Time / Facilitator / Observer
10.00 – 10.50 / Scott Castle / Gill Bartlett
11.00 – 11.50 / Gill Bartlett / Gill Hughes
13.00 – 13.50 / Gill Hughes / Scott Castle
14.00 – 14.50 / Scott Castle / Gill Hughes
15.00 – 15.50 / Gill Bartlett / Scott Castle

Timings are for guidance only

INTRODUCTION(Start no later than 5 past the hour)

Hi, my name is ………………………., and I’m going to be talking you through this web testing session.

This is……… who will be helping me.

Let me explain why we’ve asked you to come here today. We’re testing parts of our web site so we can see what its like for people who actually use it.

It’s important for you to know that we’re testing the site, not you. That means you can’t do anything wrong.

We want to hear exactly what you think, so as we go along, please try to do all your thinking out loud. We want to know exactly what’s going through your mind so you need to tell us. Please don’t worry about hurting our feelings. We do want to improve the site so we need to know honestly what you think.

With your permission, we’re going to record what you have to say. We are not filming you, but we do have equipment in place which will allow us to record where you are clicking with your mouse, and this will be matched with your taped comments. The tape will only be heard by the people working on this project.

We estimate that the exercise will take between 30 and 40 minutes

The Exercise will consist of:

1. A series of general questions about your experience of the web.

2. A series of scenarios where we will describe a situation and ask you to find some information on the web.

3. An evaluation of 2 specific web pages

Do you have any questions before we begin?

CONTEXTUAL QUESTIONS?(Start no later than 10 past the hour)

1. In general, what do you use the web for?

2. What do you use the University of Sheffield Web Site?

3. Which pages of the University of Sheffield Web Site have you used before?

TASK 1 - SCENARIO1: Examinations(Start no later than 15 past the hour)

Can you imagine that you have exams coming up that involve using a calculator. Find the dates of your exams and information about using calculators in exams.

You have checked the dates and times and realise that you are timetabled to take two exams at the same time. A friend has told you that you can report a clash of exams online. Find the Examination clash form.

Remember to tell us what you are thinking.

TASK 2 – SCENARIO 2:Personal Records(Start no later than 20 past the hour)

You are just about to graduate, move out of your term time accommodation and go on holiday. Your want to make sure that the tickets for your graduation ceremony arrive at your new address. Find a way to change your address online. Remember to vocalise all your thoughts.

Now you have found this page explain the difference between a home and correspondence address.

Now try and find how you can get a document that details all your modules and exam results.

TASK 3 - SCENARIO3:Finance (Start no later than 25 past the hour)

Imagine you are a final year student experiencing severe financial difficulties. A friend tells you that the University can provide additional Financial Support through something called “Access to Learning Funds”. Try and find out whether you would be eligible for this.

You complete the application form and are told that it takes 3 weeks to process. You also find out that your next student loan payment is going to be 3 weeks late because the computer system at your home LEA has crashed. Try to find information about an emergency loan that can help you until your funding comes through.

TASK 4 - SCENARIO 4:Help with Problems (Start no later than 25 to the hour)

Imagine that your course has not turned out to be what you expected. You are not enjoying it and have started to miss lectures and tutorials. You feel that you are performing poorly. You wish you had chosen another course and feel increasingly despondent. You suspect that you will fail your exams and are wondering whether you should withdraw from the course. What should you do? Can you try to find guidance on what you should do from this home page.

TASK5 - HOME PAGE 1(Start no later than 20to the hour)


First, I’d like you to look at this page and tell me what you think it is, what strikes you about it and what you think you’d click on first.

For now don’t actually click on anything. Just tell me what you would click on.

And again, remember to think out load as much as possible so we know what you’re thinking about.

TASK6 - HOME PAGE 2(Start no later than a quarterto the hour)

Select one page for each student from:

First, I’d like you to look at this page and tell me what you think it is, what strikes you about it and what you think you’d click on first.

For now don’t actually click on anything. Just tell me what you would click on.

And again, remember to think out load as much as possible so we know what you’re thinking about.