GACAANN Officers Meeting Minutes

MEETING/TEAM TITLE: GACAANN Officers Board Meeting / DATE: January 3, 2013 / START TIME: 1630 / END TIME: 1830
MINUTES PREPARED BY: BSWeaver / NO. OF PAGES: / DATE APPROVED: 2/8/2013 / APPROVED BY: Officers in attendance
ATTACHMENTS (LIST TITLES): December meeting minutes / ATTENDANCE:
Approval of minutes from last meeting, open items, attendance record / Skype meeting called to order at 1630. Attendance verified. Meeting minutes approved from the last meeting-see attachment. Christmas cards mailed out by members in Augusta and Macon to all current NANN members for chapter awareness. Leads Deb Wall from Augusta and BSWeaver from Macon. / Completed GACAANN awareness through Christmas Cards with website link.
Review of duties and by laws
Transfer of funds
Membership data base / By laws reviewed and duties discussed for 2013 calendar year. Need for transfer of funds. BSWeaver to contact Jennifer for transfer. BSWeaver to bring folders and membership data to Tommie at next meeting on Feb 14th. Email to be sent to Darlene to open access to Yahoo membership data base. / BSWeaver to contact Jennifer to coordinate transfer of funds.
Minutes process
Availability / Discussed meeting minutes out to officers within 72 hours of meeting for approval. Minutes once approved sent to Darlene to post for members. Discussed availability to nonmembers-no objections. / Meeting minutes to be made available for approval within 72 hours of meeting.
NANN submission for chapter activity
Email from Jackie Liston Membership Development Coordinator Dec 12th / Discussed email from Jackie Liston which was sent to all officers. Discussed awards submissions, tax deadlines and responsibilities. / Officers to work on submissions for awards, MOD grant 2014 (Tommie and Barbara) and taxes (Jane and Jennifer).
February GACAANN Educational offering and business meeting / Discussed responsibilities for Feb 14th GACAANN meeting. Feb 14th from 1100-1400 Officers to arrive at 10 for in town. Those traveling can arrive closer to 1100. ColiseumMedicalCenterBuilding C first floor Cancer Conference Room. Jackie Heenan RN gave permission with Regina Ernst as liaison for the Chapter. Approval of mailing given. Regina to bring soup, Lisa dessert, BSW Sandwiches, Jane salad, Tommie beverages. CEU’s to be obtained with Jane Russell and Lisa Robinson helping to support at MCCG. Discussed charge of $10 for non-members/non-Coliseum employees. Voted down taking donations for RMH at this meeting.
Discussed agenda and trifold for the rest of the year-approved. Jane and Lisa to work towards support at MCCG. Darlene to assist with SC meeting. Emails and confirmation pending for HoustonMedicalCenter and South GeorgiaMedicalCenter. / Responsibilities reviewed for Feb 14th. Local officers to be at CMC at 1000 am. Traveling officers there by 1100.
Fund raising discussion / Discussed fund raising opportunities for 2013. Discussions felt we need to look at this as members bear the brunt of all activity. Discussed the December meeting being used for fund raisers, support at March of Dimes walks and soliciting members for feedback.
Table skirts and literature / Discussed forms to be used for table skirts, NANN discounts and promotional items. Will use officer closest to conference site. BSW to contact NANN for Feb 14th meeting. / BSW to contact NANN for Feb 14th meeting.
Scheduled meetings for officers / Discussed Skype Officers meetings every month on the first Thursday from 1630-1830 through April and then we will reevaluate. Next meetings to be: Feb 7th, March 7th and April 4th. / Monthly Skype through April and then reevaluate.
Scholarships / Discussed scholarship process and soliciting input from GACAANN members. Discussed opening in April and cut off in May with award being in June.
Membership update and Members notification of dues / Discussed current membership of 23 members and need to notify them of renewal. BSW to put process in newsletter in January and February. / Monthly newsletters approved and submitted to Darlene for web site.
GACAANN current members update / GACAANN 23 members 4 South Carolina and 19 in Georgia
Possible NANN members 237 with SC 99 and GA 161
Discussed sending out trifold once approved to all NANN members / BSW Membership update. Role o switch with transfer of files at next meeting to Tommie.
Member survey / Discussed questions to solicit member’s opinions regarding chapter, recommendations, areas of support needed and suggestions for educational offerings. Discussed survey monkey, face book and yahoo. BSW to submit survey items to officers for approval and get survey out before next meeting. / Survey to be approved by officers and discussed at next Skype.
Chapter Newsletter / Discussed having a monthly Newsletter with input from members and highlights in bi state area. Discussed sharing responsibility and presenting to members at next meeting. Discussed Darlene posting on the web site.
Goals of officers / Discussed communication, networking, education, research, National org awareness, and new members. Discussed asking Darlene to post current members on the website.
Next meeting / Officers February 7th Skype 1630-1830

Council Roster here:

Name / Office
Deborah Wall / RN / Past President
Jane Russell / RN / Treasurer
Lisa Robinson / RN / Secretary
Barbara Smith Weaver / RN / President Elect