Guideline for selecting modules


In order to formalize the selection of the 2 modules per partner, partners were invited to fill in the sheet «Final selection of modules». The document has been designed in order to gather results from surveying activity carried out by ACDC (Romania) and FDEP (Switzerland) and be able to analyze them. It also enables to collect partners’ results of internal selection process on what best courses could be offered in their respective country.

WP2 Transculturation leader INFREP processed the data contained in it in order to make a short report document on the Selection of modules achieved by RAISE4e-I partners.

This document will be used as a reference on the process of selection of the 2 modules by each participating country.

NB: Questions of block 1 “I. Surveying activity – results of questionnaires” were addressed to ACDC and FDEP only. ARCI and INFREP jumped to block 2 “II. Partners’ internal selection”.

This part was completed only by ACDC and FDEP.

1) Geography:

2) Work place of questionnaire’s respondents:

3) Main jobs of questionnaire respondents:


Trainer of adults, Pedagogical director of educational center


Manager, librarian, trainer

4) Main public typologies with whom the respondents usually work:

1)Experience of respondents in following an online course or in using Moodle:

2)Preferred courses from the respondents point of view:



3)Interest in e-training:

4) Conditions for taking an online course: where the respondent prefers to take the online course:

5) Employer’s position of the respondents

Is the employer OK for the respondent to take time from working hours to attend the online course?

This part has been completed by all partners: ACDC, ARCI, FDEP and INFREP.

1) Topics of interest

The items proposed here under as “topics of interest” have been chosen amongst the thematic topics covered by the innovative learning online modules developed under VET4e-I project[1].

Based on each partner organization field(s) of interest, the following items have been rated by partners as “Not interesting”, “Interesting” or “Very interesting”, meaning how relevant regarding the main activities of the organization:

2) Target group of partners organization

Partners give information about the target group to whom their respective organization offers services: trainers and education professionals, trainees or both:

3) Final beneficiaries of partners’organizations

Partners give information about the final beneficiaries of the services they offer in their respective organization:

1) Preferred courses

Amongst the courses available from the VET4e-I project, these are the courses that have been rated as “Not useful”, “Useful” or “Very useful”:

2) Sustainability of the courses

The partners indicated what modules amongst the list of available modules which could be used / exploited by their organization after the pilot test:

-Sustainability in the telecentre
-Online procedures
-Facilitating job seeking
-Development of a digital literacy workshop

-Digital photography workshop
-Development of a digital literacy workshop
-Facilitating ICT access to migrants
-Development of a digital literacy workshop

It is worthy to note that FDEP, ARCI and INFREP selected as most relevant the module: Development of a digital literacy workshop.


[1] See the VET4e-I Executive summary of the Multi-Country context analysis and the Learning Programme designs.