Teach your child about Advent


walking together in faith

Notes to parents:

• In this exercise we are asking you to help your child to set up an Advent wreath in your home so that it is ready when Advent starts.

About Advent:

• This year, the Advent season begins on 4 December 2005 and extends to Christmas Eve.

During Advent the whole Church prepares to celebrate the birth of Christ at Christmas.

It is a time to renew our lives, to become more like Jesus.

There are four Sundays in Advent. At Mass on these Sundays a candle on the parish Advent wreath is lit. Traditionally the same practice takes place in Christian homes.

How to make an Advent wreath:

• On a round plate place four candles - three purple and one pink/rose. Place some green foliage around the base of each candle. If you wish, dress it up with some ribbon.

Feel free to adapt the tasks to your unique child and family situation.

‘May the Lord be generous in increasing your love...’ Thess 3:12-4:2


At Advent we prepare for Christmas when we will celebrate the birth of Jesus.

Advent is a special time for growing closer to God, to our families and to our church family.

Advent Wreath (See notes at left)

Set up your Advent wreath together. If you already have a wreath at home you can use that, or make a new one.

As you work, talk about what each of the symbols mean.

Be ready when Advent starts

Well done on making your Advent wreath!

Now place your wreath at your sacred site.

When the Advent season begins (Sunday 4 Dec 2005) you will begin lighting the candles, week by week.

Symbols of the Advent wreath:

• The circle of the wreath reminds us of God’s eternity. God’s love has no beginning or end.

• Green leaves remind us of the new life Jesus brings.

• The four candles symbolize the four weeks of Advent.

• The lighting of the candles reminds us that Jesus is the light of the world; bringing newness and hope to our lives.

• First candle: a sign of hope at the coming of the Messiah.

• Third candle (rose): joy.

• The other two candles can symbolize peace or love.

• Come Christmas Day, light a single white candle.

No. 2 Advent Wreath Set-Up

© The Story Source, 2004.