historical Thinking Skill: Interpretation

Historical Thinking Skill: Comparison

Question Type: Short Answer

Stimulus Question: No

Points: 3

7.  Using your knowledge of European history, answer parts A, B, and C.

A)  Briefly explain the perspective of Anabaptists in terms of the relationship between church and state.

B)  Briefly explain the perspective of Calvinists in terms of the relationship between church and state.

C)  Evaluate the extent to which the views of groups such as the Anabaptists contributed to change in the social perspective in 16th century Europe.

Key Concept: 1.3.II.B

Thematic Learning Objective: SP-2

Thematic Learning Objective: SP-3

Thematic Learning Objective: SP-11

Thematic Learning Objective: IS-10

Historical Thinking Skill: Patterns of Continuity and Change over Time

Historical Thinking Skill: Periodization

Question Type: Short Answer

Stimulus Question: No

Points: 3

8.  Using your knowledge of European history, answer parts A, B, and C.

A)  Briefly explain ONE economic or demographic issue that led to the rise of the African slave trade by the mid seventeenth century.

B)  Briefly explain ONE justification for the African slave trade supported by Europeans at that time.

C)  Evaluate ONE impact that the expansion of slavery had on 17th century European colonial society.

Key Concept: 1.4.IV.C

Thematic Learning Objective: INT-5

Thematic Learning Objective: INT-6

Thematic Learning Objective: INT-7

Thematic Learning Objective: INT-9

Thematic Learning Objective: INT-11

Thematic Learning Objective: PP-1

Thematic Learning Objective: IS-7

Historical Thinking Skill: Contextualization

Historical Thinking Skill: Interpretation

Question Type: Short Answer

Stimulus Question: No

Points: 3