1. Emmanuel Chukwudi Eze, African Philosophy, An Anthology Blackwell Publishers Ltd. 1998.
  1. George G. M. James, Stolen Legacy, The African Islamic Mission Publications, 1988.
  1. Chukwunyere Kamalu, Foundations of African Thought, Karnaki House, 1990.
  1. Obanga, Theophile, Ancient Egypt and Black Africa, karnak House, 1992.
  1. Tsenaay Serequeber ban, African Philosophy: The Essential Readings, 1st Edition. Paragon.
  1. Sodipo and Hallen, Knowledge, Belief and Witchcraft. StanfordUniversity Press. 1986.
  1. Dismas Masolo, African Philosophy in Search of Identity.
  1. Sertima, Ivan V., They Came Before Columbus. New York: Random House, 1976.
  1. Makinde, M. Akin, African Philosophy Culture and Traditional Medicine. Athens, Ohio: OhioUniversity Centre for International Studies, 1988.
  1. C. A. Drop, The African Origin of Civilization: Myth or Reality. New York, Hill, 1974.
  1. Kwame, Gyekye, An Essay On African Philosophical Thought.
  1. Richard Wright, African Philosophy: An Introduction, 3rd Edition, University of Toledo, 1984.
  1. John Hospers, An Introduction to Philosophical Analysis, 3rd Edition, Routledge London, (1990).
  1. Mbiti, John S., African Religions and Philosophy. Garden City, New York, Doubleday, 1970.
  1. Kwasi Wivedu, Cultural Universals and Particulars, Bloomington, Indiana University Press, 1996.
  1. Julius K. Nyerere, Man and Development, OxfordUniversity Press, 1974.
  1. William Edgett Smith, Nyerere of Tanzania, London Victor Gallenez ltd, 1973.
  1. Julius K. Nyerere, Freedom and Unity. OxfordUniversity Press, 1967.
  1. Segien Gbadgesin, African Philosophy, Traditional Yoruba Philosophy, and Contemporary African Realities. New York: Peter Long Publishers, 1991.
  1. E. Bolaji Idowu, Olodumare, God in Yoruba Belief. New York: Frederick A. Proeger Publishers, 1965.



  1. Martin Bernal, Black Athena. Vol. 1, The Fabrication of Ancient Greece. RutgersUniversityPress, Great Britain, 1987.
  1. Guttorn Floistad (ed.), Contemporary Philosophy vs. African Philosophy, The aHague, 1987.
  1. Leonard Harris (ed.), Philosophy Born of Struggle,Dubugue, La., 1983.
  1. Gideon Cyrus M. Mutiso and B. W. Rohio, Readings in African Political Thought. London, 1975.
  1. Coetzee and Roux, The African Philosophy Reder, Routledge, London and New York.
  1. J. B. Danquah, The Akan Doctrine of God, Lutterworth Press, London, 1944.

27. Garvey: Amy Jacques – With Preface by Toney Martin: The Philosophy and Opinions Of

Marcus Garvey,Dover,MA, 1986.

28. Edited, Fred Lee Hord (Mzee Lasana Okpara) and Jonathan Scott Lee: I am because, We Are.

Readingsin Black Philosophy, M.A, 1995.

29. Martin: Barnal, Black Athena, The Afrociatic Roots Of Classical Civilization: USA, 1987.

30. David : Berton M, The History Of Mathematics, An Introduction; The University of New

Hampshire. 1997.

31. Edited by Burton Sankeralli, with an Introduction by Rev. Dr. George Mulrain; At the Cross

Roads, African Caribbean Religions and Christianity, T.T 1995.

32. Njoku: Francis, Essays in African Philosophy Thought and Theology, Owerri Nigeria, 2000.

33. Bennett: Louise, Anancy And Miss Lou, Sangsatar, Jamaica, 2000.

34. Paget: Henry, Caliban’s Reason: Introducing Afro –Caribbean Philosophy: New York, 2000.


PM/knc*January 2005

Course Outline, Essay Tutorial Questions, and Reading Lists for PH26B (Introduction to African Philosophy II) - Lecturer, Mr. Paschal Mmere

Semester II : 2004-2005 Academic Year. Department of Language, Linguistics & Philosophy - FACULTY OF HUMANITIES & EDUCATION