Weston Preparatory Academy

No Excuses cultivates a learning community focused on high achievement!

"Before we even attempt to teach children we want them to know each of them is unique and very special. We want them to like themselves, to want to achieve and care about themselves."
- Marva Collins -

Staff Notes

Week of May 10– 14, 2010

Character Counts all classes will focus on REVIEWING ALL SIX TRAITS

Assembly May 27, 2010 – Presenting Groups A3, B3, C3

Ø  Monday, May 10, 2010

Ø  LESSON PLANS ARE DUE TO MRS.WEBSTER BY 8:00 a.m. Please include activities that address:

§  Differentiated Instruction – please collect evidence to discuss in next weeks staff meeting

§  Unit plan development for interdisciplinary study to promote a deeper understanding of student learning

§  Assessments

§  Activities to promote student engagement

§  Writing Activities

-  Staff absence

§  H. Webster

-  9:00- 2:00p 9th Grade Field Trip to Detroit Zoo

-  9:00a – Presentation for 4th/5th graders on Bullying in MPR

-  10:00 -12:00p – Crystal Webb to meet with Dorothy Lindsey

§  PST/Data Dig

-  2:00p MEAP Victory Celebration K – 8

§  MEAP Wiz’s Day & PJ Day

·  1:00 – 3:00p MPR viewing of “The Wiz”

-  3:30p – 4:30

§  K – 12 Staff Meeting ( Ms. Wey”s room)

§  SIP Team Meeting to follow afterwards (4:00p- 4:30p)

Ø  Tuesday, May 11, 2010

-  2:00p MEAP Victory Celebration K – 8

§  Crazy Hair Day/ Free Dress

·  Fashion Show in MPR

-  2:30p - Weston Wildcat Recruitment Team site visits

§  Brewer, Pizzini, Allen, Jones, Kitchen (Wear Weston Gear)

-  3:30 – 4:30pm

§  After school tutoring

§  (3:30 – 5:30p) Everyday Living with Character After school

Ø  Wednesday, May 12, 2010

-  Staff absence

§  8:00 – 12:30p - P. Samsel; E.Starks; M. Mourkwick; J. Tate (PD)

-  8:00a – 11:00p - IEP Meetings

§  Webster’s Office

-  2:00p MEAP Victory Celebration K- 8

§  Weston Wear Day

·  2:00p Ice cream social

-  2:30p - Weston Wildcat Recruitment Team site visits

§  Brewer, Pizzini, Allen, Jones, Kitchen (Wear Weston Gear)

-  3:30 – 4:30pm After school tutoring

-  (3:30 – 5:30p) Everyday Living with Character After school program

Thursday, May 13, 2010 – Weston Open House Day!

-  8:00a – 11:00p - IEP Meetings

§  Webster’s Office

-  3:30 – 4:30pm After school tutoring

-  (3:30 – 5:30p) Everyday Living with Character After school program

4:00 – 6:00p – Open House Activities

§  All staff is encouraged to attend and participate ; please ensure your class rooms are clean, organized and welcoming to our potential new families and students

Ø  Whew!!!! Friday, May, 14, 2010 – TGIF

-  Staff Absence

§  S. Kitchen

The weekend is here again!

Upcoming Dates

Ø  Week of May 17, 2010 – Terra Nova Test (K – 2) & PST for grades 2 – 10 begins

Ø  May 18, 2010 - 10: 50 – 11: 10 Special Program for K – 3 during lunch period

§  Tammy Tomato & Carney Corn will visit and discuss healthy eating

Ø  May 20, 2010 - Quiz Bowl Rematch (TBD)

Ø  May 26 , 2010 – 3rd Parent University (Revised date)

Ø  May 21, 2010 – Senior Dinner @ Hard Rock Café in downtown Detroit

Ø  May 24 – 26, 2010 – Senior final exams & senior walk out

Ø  May 27, 2010 – Character Counts Assembly & Athletic Banquet @ 6:00p

o  Character Counts Assembly for month of May(see amended schedule below)

Ø  May 28, 2010 – Teacher In-service

Ø  May 29, 2010 – Senior Prom 7:00-9:30p aboard the Detroit Princess

Friendly reminders:

-  Please replenish the paper in the copy machine after each use; this will help keep the machine from getting jammed and needing service. IF YOU JAM THE MACHINE PLEASE LET LINDA KNOW IMMEDIATELY.

-  Elementary/High School Staff log onto the Performance Series site to review the performance levels of your students. The results of the PST are useful tool for planning purposeful instruction for your students and individualizing instruction.

-  Check your mailboxes at least twice each day.

-  Close all windows upon exiting the building each night.

Have a progressive and successful week!

Weston is COMMITTED to Building A Winning Team!

CHARACTER COUNTS at Weston Academy

Teachers for the month of Maythe entire Weston school community will teach the character traits of DECISION MAKING & TRUSTWORITHNESS. Please see the schedule below. The school wide assembly is schedule for Friday, May30, 2010. Please know that part of the school wide celebration is scheduled each month to reinforce the character trait(s) of the month. In addition, students and staff will be recognized for consistently demonstrating the highlighted character trait.

Staff and Student Pairing for Third Trimester

**Please note the highlighted groups have new grade level partners**

Group Letter / Elementary/Middle School / High School
A1 / Kindergarten - Samsel / Ninth – Ferrari
B1 / First – Mozurkewich / Ninth – Ballard
C1 / Second – Starks / Ninth - Taran
A2 / Third – Tate / Tenth - Young
B2 / Fourth - Pizzini / Tenth - Ciampa
C2 / Fifth – Shefman / Eleventh - Gall
A3 / Sixth – Copeland / Eleventh – Allan
B3 / Seventh – Adams / Twelfth - Pouncy
C3 / Eighth - Cabble / Twelfth - Wey

The school wide assembly is scheduled for Friday, May 27, 2010 during first hour (8:10am – 9:22am). The presenting groups are

A3 (Presenting Group), A1, A2, report to MPR by 8:10am- 8:30

B3 (Presenting Group), B1, B2, report to MPR by 8:35am -8:55am

C3 (Presenting Group), C1, C2, report to MPR by 9:00am-9:22am

Group A Group B Group C

Kind./9th (1) 1st/9th (1) 2nd/9th (1)

3rd/10th (2) 4th/10th (2) 5th/11th (2)

6th/11th (3) 7th/12th (3) 8th/12th (3)

***Please note 12th grade students will not be present***

The three highlighted groups are responsible for creating a 10 -15 minute presentation to celebrate the character trait to their respective group cluster during 1st period.

Assembly Dates

Date of Assembly / Character Trait / Group Presenting
September 30 / Responsibility / Administrative Team
October 29 / Trustworthiness / A1, B1, C1
November 24 / Citizenship / A2, B2, C2
December 16 / Caring / A3, B3, C3,
January 29 / Fairness / A1, B1, C1
February 26 / Respect / A2, B2, C2
March 26 (HS/MS) / Citizenship/Respect / A3, B3, C3
April 30 / Decision Making/Trustworthiness / A1, B1, C1
May 27 / Review all Traits / A3, B3, C3 (REVISED)

Only the designated teams will present. Presentations can include but are not limited to the following:

·  Skits (student generated)

·  Poems (based upon trait)

·  Music (rap or dance)

·  Stories

·  Partner Reads (older with younger)

·  Puppet show

·  Essay reading (highlighting character trait)

Presentations can include whole group participation or select students. During the assembly awards or certificates of recognition will be distributed to students and staff who have demonstrated respective character trait. (Teachers, please have student’s awards ready at the time of their presentation).

If you have questions please see your grade level Academic Advisors, Robert Allen or Stephanie Kitchen, or administrative curriculum team, Holly Webster and Shirley Brewer.

Weston is COMMITTED to Building A Winning Team!