Project leader: Bro Terence Njinembo Deputy: Sis Remi Aanyantunde

Secretary: Bro Kayode Imole

Members: Bro Akhenemen(D), Bro Gospel(A), Bro Kayode Asoro(Fin),

Sis Evelyn(NL), Sis Peace(D), Sis Blessing(B), Bro Moise(Fr)

Date: 28 April 2013

Table of Contents

1.0 Introduction and Background...... 3

2.0 Belgium...... 5

3.0 The Netherlands...... 7

4.0 Germany...... 10

5.0 Austria...... 11

6.0 Scandinavia...... 12

7.0 France...... 13

8.0 Recommendations...... 14

9.0 Roadmap...... 15

10.0 Conclusions...... 16

1.0 Introduction and Background to the Project

Music is an essential part of Christian Worship and it should receive definite attention from leadership. It is obvious that music needs to evolve as we move from one generation to the other and it should preserve our cardinal truths by being scripture-rich while using contemporary genres and methods to convey them. This project should therefore focus on helping local Churches to visualise what the music ministry should do, where they are on the music landscape and what they ought to do to move from one step to a higher one (e.g. skills to develop, equipment to acquire for each level, the (acoustic) environment necessary, etc).

To achieve the objectives set forth above, the Northern Europe Overseer commissioned a working team with participants from different local churches in different countries. This diversity was intended to ensure a balanced output. The project leader was mandated to:

●  Organise project members and appoint project-relevant roles (e.g. country/location rep, secretary, etc). Define project structure, deliverables, etc. Decide on meeting structure.

●  Investigate the national/local climate to understand the specific context in which the Church operates (culture, trends, practices, etc) with specific emphasis on music.

●  Interview key stakeholders in the DCLM: Pastor, workers, key members, etc).

●  If possible, carefully check the perception of outsiders (other churches and occasional comers) to know their perception of our music.

●  Discuss findings with the project members and consolidate this in a report.

1.1 Aims and Scope of the Report

The goals of this teamwork, as specified in the task schedule are:

1  To take inventory of the music experience and effectiveness in the local Churches within the spectrum of the Northern European Church.

2  To appraise the level of skill of the music ministry in the various Churches in comparison to what is available in other Churches and in the environment.

3  To specify skill gaps to be closed in order to achieve an acceptable level of music experience.

4  To recommend a roadmap that clearly articulates where we are and the various steps to take us to where we ought to be, giving rough timelines.

1.2 Deliverables

●  A clearly written, comprehensive report in which the following elements are captured:

●  Title, aim and background of the project.

●  Activities carried out during the project (including references to interviewed persons and/or organisations).

●  Key findings.

●  Concrete recommendations

●  A high-level presentation capturing the key points. Maximum of 6 slides. Both documents should be available latest by 28 April 2013.

1.3 Glossary

Local music is a genre of music peculiar to an tribe, ethnic group, country, etc. In our context, it refers to African praises (choruses ) with the typical African style of clapping and songs sung in African dialects.

On the other hand, contemporary music is the music of the current times; one that evolves and is enjoyed by youths as well as adults. In our context it is European music - worship songs, praises and hymns with modern genre, beats and a western way of clapping.


An online questionnaire was developed to appraise the level of skill of the music ministry and the opinion of members in the local churches in Belgium. A total of 18 people comprising of 15 members and 3 Pastors were interviewed in these churches and their responses are captured in the following report. The breakdown of the responses by church location is shown below:

Church / Number of respondents
Brussels / 11
Antwerp / 4
Ghent / 2
Turnhout / 0

2.1 Summary of key findings

All respondents interviewed believe that music is extremely important during church services.

2.1.1 Importance of the Choir ministry

The respondents were asked about the importance of certain aspects of the choir ministry.

The responses are summarized below:

Aspect / % Response / Classification
Choir Uniform / 31.25% / Important
Use of Drums and Guitar / 35.29% / Not important
Use of Piano/ Organ / 76.47% / Extremely important
Hymns / 76.47% / Extremely important
Praise Worship / 88.24% / Extremely important
Types of Song ( Local vs Contemporary) / 47.06% / Important

2.1.2 Perceptions about the current state of music in Belgium Churches

On the current state of music in churches in Belgium, the following responses were obtained:

●  Choir dressing requires improvement

●  Only the keyboard is used. Other Instruments should be used.

●  Praise and worship, singing of hymns requires improvement; someone said it is poor.

●  Choir Ministration and song selection needs to be improved.

2.1.3 Suggestions for Improvement

Based on the feedback obtained, 64.7% of respondents said they are satisfied but there is room for improvement while 35.3% are completely dissatisfied. The following suggestions were given by respondents on improving the music ministry in Belgium.

●  The time for praise and worship sessions should be increased.

●  Make songs to be livelier. Currently, songs are “dragged” and that makes it to be boring. Using the keyboard helps. Singing should be done prayerfully and from the heart

●  The choristers should be more willing to sacrifice their time and give themselves to consistent training/practice. Adequate preparation before ministration.

●  Engage aspiring choristers and saved youths.

●  Instrumentalists should be developed. Each chorister should be encouraged to purchase his/her own instrument and use of online aids for practice.

●  Projectors should be purchased and to guide the laity during singing

●  New songs should be introduced, instead of repeating 'old' songs. Songs must be relevant to the message

●  Sponsor youths for training.

●  Pastors need to support and encourage the choirs for personal development

●  Worship leaders must connect with the congregation


3.1 Introduction

This report covers the Deeper Life Bible Church locations in Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Eindhoven and Den Haag.

3.2 Amsterdam Church

The level of music is generally acceptable considering the choir’s knowledge of music. The choir normally sing modern songs but because of the difference in the music skills of the choir members they are not able to get a perfect performance. Some members have a little knowledge of music but others have no knowledge at all. The whole choir started taking music lessons but could not continue because the teacher was too busy and was not paid.

Newcomers who also visit the church are impressed with music in general in the church considering the perception they have of the church. (Sis Tina)

3.2.1 Recommendations

●  Combination of old and new songs. The new ones should be sang in the middle of selected songs; this would sustain the flow of the music. (Sis Christiana)

●  An occasional comer suggested that adding more instruments and drums would make the singing to be livelier.

●  The whole choir should continue music lessons with a professional and that person should be paid by the church. This would greatly improve the choir’s performance. (Sis Tina)

3.3 Rotterdam, Eindhoven and Den Haag

The pastors of the churches (4 pastors) along with other members of the church were asked to provide feedback on their experiences and expectations of the choir ministry. A total of 12 people were interviewed in these churches and their responses are captured in the following report.

All respondents interviewed believe that music is extremely important during church services. This underscores the importance of the music ministry in our respective churches.

3.3.1 Importance of the choir ministry

Secondly, the respondents were asked about the importance of some aspects of the choir ministry, namely the use of choir uniform dress, use of drums/guitar, piano/organ, singing of hymns, praise worship sessions and the types of songs rendered by the choir (local vs. contemporary).

Our findings reveal that an overwhelming majority of respondents see the praise worship session as extremely important. Interestingly, most members view the use of piano/organ and the singing of hymns during services as important as the other. The use of drums/guitar and choir uniform are viewed by many as not important. In respect of the types of songs, there is an almost even split. 33% view the types of songs rendered by the choir (either local or contemporary) as not quite important to them, 25% view the types of songs as important while 25% think it is extremely important.

3.3.2 Assessment of the current state

We asked the Pastors and members of the church if they were satisfied with the current state of the music. Interestingly, none of the respondents are completely satisfied with the current performance of the music ministry. Most respondents (81.8%) said they were satisfied but believe we can improve on our current performance, while the rest (18.2%) are completely dissatisfied with the performance of the music ministry.

When asked to rate their perceptions on some aspects of the music ministry, namely choir dressing, congregational songs, use of other instruments apart from piano, praise worship, choir ministration and song selection, the responses were split.

In respect of choir dressing, the responses were evenly split between excellent (50%) and needs improvement (50%). Most respondents (66%)believe that our congregational songs needs improvement (33%). The use of other instruments was deemed poor by 25% of the respondents while 25% have never seen other instruments used during services. Another 50% said this needs improvement.

83% of the respondents rated the choir ministration as needing improvement while another 75% also suggested that the song selection also needs to be improved upon.

3.3.3 Roadmap to the future and suggestions for improvement

●  Coordination of rehearsals and training courses for choristers

●  Recruitment of saved members to boost the numerical strength of the choir our locations. Encourage the youths to join the choir. Appointment of choir leaders in churches without one to help the choir

●  Work on harmony of voices and instruments

●  Purchase of musical instruments and training of choristers to play them.

●  Clearer lyrics in our singing, more ministration than rendition

●  Lively singing and not sticking to old stereotypes in singing. Introduction of new songs

●  Smart dressing for members of the choir

●  More (frequent) singing time for choristers in programmes to enable them to develop

●  Use of beats during praise worship sessions.


4.1 Dusseldorf and Stuttgart regions

4.1.1 Current Level of music ministry

●  Essen, Krefeld, Ludenscheid, and Wuppertal (Dusseldorf region), Goppingen and Regensburg churches don't have a choir. Stuttgart church has a choir of 3 people.

●  Some members of choir perm and braid their hair.

●  There are praise and worship teams of at least 2 people in most of the churches.

●  The teams only sing songs which are common to them.

●  The elderly ones are not very familiar with Contemporary Christian Music (CCM).

●  Most churches do not have musical instruments apart from keyboard. Goppingen, Essen and Ludenscheid churches do not have a keyboardist.

●  Church members do not know most contemporary songs and even congregational hymns. Sometimes they prefer songs translated from diverse languages into English (what Pastor refers to as “Calabar songs”).

●  In Germany, sometimes the response for German contemporary songs is poor and P&W team gets discouraged from singing such songs.

●  Choristers do not have a good mastery of the songs or they do not grasp the message behind the songs. Sometimes, this is due to lack of enough time to prepare the songs.

●  Stuttgart choir is taking rudiments of music classes. The keyboardist there needs to be groomed.

●  Regensburg church has a guitarist and pianist. Someone was brought to teach others in Krefeld church.

4.1.2 Recommendations

●  Voice training for choir members and rudiments of music for other churches.

●  Should members shoud learn and master the hymns. They should learn contemporary worship songs by Darlene Zschech, Don Meon, Micheal Smith, Oslo gospel choir, Brooklyn tabernacle choir, The Gaithers.

●  Organise special night of worship services, preferably revival services.

●  Members who are born again can be encouraged to start a choir if there is someone who can lead them.

4.2 Hamburg region

4.1.1 Current Level of music ministry

·  There is no choir in any of the churches. No one has had any musical training

·  Multi-language difficulties (English, French and German speakers)

·  There is no musical equipment in any of the churches

·  Members not familiar with contemporary music. singers prefer Nigerian choruses

·  Worship is mostly done on Sunday worship services

·  While some member say the worship session is boring others enjoy it

·  Worship songs are downloaded from the internet and projected while the worship leader directs the worship session

4.1.2 Recommendations

·  New and simple contemporary songs will greatly improve the worship experience

·  African simple songs would also be included in the praises

·  Some worship songs should be selected from the hymn book (Pastor Lambert's recommendation)

·  Ministration songs from the hymn should be sung before the message instead of praises and worship (Lübeck Church)


For this report, choir members, workers in the church, the pastor and also a non-member were interviewed.

5.1 Assessment of the current state