Media Law, Policy & Regulation

Dr. Paul Torre Tuesdays & Thursdays, 11am-12:15pm, Lawson 131 Spring ‘13

Office Hours (in Comm 2219) à Tuesdays 1-5pm, Thursdays 1-3pm, Or by Appointment.

Email contact: TA: Maria Bai, email contact:

Course Description and Goals

In this course we will explore the ways that our various media are structured and regulated. In studying media law, policy and regulation we will describe and analyze the “players” and evaluate the “stakes” in many areas of media conflict. Law itself, in both theory and practice, is a balancing act between often-divergent interests, between rights and harms, in the service of an equitable and just society.

In addition to examining Media Law Topics such as the 1st Amendment, Libel, the FCC, Copyright & Piracy, Media Ownership Rules, the Internet, Invasion of Privacy, and Sex & Violence, this course will:

·  Increase your understanding of the Legal, Political, and Economic conflicts in our society, and how these specifically affect our media system and media regulatory system.

·  Explore how you can move beyond the “noise” of media controversies, to get at the Facts and Impacts of Media Law, Policy, and Regulation.

·  Explore how you can come to Legal and Ethical conclusions in light of your own position as a Citizen, as a Consumer, and as a Media Professional/Practitioner.

Catalog Description: 308-3 Media, Law, Policy and Regulation. Explores the regulation of media industries, including how legal, political, cultural and economic conflicts affect media policy. Covers the 1st Amendment, libel, the FCC, intellectual property, invasion of privacy, regulation of advertising, and sex and violence in the media. Includes law and policy for global and emerging media. Prerequisite: C or better in RT 200.

Course Requirements and Assignments

In the classroom, our work will consist of lectures, media clips, and participatory class discussions. Outside of the classroom, you will be responsible to prepare for each class session by completing your readings and assignments. Your grade for the course will depend upon your performance on each of the following:

Two Midterm Exams & the Final Exam (100 pts per) / 300 pts.
Quizzes / 50 pts.
Class Attendance/Participation / 50 pts.
Total for Class / 400 pts.

Grading Scale: A à 360-400 pts, B à 320-359, C à 280-319, D à 240-279, F à 239 and below