Local Access Forum Meeting – Minutes / Date: 04-02-16
  1. Attendees / introductions:
Annie Brown (AB)
Andrew Coleman (AC)
Dave Brookshaw (DB)
Maire McQueeney (MM)
Peter Jarman (PJ)
Corinna Edwards-Colledge (CEC)
Geoff Cook (GC) / Robert Walker (RW)
Chantelle Hoppé (CH)
Will Furze (WF) / Apologies:
John Funnell (JF)
Richard Bradley (RB)
Tim Squire (TS)
Agenda Item / Discussion / Actions / Responsibility / Date by
  1. Minutes of last meeting, matters arising & actions
/ CH Reported that all outstanding actions from last meeting had been completed.
TS still to send monitoring figures for Falmer multi-user path.
MM reported that the letter to the Council, with regards advice on the Ranger service restructure, had been sent. Councillor Gill Mitchell sent a reply within 24 hours.
PJ reported that Friends of HollingburyBurstead Woods had also sent a letter and received replies.
Minutes from the meeting on 26-11-2015 were agreed / Chase TS for monitoring figures / CH / Mar 2016
  1. Membership update
/ MM led the discussion on increasing the membership of the LAF - ideally up to 10 (currently there are 7). Two groups identified as under-represented are disability and equestrian.
GC suggested Sussex Area Ramblers have contacts with the British Horse Society (BHS).
DB suggested contacting Friends of Groups to see if there is anyone interested. CH informed everyone that the database of contacts for Friends Groups is currently being updated
AC suggested contacting some the off road bike groups he is in touch with: Rough Stuff Fellowship and Brighton MTB
We will keep this item on the agenda for future meetings.
Government Guidance:
CH let the group know that Government Regulations on LAFs say that it is acceptable to have up to 2 local authority ‘members’ on a LAF of up to 16 members.
MM suggested that all new members should read the Government Guidance for LAFs to fully understand the commitment and responsibilities. CH agreed that an induction process should be gone through with new members. Existing members may also be interested in the guidance information as it has been updated.

LAF Huddle:
MM suggested that Natural England’s LAF Huddle is an excellent way for the group to share and work on documents. For example, the letter could have been worked on in this way. However, there has been some difficulty in signing up to it.
LAF Webpage:
CH informed the group that the LAF web page on the Council website is very out of date. The page holds information on meetings, minutes etc. It was suggested that dates of the year’s meetings be agreed so they can be posted on the website. Dates agreed:
  • 5th May
  • 8th September
  • 15th December (all at 6pm. Hollingdean Depot)
Annual AGM will be agreed once we know when the Annual Report to Natural England is due
LAF Conference (23rd Feb):
CH led a discussion on attending the conference. There will be presentations from: Defra, the Disabled Ramblers, The British Horse Society & on alternative sources of funding. MM volunteered to attend and report back.
/ Contact Colin Bennet to see if he is interested or knows someone to represent disability interests
Investigate BHS contacts
Send Friends Groups a call out for new LAF members
Make contact with bike groups re LAF membership
Move Corinna over to the ‘Members’ area on the attendance list
Send link
Try to sign up to Huddle and report back at the next meeting
Post dates on website
Find out when the next Annual report is due
Send link to sign up (below)
Register for the event
Organise travel arrangements / MM
CH & MM / Before next meeting
Before next meeting
Before next meeting
Before next meeting
Before next meeting
Before next meeting
Feb 2016
Feb 2016
Feb 2016
  1. Current New and Information Updates
/ Maintenance Report:
WF reported on the rights of way maintenance works completed since the last meeting (13 items)
AB commented on the need for good communication to schools / community groups etc re accessing the farmed landscape that surrounds Brighton & Hove. It is an amazing resource that is often underutilised for fears of health & safety.
DB mentioned the signs on National Park gates, saying that this is farm land, please shut the gate. WF informed the group that these signs have been put on the new open access land at Patcham, but not for Stanmer.
Legal update:
CH informed the group that the application for public footpath status of paths in Hollingbury woods was being processed. It is hoped that these paths will be dedicated by the Council as long as the routes can be agreed and have been in use for 20 years.
Update of the Definitive Map:
This has been stalled due to the amount of work in preparing the Legal Event Order to add 500 paths in one go. CH has now taken on the task of adding in all the relevant location and descriptive information.
Landowner Deposits:
A section 31(6) notice under Highways Act 1980, has been submitted by Kent County Council for Dukes Lane. This is to prevent a rights of way claim over this land, as KCC are giving permissive access only. Notices have been put up and will stay in place for 60 days. The register has been updated (though the format of the register needs changing)
Mapping update:
A meeting date was set up for the Missing Links information to be discussed. Monday 8th Feb at 1pm, Stanmer Park Nursery. MM, DB, PJ and AC expressed an interest to attend.
CH showed the group a map of priority routes the National Park are suggesting. These routes will be prioritised in terms of funding and volunteer hours. SDNPA are consulting on which routes to include. Criteria includes:
-Links from settlements / transport hubs to the South Downs Way
-Links between significant settlements
-Existing promoted routes
-Multi-user routes
-Promoted circular walks
Update on proposed restructure of Ranger Team:
RW informed the group that the proposals have been amended to retain more Rangers and create a Rights of Way Officer post. These proposals will be discussed at the Policy and Resources meeting on 11th Feb. The final decision will be made at the Council budget meeting on 25th Feb. / Look into putting these signs on Stanmer Gates
Set up a meeting with PJ to look at routes
Complete Legal Event Order
Update the format of the Landowner Deposits register for the website
Circulate Minutes from the ML meeting once complete
If members have ideas on routes to send SDNPA in the Brighton & Hove area please forward to CH / WF
Everyone / Before next meeting
Mar 2016
Mar 2016
Feb 2016
Before next meeting
  1. Update on Coastal Path Project
/ GC from the Rambler’s Society updated on the Natural England Coastal Path Project. The initial survey was completed before Christmas (Shoreham to Eastbourne). The draft report has been completed. Natural England (NE)have requested suggestions for alternative routes – this will require going back and checking parts of the route. This should be complete by the end of February. A finalised report will go to NE in March, with an aim for Ramblers and NE to meet in April.
NE’s schedule for completing their works is spring 2017. The deadline for local authorities implementing plans is March 2020.
CH reported that GC had forwarded the contact details of Jenny Bowen (south east Natural England), who is keen to meet up and discuss the project. She will be invited to the next meeting / Invite Jenny Bowen (NE) to present at the next meeting / CH / Feb 2016
  1. AOB
/ DB requested that the group minute their support for the creation of a Rights of Way Officer post within the revised budget proposals. The group have felt the lack of a Rights of Way Officer over recent years and suggest this contributed to the dissolving of the LAF last year.
CEC suggested sending a letter to the Head of Balfour School with regards the gating of access to the green space – a popular walking route (though undesignated). PJ suggested the format of the letter should be one of requesting information on the reasons behind the gating so the LAF could better understand the rational behind it.
CH made some suggestions for presentations at next meetings:
-Park Projects – Stanmer Plans
-Sustainable Transport – new cycle map
These were agreed by the group / Minuted
Draft a letter to the Head of Balfour
Send meeting invitations / CH
CH / Complete
Before next meeting
Before next meeting
  1. Date of next meeting
/ 5th May, 6pm, Hollingbury Depot / Make room arrangements / CH / Apr 2016