Syllabus: Math II

NOTE:Tosubmit a signed syllabus, be sure to read all course information on Mrs. Sather's website and provide parent contact information by either turning in a signed copy of the last page of the syllabus or by having a parent/guardian email with the subject line being your name and class period letting me know that they have read the syllabus.


Math II: Grade C or better in Math 8, Teacher Recommendation, and/or District Assessment

Office Hours (Tutoring)

I will be availableafter schoolfrom2:50 – 3:20on Tuesdays and Thursday orby appointment, unless I have to attend a meeting. Please feel free to contact me by emailat or by phone at (951) 677-0568 ext 6376.

Required Text(s)

McDougall Littell: CA Geometryby Larson, Boswell, et al., McDougall Littell, 2007. / Secondary Mathematics Two: An Integrated Approach by Hendrickson, Honey, et al.,Mathematics Vision Project (MVP), 2013.

Course Description

Math II is the second course of a three-year sequence of integrated math courses that incorporate the new state standards and Practice Standards in Mathematics.The purpose of Math II is to develop students’ ability to think mathematically and develop their conceptual understanding of mathematics and procedural fluency in mathematics. Math I will extend the mathematics students learned in earlier grades and begin the development of concepts in Number and Quantity, Algebra, Functions, Modeling, Geometry and Probability-Statistics, as well as Complex Numbers, Conics & Matrices (Pre-Calculus Standards). The critical topics of this course are:

·  Quadratic Functions
·  Trigonometric Functions
·  Similarity
·  Right Triangles & Trigonometry
·  Conics / ·  Complex Numbers & Matrices (Advanced only)
·  Circles & Volume
·  Geometric Properties and Congruence
·  Probability
·  Modeling Data

Extensive use of models (or real-world situations), manipulatives, graphs and diagrams will help students view how mathematics is a set of related topics as opposed to a set of discrete topics. In addition, students will solve problems graphically, numerically, algebraically, and to make verbal connections between these representations. Students routinely use the standards for mathematical practice to make sense of problems, justify solutions and conclusions, model with mathematics, and strategically use technology to analyze and solve real-world problems.

Semester 1 / Semester 2
Module 1: Quadratic Functions
Module 2: Structures of Expressions
Module 3: Quadratic Equations
Module 4: More Functions, More Features
Module 5: Geometric Figures / Module 6: Similarity & Right Triangle Trigonometry
Module 7: Circles from a Geometric Perspective
Module 8: Circles and Other Conics
Module 9: Probability


Studentsearntheir own grades. Each assignment is worth a certain amount of points and given a percentage grade. Periodically, grades will be posted in the classroom by student ID numbers and/or on Aeries (ABI) . The percentage breakdown is as follows:

·  Test: 60%

·  Quizzes: 15%

·  Assignments (Ready,Set, Go!/Tasks/Participation): 25%

Highly Recommended Supplies

Graphing Composition Book, Pencils, Pens, Ruler, Highlighters, Calculators

Citizenship / Citizenship grades will be determined by a student’s contribution in class, with“S” (Satisifactory) and
“E” (Excellent) gradesdenoting positive contributions. Behavior that is detrimental to thelearning
of others and unexcused absences or tardiness will result in “N” (Needs Improvement)or
“U” (Unsatisfactory) grades.
Guidelines / I will adhere toSchool-Wide Rulesand Regulations (seeStudent Handbook), as well as the
following guidelines:
2)Bein class on time.
*Food, drinks (except bottled water), candy, or gum are prohibited in class.
**Cell phones and other electronic devices must be turned off at all times.
& Policies / Please refer to consequence and policy on tardy and electronic devices (seeStudent Handbook).
Major infractions and consistent defiance will resultin loss ofALLclassroom privileges!
Groups or
Study Teams / *Each member of the team or cooperative group is responsible for his/herown behavior.
*Each member of the team must be willing to help any other team memberwho asks for help.
*Ask the teacher for help when all team members have the same question.
*Use a team voice.
Technology / Students will be empowered to continue their study of mathematics becauseof technology
incorporated with the lesson— TI-Graphing Calculator Technology, Online Instruction from
websites such asKhan AcademyorCollegeBoard: SAT Practiceand Power Pointpresentations.
Exposure to such technology enhances their knowledge about career research andpreparation.
Career / Students will be collaborative workers as they take an active role in learning
with a variety of instructional formats, such as small groups, individual exploration,
peer instruction, whole-class discussion, and project work.


Return this completed page only.

First Homework:

It is the student’s first homework assignment to return this signed and completed sheet to the very next class meeting after reading through it with his/her parents.


We have read this syllabus together and agree to the classroom guidelines and policies.


Student's name-- PLEASE PRINT Student's signature Date Period


Parent's/legal guardian’s name-- PLEASE PRINT Parent's signature Date

Contact Information:

Parents’ email address(es):



Cell Phone number Cell Phone number


Work phone number Work Phone number


Home Phone number Home Phone number

Last Year’s Information:

______Fall Grade:_____Spring Grade:______

Name of math class School name Teacher name