KBA Book Response


Answer the assigned questions using SRE. I have given you 4 options to select from. After completing each KBA book, select 1 of the follow SRE and complete it. It should be around 1 page in length. Try to do a different one with each novel.

SRE #1:Complete after finishing the book.

Identify a theme of the novel. Use evidence from the novel to support your answer.

SRE #2: Complete after finishing the book.

Describe a character you liked or disliked in the novel. Use evidence from the novel to support your answer.

SRE #3: Complete after finishing the book.

Explain how the main conflict of the novel is resolved. Use evidence from the novel to support your answer.

SRE #4Complete after finishing the book

Explain how the author develops the main character of the novel. Use evidence from the novel to support your answer.



In the novel (title of novel), (Answer the question by restating it.)__. The reason is because (Give a general reason why you answered the question the way you did—nothing specific from the novel.) One example is______

______(Give specific, detailed evidence from the novel.)______.

Another example is_____(Give specific, detailed evidence from the novel.)______

______. A final example is ______(Give specific, detailed evidence from the novel.)______. (End with a concluding sentence that sums up your answer.)

You can provide quotes in the evidence, but you need to explain them in your own words.

Book Project #1

SRE Rubric

Each answer will be scored separately; however, your overall score will be the average of both scores.

4Statements and Reasons are written in complete sentences and are completely logical and accurate. Evidence is written in complete sentences and provides at least 3 extremely detailed and accurate examples from the book to support the answer.

3Statements and Reasons are written in complete sentences and are logical and accurate. Evidence is written in complete sentences and provides 3 detailed and accurate examples from the book to support the answer.

2Statements and Reasons may or may not be written in complete sentences and are fairly logical and accurate. Evidence may or may not be written in complete sentences but provides 2-3 fairly detailed and accurate examples from the book to support the answer.

1Statements and Reasons are written in incomplete sentences and may or may not be logical and/or accurate. Evidence is written in incomplete sentences and provides 1-2 examples from the book but examples lack detail and may or may not be accurate.

4:50 points (100%)

3:48 points (96%)

2+:44 points (88%)

2:40 points (80%)

2-:36 points (72%)

1+:34 points (68%)

1:30 points (60%)

SRE Score: _____

Final Grade: /50 = ______%