"Spin"refers to the forms of marketing and public relations that use trickery and psychological manipulation. It developed out of military propaganda techniques. It refers to deceptive methods used to create a desired impression upon people; or to create a desired action (or prevent an action) by a person, group of people or the general public. Spin is spun in response to, or in preparation for something.The focus of spin-doctors tends to be on either promoting or covering up the actions of their employers (or doing both of these).

Spin doctors commonly work behind the scenes - coaching politicians, managers of large organizations (including government) and big businesses; and they often deal with the media on their employer's behalf.The spinner's of "spin" usually like to keep out of the limelight in order that their employer will appear to be acting honestly and spontaneously(rather than in a carefully orchestrated fashion).That'sa bit like spiders that tend to stay away from their web while they wait for it to catch a victim.But sometimes spin-doctors do act as the "mouthpiece" for an individual or organization.

The objectives of spin-doctors most often involves promotion. The audience is manipulated to:

·  Buy a product or service, or

·  Vote in a certain way, or

·  Support a policy such as a war, or an economic decision such as a tax measure, or a change in law;or,

·  Not support the competition; or,

·  Not take action that would prevent the spinner having something that he/she wants etc

Spin-doctors are also commonly involved in damage control or coverups.In these cases the purpose of the spin is to reduce the impact of the negative event, deny it or distract the public away from talking about the problem; and consequently reduce the negative consequences.
Spin is not limited to any one political party or type of business. Spin-doctors (and those who need spin) make extensive use of all forms of media. Consequently, we are exposed to "spin" on many matters in the media every day.

SOURCE: (http://www.truthliesdeceptioncoverups.info/2013/05/spotting-spin-some-tricks-of-trade.html)

First, we will watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0dauVT4Ok5c from Thank You for Smoking

Then, you will all become “spin doctors” based on the “fact sheets” provided to your team of experts! Remember, you are working FOR the bad guys spinning the truth. Use every rhetorical skill at your disposal!

Your employers are:

·  McDonald’s

·  Facebook

·  BP Oil

·  Phillip Morris (cigarette maker)

·  Nike

·  Apple

·  Coca Cola

1. You will (in pairs or teams) be provided with a fact sheet to consider in your defense of your employers. Your classmates will also have this fact sheet. Remember, you will defend this employer, this company, until your very last breath by ripping apart the fact sheet until you have successfully brainwashed us!

2. Each team will be asked to respond (in writing and verbally) to the researched fact sheet. The more clever and craft your spin, the better.

3. You will then be given a rating by your peers on response cards: You’re HIRED or You’re FIRED! based on this performance.