Related Certificate / Android
Course ID / Java Fudamentals for Android Development
Audience / IT Professional
Hours / 12


The course will focus on object-oriented programming and techniques which are mainly used in Android software development kit (SDK). It will provide the basic tools and skills to ensure a smooth start with Android application development. This is a crucial course for any non-Java programmer planning to learn the development of Android applications, though it is not mapped to any exam.

·  The fundamentals of Java Virtual Machine.
·  Writing, compiling, and running basic Java applications.
·  Using the Eclipse integrated development environment (IDE).
·  Java basic syntax and control statements.
·  Java object oriented programming’s basic concepts: classes, interfaces, inheritance, polymorphism… etc.
·  Java collections, file input/output, serialization, try/catch/finally …etc.
·  Installation and setup of Android SDK, plugins and Android emulator.
·  Writing a ‘Hello World’ Android application.


Lesson 1: Java Basics

o  Introduction

o  Java programming language

o  Java Virtual Machine

o  JDK and JRE

o  Setting up your machine for Java programming

o  Hello World in Java

o  Using a text Editor

o  Using an IDE

o  Java Primitive Data Type

o  Naming

o  Arrays

o  Control Flow

o  If/Else and Switch

o  Switch statement

o  While loop

o  For Loop

Lesson 2: Object Oriented Programming

o  Introduction

o  Object Oriented Programming

o  Objects

o  Classes

o  Inheritance

o  Interface

o  Access Modifiers

o  Constructors

o  Method overriding and overloading

o  Polymorphism

Lesson 3: Java Topics

o  Introduction

o  Java Collections

o  Interfaces

o  Implementations

o  Enumerated types

o  Serialization

o  Deserializing


93 Mostafa Al-Nahaas st.,
Nasr City, Cairo, Egypt.

Phone Numbers:
Landline: 002 26709961 - 002 26709916

002 26706671 – 002 26706673

Fax: 002 26709957

General: 002 01064010004 – 002 01288884307
