Republic of TAJIKISTAN
Ministry of Agriculture
Environmental Assessment and Environmental management Plan Report
Dushanbe, March, 2009
Acronyms 3
Executive Summary 4
I. Country’s background 7
II. Objectives of the EA 9
III. Policy, legal, and administrative framework 10
(a) Tajikistan’s Institutional Capacity for Safeguard Policies 10
(b) World Bank Environmental Policy and Environmental Assessment Requirements 16
IV. Project description 20
V. Baseline Environmental Analysis 21
VI. Potential Environmental Impacts 27
VII. Analysis of project alternatives 28
VIII. Mitigation Measures 29
8.1. Safety measures for treated seed usage and handling 29
8.2. Safety measures for mineral fertilizers usage and handling 31
8.3. Mitigation of potential impact of the pest management 33
8.4. Information dissemination and training activities 34
8.5. Field demonstrational activities 35
IX. Monitoring Plan 36
X. Stakeholders analysis and institutional responsibilities 36
XI. Implementing arrangements 37
XII. Budget 38
XIII. Public Consultation 39
Annexes: 40
Annex 1. Summary of project potential adverse environmental impacts and management matrix
Annex 2 Monitoring Plan Matrix
Annex 3. Agrochemicals permitted on the territory of Tajikistan
Annex 4. Environmental Training For Farmers - Terms Of Reference For A Local Training Company
Annex 5. Field Demonstrations For Farmers - Terms Of Reference For A Local Training Company
Annex 6. Legal framework and main requirements concerning environmental and health
safety of mineral fertilizers usage
Annex 7. List of consulted stakeholders and specialists
Annex 8. Minutes of EMP public consultation
Table 1. Selected environment-related legislation
Table 2 Laws and regulations related to agrochemicals usage in Tajikistan
Table 3. Condition of irrigated land, 2000 (’000 ha)
Table 4 Main Characteristics of Surkhob River Basin in Rasht valley.
Table 5. Typical hazard scenarios and recommended measures
Table 6. Information dissemination and training activities
Table 7. Field demonstrations program
Table 8. Budget estimates
ADB Asian Development Bank
ALM Agency of Land Management, Geodesy and Cartography (mapping)
ATC Agricultural Training Center
CAWMP Community Agriculture and Watershed Management Project
CEP Committee for Environmental Protection under the Government of Tajikistan
CPS Country Partnership Strategy
CSGs Community Seed Groups
DATs Debt Audit Teams
DRMU Debt Resolution Management Unit
EAP Environmental Action Plan
EA Environmental Assessment
EMF Environmental Management Framework
EMP Environmental Management Plan
EIA Environmental Impact Assessment
EMMP Environmental Management and Monitoring Plan
FFS Farmer Field Schools
FIAS Farmer Information Advisory Service
FPSP Farm Privatization Support Project
GBAO Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous oblast
GDP Gross Domestic Product
GOT Government of Tajikistan
ICG International Crisis Group
IPM Integrated Pest Management
JDCs Jamoat Development Committees
LRCSP Land Registration and Cadastre System for Sustainable Agriculture Project
MAC Maximum Allowable Concentrations
MIGA Micro Investment Government Agency
MIWR Ministry of Irrigation and Water Resources
MOA Ministry of Agriculture
MOF Ministry of Finance
MOH Ministry of health
NGO Non-governmental Organization
OP Operational Policy
PAU Poverty Assessment Update
PIU Project Implementation Unit
PMP Pest Management Plan
POP Persistent Organic Pollutants
RIRP Rural Infrastructure Rehabilitation Project
RRS Rayon under Republican Subordination
SEE State Ecological Expertise
SPV Special Payment Vehicle
UNDP United Nations Development Program
WB World Bank
WUA Water User Association
WHO World Health Organization
Executive summary
1. Project objective. The original project development objective of the EFSSIP is to increase domestic food production and reduce the loss of livestock to help at least 28,000 poorest households in a timely manner to reduce the negative impact of high and volatile food prices. More specifically, the project provided agricultural production inputs and critical livestock-related inputs to the poorest farmers and female–headed households, to support their immediate food security as well as to recover their production losses and livelihoods.
The above development objective would be amended to cover additional 55,500 poorest households and include the following objectives: (i) to improve the institutional environment for mitigating future food price shocks for the poorest households through creation of a network of Community Seed Banks, and (ii) to develop private agro-input supply system to enable food supply response and agriculture diversification.
2. Project description. The project will be composed of four components:
Component A: Support for Agricultural Inputs. Additional US $1.8 million financing will be included to finance the costs of imports of high quality corn seeds and fertilizer in time for summer 2009 plantings in the severely food insecure areas identified by WFP Food Security Monitoring System in January 2009. The support would be provided in standard packages composed of high quality seed for winter wheat and fertilizer.
Component C: Project Management (total of US$ 0.565 million). This component will finance incremental staff, consultants, operating costs, some technical assistance and training, M&E activities, special studies and impact assessments, information dissemination and annual audits.
Component D: Community Seed Groups (US$ 2.45 million). Under this component it will be supported institution building of about 65 community seed groups (CSGs) for the benefit of and to be run by the rural poor located in the selected districts, including procurement of: (i) technical services to establish and maintain a seed bank (with a subsequent sustainability of yields and activity); (ii) purchases of quality seeds and fertilizer (with a subsequent increase in yields); and (iii) technical assistance to help CSGs market their surplus seeds (creating additional sources of income) in the selected villages.
Component E: Agro-Input Supply Market Development (US$ 1.35 million). The component will develop a private network of agri-input dealers to supply Tajik farmers with quality inputs and technical knowledge that would increase farm incomes and reverse the low-input, low-output spiral and will finance the following activities: (i) assessment of the needs of farmers and the agri-input demand and supply situation; (ii) identification of potential agri-input dealers and their training; (iii) organization of field demonstrations with improved crop production and agrochemicals usage technologies; (iv) production of technical brochures and conduct of public outreach to increase production and stimulate farmer demand for inputs; (v) help dealers find supplies and credit, expand business, and provide extension services; and (vi) establishment of a democratic and sustainable trade association of input dealers.
Component F – Project Management of the PMU (US$0.4 million). This component will finance coordination of the new activities and the fiduciary functions of the Center for Managing Projects on Cotton Farm Debt Resolution and Sustainable Cotton Sector Development (PMU). The PMU will require some additional staff and equipment and financing of additional operating expenses to carry out these additional activities. The project will finance incremental staff, consultants, operating costs, some technical assistance and training, M&E activities, special studies and impact assessments, information dissemination and annual audits.
3. Project location. The Component A will be implemented in Khatlon oblast (in 19 districts) while component D and E in Rasht Valley (in 7 districts).
4. Project category. In accordance with the Bank’s safeguard policies and procedures, including OP/BP/GP 4.01 Environmental Assessment, the proposed project has been classified as a Category B project for environmental assessment purposes. This requires the preparation of the following: (i) an Environmental Assessment encompassing the entire project scope; (ii) an Environmental Management Plan which would include steps to mitigate any potential impacts identified, together with the respective monitoring plan, budgets, responsibility and schedules of execution.
5. Purpose and Terms of Reference for the Environmental Assessment. The purpose of the environmental assessment (EA) is to identify the significant environmental impacts of the project (both positive and negative) and to specify appropriate preventive actions and mitigation measures (including appropriate monitoring) to prevent, eliminate or minimize any anticipated adverse impacts. An Environmental Assessment (EA) was carried out by an independent local consultant, based on what was prepared a simple Environmental Management Plan (EMP). The EA report was prepared based on the following: (i) analysis of the existing national legal documents, regulations and guidelines; (ii) WB safeguard policies, as well as guiding materials; (iii) exisitng EA for similar projects; and (iii) results of consultations with the representatives from all interested parties and stakeholders.
6. Tajikistan Regulatory framework for EA. During the last decade Tajikistan has developed its own EA rules and procedures, which generally are in line with the WB requirements. The main regulatory act in this area, - the Law on Ecological Expertise clearly stipulates the main responsibilities, as well as requirements for conducting environmental impact assessment and review of activities that might have an impact on the environment. The law introduces the concept of state ecological review (literally, state ecological “expertise” – SEE) which seeks to examine the compliance of proposed activities and projects with the requirements of environmental legislation and standards. The SEE precedes decision-making about activities that may have an adverse impact on the environment. Financing of programs and projects is allowed only after a positive SEE conclusion has been issued. According to the existing national EA legislation, the projects which involves providing agricultural inputs to the farmers doesn’t no require a special review by the SEE should include safety measures to be applied while handling them.
7. Institutional framework and capacities to perform safeguards. The EA institutional capacity of the borrower was assessed during project preparation and concluded that the FAO PIU and the State Committee for Environmental Protection and Forestry have relevant capacities to perform their duties concerning reviewing EA studies and enforcing EMP provisions. The project will support additional information dissemination and training activities to ensure the environmental requirements and EMP provisions will be fully implemented.
8. Potential environmental impacts. Activities under the project are not expected to generate significant and/or irreversible adverse environmental impacts and the project is therefore classified as Environmental Category B. Project components only involve the distribution of seeds and fertilizers and would have both positive and adverse environmental and social impacts. From the assessment, the identified positive impacts of the project include: (a) increased food security and household income for the smallholder farmers, due to higher agricultural productivity; (b) improved nutritional status of the farmers due to increased agricultural production; (c) improved farmer skills from trainings in technologies, seed breeding, fertilizer use and land conservation; (d) improved soil fertility due to fodder crop sowing (enrichment by nitrogen), use of phosphorus-potassium fertilizers; and (e) increased opportunity for engagement in other income generating activities or small scale businesses by smallholder farmers due to increased food security for the households.
A number of potential negative impacts that may result from implementation of the project include the following: (a) increased pollution of ground and surface waters pollution due to soil erosion and use of fertilizers and pesticides; (b) threats to human health and wildlife due to poor handling of treated seeds, fertilizers and pesticides; (c) increased siltation of water bodies due to soil erosion. Most of these potential environmental impacts are minor and could be easily managed during the project implementation by applying a set of avoidance and prevention measures.
9. Environment Management Plan. The Environmental Management Plan, prepared for the First Phase of the project, was reviewed and updated in February-March, 2009. The review provided an update on pest management issues in agriculture production. Based on that review, the EMP contains new provisions on pest management, including guidance on all issues that will be covered in the pest management training sessions and field demonstrations, including good practices in the use of pesticides, integrated pest management, the list of permitted pesticides, and existing pesticide use regulations.
10. Monitoring plan. The EMP includes a Monitoring Plan with measures that will be employed to track the effectiveness of the Mitigation Plan and described the environmental indicators to be monitored, along with the monitoring methods, frequency, costs, as well as the monitoring and reporting procedures, including institutional arrangements for the implementation of this plan. It addresses in particular project need to monitor and mitigate negative impact of increase in the use of agrochemicals.
11. EA report disclosure and consultation. The Ministry of Agriculture has disseminated the draft summary EMP in its institutions and to other relevant ministries for review and comments, also posting (on March 27, 2009) it for wide public on the web-page of the Tajik Branch of the Regional Environmental Centre for Central Asia (website After two weeks time on April 30, 2009, the PIU has conducted a public briefing and consultation meeting on the document. Outside of participants from the interested state institutions in the meeting took part also representatives from environmental and agricultural NGOs, local representatives of the government bodies, such as CEP, MoA, MoH, MIWR, and others. The meeting concluded that the draft EMP document covered practically all potential impacts and possible mitigation measures. The draft EMP was revised after the meeting, taking into account inputs from the consultation. The final version of the EMP was posted on the web sites ( and on May 8, 2009 and provided to the World Bank, and will be used by the government agencies in the project implementation.
I. Country’s background
12. Tajikistan is a small, mountainous, landlocked country with a territory of 143,1 thousand km2. Population of the country, according to the census conducted in 2000, numbers 6 million 127,5 thousand people. Of the total area of 14,3 million hectares (ha) 4,6 million ha is agriculture land. With rural population of 4,6 million, this means a very limited land availability of about 0.16 ha/capita[1] of rural population.
13. The country is considered the poorest of the former Soviet Union countries. In 2003, 64 percent of the population was poor (defined as living on less than USD 2.15 per day at purchasing power parity). Almost three quarters of Tajikistan’s poor people, but only 65 percent of the population, live in two regions, Khatlon and Sugd[2]. However, a poverty rate of 64 percent in 2003 represents a considerable improvement over 2000, when 83 percent of the residents lived below the official poverty line.
14. The country’s economy deeply suffered from both the disintegration of the Former Soviet Union in 1991 and the bitter Civil War that began in 1992. Impoverished by sudden shortages of fuel, income, and food, the population has reverted to subsistence practices, which put an extra burden on the natural resources and the environment of the country.