Report to Central (LOC) Fund

With generous funding from the Central (LOC) Fund and LOCSU the renowned public affairs consultancy Luther Pendragon have been working with the optical bodies’ joint public affairs team to support LOCs and the professions in the run up to the next Election and beyond. This is a crucial time for sector as the next election will determine who will be in power until at least 2015.

Bespoke resources have been developed for LOCs and members to support them in engaging with local decision and policy makers. LOCs have been encouraged to arrange a practice visit for their local MP and also for parliamentary candidates in their area. Luther Pendragon have provided intelligence on which areas to target and are supporting LOCs in marginal seat areas. An early prototype event successfully took place in Cheadle in April 2009, with local MP Mark Hunter visiting a practice. Representatives from sight loss charities, the PCT and the media also attended. Over 50 visits have been arranged by many LOCs across the country. An eye care resource pack has also been developed for use by the health Overview and Scrutiny Committees of local councils, when scrutinising local eye care services. Working closely with the Centre for Public Scrutiny, the briefing on ten key areas of eye care services is available online. The Centre has also publicised this work through their own networks and channels as well as the specialist press. The Overview and Scrutiny Committees are playing an increasing role in examining the work of PCTs and NHS trusts, and examining how health services interact with social services and holding NHS commissioners to account.

None of this would have been possible without the generous support of Central (LOC) Funding. With that backing Luther Pendragon are also working with the Public Affairs team to strengthen relationships across Parliament to continue to raise the profile of the profession to invest in the future and ensure that whoever is in power is supportive of the eye care sector.