GC celebrates its 95th birthday in fitting style

On March 4th, GC has celebrated its 95th birthday with a range of activities in Leuven, GC Europe’s base since 1984. Another milestone in the history of this leading dental company, in the footsteps of what their founders started in 1921 in Japan as a small dental laboratory.During the day, allactivities focused onGC’s past, present and future.

Since the founding fathers of GC started their small business in 1921, the company has come a long way, Only GC Europe, the European headquarters of GC Corporation, the mother company covers 84 countries and 2,1 billion inhabitants; representing 35% of the dental consumables market worldwide.

To celebrate this rich heritage and to prepare for the future, GC’s associates joined the occasion from all over Europe. Highlighting the company’s strong alliance with the KULeuvenuniversity in Leuven, the first part of the event took place in the Promotion Hall of the university. Several reputed speakers from all over the world had their say on dentistry’s major topics. Dr. Florin Cofar from Timisoara, Romenia talked about digital smile design.

Up next was Dr. David Gerdolle from Switzerland, who opened a debate on alternatives to crown restorations in modern dentistry.

Finally, Dr. Laetitia Lavoix introduced G-CEM Linkforce, GC’s new universal adhesive luting cement in very attractive way.

The celebration then continued in the historical town hall of Leuven, where several honorary guests of the day took the time to say a word. Among them were Mr Makoto Nakao, Chairman of GC Corporation and Yoichiro Yamada, Minister of the Japanese embassy in Belgium, highlighting the strong alliance between GC Europe and its mother country. Also present were Paul Lambrechts, co-chairholder of theToshio Nakao chair, a research groupconnecting GC and the KULeuven University and Mr. Louis Tobback, mayor of the city of Leuven.

GC is now on the way to their next major milestone, the 100th anniversary, on the move to a good future, completing the “Century of Health”.

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